Fermilab Today Monday, May 19, 2008
Furlough Information

New furlough information, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the furlough Web pages daily.

Layoff Information

The latest layoff Q&A has been updated with detailed information on layoff procedures. Visit the layoff Web site for more information.


Monday, May 19
11 a.m.
Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - One West
Speaker: M. Grazzini, INFN, Firenze
Title: Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders: Selected Results
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: G. Sciolla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: DM-TPC: A Novel Approach to Directional Dark Matter Detection
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: MTest Beam Content; CALICE

Tuesday, May 20
11 a.m.
Research Techniques Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: B. McMorran, University of Arizona
Title: Matter Wave Interferometry with Poorly Collimated Beams
3:30 p.m.
4 pm
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speakers: V. Kamerdzhiev, R. Thurman-Keup, M. Wendt, Fermilab
Title: Impressions from the Beam Instrumentation Workshop (BIW08)

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherMostly Cloudy

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, May 19
- French Quarter gumbo
- French dip w/horseradish cream sauce
- Smart cuisine: Santa Fe pork stew
- Smart cuisine: Honey mustard chicken
- Spicy hot Greek wrap
- Assorted pizza slices
- Sweet n' sour chicken w/egg roll

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, May 21
- Cabbage & bacon calzone
- Caesar salad
- Espresso mousse

Thursday, May 22

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Women and minorities
invited to meet with APS

At the invitation of Fermilab Director Pier Oddone, members of the American Physical Society will arrive at Fermilab Tuesday to listen to what those at the laboratory think about the employment climate for women and minorities.

APS representatives will meet with groups of senior scientists, engineers, computer professionals, postdocs, graduate students and Fermilab management.

Fermilab would like to see a wide variety and large number of participants in the APS meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, said Dianne Engram, of Workforce Development’s Equal Opportunity and Counseling division.

APS conducts such on site interviews at the request of university physics departments and laboratories. The APS shares its findings with the managers of these institutions, who use them to make improvements, if needed.

Before coming to Fermilab, APS conducted a survey of Fermilab workers, but the laboratory has not seen those survey results yet.

Fermilab’s involvement in the process began in February 2007 when an in-house committee on recruitment and retention for scientific staff suggested an APS visit. The committee wanted to get the opinions of those working at the laboratory on what they liked and what needed improvement.

Previous employee climate studies had focused on permanent, full-time employees. This study will take into account opinions from full- and part-time employees as well as graduate students and postdocs about the employment climate for women and minorities.

APS has held similar site visits and surveys at other national laboratories and at university physics departments. To learn more about the visits see the APS Web site.

Employees, students and postdocs may sign up to attend more than a dozen discussion meetings. Employees also may sign up to meet individually with the site team. View the meeting schedule here.

Space is limited, to facilitate discussion. Meeting slots will be filled in the order requests are received. To register, contact Dianne Engram at engram@fnal.gov with your name, position and which meeting you want to attend.

-- Tona Kunz

Readers Write

Editor's Note: Many Chinese scientists work on experiments at Fermilab, and the laboratory has a history of strong relationships with institutions in China. In these difficult days, our hearts go out to our colleagues and their families both in China and working abroad. We received the following letters from people working here at Fermilab. Also provided are a sampling of organizations accepting donations to help with relief efforts. See Associated Press photos and details of the earthquake's aftermath here.

Click image for larger view

Dear Fermilab Today Readers,

On May 12, a tragic 7.9-magnitude earthquake hit western China, followed on May 16 by a 5.5-magnitude aftershock. Tens of thousands of people were buried under the rubbles. The death toll already exceeds 20,000. Many more are estimated to be dead - between 50,000 and 100,000. Cities were completely destroyed.

I come from the eastern part of China. My hometown felt the quake, but it was not destroyed. Still, seeing the photos that showed corpses of hundreds of high school students from a single school made my heart and the heart of fellow Chinese students bleed.

I am a graduate student from Stony Brook University in New York who has been working on DZero for several years. Other Chinese students also work at DZero, CDF or MINOS.

I and some other Chinese students are making donations. However, during this extremely difficult time for Chinese people, more help is needed. Some of our American friends back in school asked how they could help and donate. We thought our colleagues at Fermilab might also want to help out. As little as a $5 donation can buy a blanket that will help a homeless person fight off a cold night.

Thanks a lot for your kind help.

Jun Guo

Dear Fermilab Today Readers:

The Chinese Association here at Fermilab asks its colleagues to offer support to the Sichuan earthquake victims in China. The need is great.

  • 80 percent of the buildings were toppled in one county.
  • Thousands of people were buried in the rubble of collapsed buildings.
  • The Chinese government estimates 4.9 million houses were destroyed.
  • More than 60,000 people are missing or out of reach.

We need your help! Please donate whatever you can afford.

Meiqin Xiao


These not-for-profit organizations accept donations and provide help to the earthquake victims in China. Some organizations match donations and offer tax-deductable receipts.

American Red Cross

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Canadian Red Cross

Mercy Corps

In the News

CERN demos giant 3D digital camera

From ZDNet, May 15, 2008

At the JavaOne conference in San Francisco, Derek Mathieson, project leader for the world's largest particle physics laboratory, CERN, shows off the Atlas detector, a six story high, 100-megapixel camera with 100 million data channels. Mathieson explains how the detector uses open-source Java applications to collect data and how grid computing allows the data to be processed.

(The nearly seven-minute video about Atlas is preceded by a short commercial.)

Read more

In the News

Biking to work nothing new at Fermi

From Daily Herald, May 16, 2008

Today is National Bike to Work Day. Every day is bike to work day for somebody at Fermilab.

About 125 workers have a bike commuter club going. They keep track of their rides and mileage on a Web site started in 2004 "just to see who else was riding every day," said 34-year-old Jamieson Olsen of Batavia.

Some ride every day. Some ride only a few times a year.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week


An example of unsafe housekeeping.

Fermilab’s senior safety officers can easily point to a common denominator in the most common recurring workplace inspection issues: poor housekeeping.

The orderly management of operations, tools, equipment and supplies is an important part of getting work done properly and safely.

Poor housekeeping accounts for a host of injuries from minor bumps to explosions. These problems easily can arise when workers focus closely on completion of a task while navigating limited or difficult-to-access storage space.

Poor housekeeping can result in slips, trips or falls caused by materials left on walking and working surfaces. “Struck by” and “struck against” injuries may occur when objects fall or protrude into occupied spaces. Fire protection also may suffer when combustible materials accumulate or exits become blocked with clutter.

A habit of poor housekeeping can foster worker tolerance for unsafe conditions, which can lead to more injuries as other serious hazards become taken for granted.

To stop poor housekeeping, recognize that housekeeping requires continual maintenance. You can accomplish this by integrating housekeeping into work processes.

The following tips will help you implement a successful program.

  • Include housekeeping expectations in worker performance goals.
  • Create a plan for handling materials from entry to exit.
  • Make clear how day-to-day cleanup will be handled.
  • Regularly remove wastes and unused materials.
  • Check to see if work processes can be adapted safely for tight spaces or those spaces worked around.

Make someone responsible for checking on the status of housekeeping every day.

Safety Tip of the Week Archive


Register to meet with APS on site
Fermilab has invited American Physical Society members to visit the laboratory May 20-21 to assess the work climate for women and minorities. Employees, students and postdocs may sign up to attend more than a dozen discussion meetings. They also may sign up to meet individually with the site team. View the meeting schedule here, under "What's New." Space is limited to facilitate discussion. Meeting slots will be filled in the order requests are received. The APS Team wishes to keep the focus group meetings to 20 people. To register, contact Dianne Engram at engram@fnal.gov with your name, position and which meeting you want to attend.

Users' meeting June 4-5
Fermilab will host the annual Users' meeting on Wednesday, June 4, and Thursday, June 5. For more information or to register, visit the Users' Meeting Web site.

Project X workshop June 5-6
Following the Users' Meeting June 5, Fermilab and the UEC will hold the third Workshop on Physics with a high-intensity proton source. The workshop begins with a town meeting in One West on the evening of Thursday, June 5, and continues the next day. A preliminary program and registration are here.

New Perspectives Conference June 3
The 2008 Annual New Perspectives Conference will take place on June 3 in conjunction with the Users' Meeting. The one-day conference offers talks given by and geared towards undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral physicists. The conference includes a poster session. Applications for the poster session still are being accepted. Please click here for more information.

Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA) retirement plan changes
The Summary Plan Description for the FRA Retirement Plan has been updated to reflect a major change to the plan: A terminated participant is not subject to the age and service requirement in order to be eligible for a cash withdrawal. You may elect a cash distribution from TIAA and CREF Retirement Annuities. Withdrawals from the TIAA Traditional Retirement Annuity accumulations are only possible using a Transfer Payout Annuity (TPA). If the accumulation is less than $10,000, it would be provided in one lump sum.The Summary Plan Description for the Retirement Plan is posted on the Benefits Web site for your review.

Martial Arts Class begins today
Kyuki-Do, a Korean martial art similar to Taekwondo, teaches the following: self confidence, balance, power and grace. Classes are held for six weeks on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 - 6 p.m. at the Recreation Facility in the Village. The class costs $45 per session. You must have a Recreation Facility membership and register through the Recreation Office.

New computer programming course
"Function Objects: Using Generalized Functions in Modern C++," the final course in the current series of "Selected Topics in Computer Programming," will take place Thursday, May 22. Aimed at programmers with C++ experience, it will deal in depth with generalized callable entities in modern C++ programs. Attendees will learn techniques of currying and other forms of parameter binding, and will be prepared for related new techniques that will become available in the next C++ standard. Participants of the free course will receive TRAIN credit. Register here.

Women can provide feedback on work environment May 28
Calling all female staff, users and student and senior scientists. Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim would like to hear about your work environment at Fermilab. Please join her for a lunchtime meeting from noon-1 p.m. on May 28. The meetings will take place in the small dining room in the southwest corner of the atrium in Wilson Hall. Please bring your lunch. To arrange a private meeting with Young-Kee Kim, please contact Marilyn Smith via e-mail.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.