Fermilab Today Monday, May 5, 2008
Furlough Information

New furlough information, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the furlough Web pages daily.

Layoff Information

The latest layoff Q&A has been updated with detailed information on layoff procedures. Visit the layoff Web site for more information.


Monday, May 5
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: D. Paneque, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Title: The GLAST Satellite and Its Impact on the Understanding of High-Energy Phenomena in the Universe
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topics: Recent Antiproton Source Operations; Big Things Happening in MTest; CMS Installation and Commissioning

Tuesday, May 6
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speakers: M. Syphers, Fermilab and J. Conrad, Columbia University
Title: Tevatron Fixed Target Redux and the NuSOnG Proposal

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.



Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, May 5
- Spicy beef & rice soup
- Steak tacos
- Stuffed pepper Mexican style
- Pot roast Mexican style
- Mexican torta
- Assorted pizza slices
- Chicken tostadas

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, May 7
- Crepes w/Black Forest ham & Gruyere
- Greek salad
- Cold lemon soufflé

Thursday, May 8
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Fermilab welcomes CALICE
to Test Beam facility

Members of the CALICE collaboration and Fermilab scientists take a break from installing the experiment in the Meson Test Beam Facility at Fermilab.

One of Fermilab's most distinct buildings now has a new resident. Last month, members of the CALICE collaboration moved their calorimeters into the newly renovated Meson Test Beam Facility. They will test the calorimeters with low- and high-energy particle beams during the next two years.

"Fermilab is very pleased to host the collaboration," said Fermilab physicist Marcel Demarteau. "We redesigned our beamline at the test beam facility to satisfy the CALICE collaboration's needs."

The international Calorimeter for the Linear Collider Experiment collaboration previously tested their hadron and electromagnetic calorimeters at DESY and CERN. By testing at Fermilab, the 200-member collaboration will have access to beams at low energies and closer proximity to U.S. institutions that produce technologies for CALICE. There are eight U.S. institutions involved, including the University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory and Northern Illinois University in Illinois.

Calorimeters are detector systems that measure the energy of particles. CALICE's fine-grain hadron and electomagentic calorimeters are designed to detect the energy of each particle passing through the detector.

Tests of the CALICE calorimeters will most directly impact decisions on which technologies are best for an electron-positron linear collider, such as the proposed ILC. But CALICE project head Felix Sefkow said that the results will have broader uses.

"The results will have an impact on understanding calorimetry already in existence and under construction, such as experiments at the Tevatron or at the LHC," Sefkow said.

CALICE will receive beam during three, three-week periods each year. Between beam-delivery periods, CALICE collaboration members will swap out technologies to see which elements work best.

The CALICE experiment currently includes an electromagnetic calorimeter containing a mostly European-made electromagnetic calorimeter with silicon sensors. Scientists will swap this out for a Japanese-made scintillator-based model this fall. In 2009, scientists will swap the current scintillator-based hadron calorimeter for a gaseous-based model built in the U.S. The tests will help to decide which technologies a future collider experiment should use.

"CALICE cross cuts the ILC efforts in calorimetry. No detector design effort proceeds without this test beam step," said Erik Ramberg, head of the Meson Test Beam facility.

-- Rhianna Wisniewski


Photo of the Day

Giving back to Mother Earth

Rich Kujath, a senior groundskeeper with Roads and Grounds, and Marilyn Dixon, Directorate, roll a tree into an already-dug hole. The tree planting was part of Fermilab's celebration of Earth and Arbor days. About 50 people attended the event and planted 65 trees.

In the News

Of budgets and black holes

From The Economist, May 1, 2008

From outside, the huge silver doughnut looks like a flight of vain architectural fancy, or perhaps a racetrack for very superior greyhounds. Racetrack turns out to be nearer the truth-but it is electrons, not animals, that are doing laps. Energised by huge magnets, they accelerate to close to the speed of light, before a final series of wiggles persuades them to emit beams of tightly focused, fiercely energetic X-rays. These are then used by researchers to probe the fundamental structure of anything from Dead Sea scrolls too fragile to open, to samples of avian-flu virus, aircraft wings or ancient bones.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week

Yard work

Illinois landscaping practices in the late 1800s.

There's nothing like a weekend filled with gardening and landscaping activities. But this type of work has plenty of hazards. In a 10-year study of groundskeeper injuries, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 55 percent of injuries resulted in sprains, strains, bruises, contusions, soreness or pain. The back was the most commonly injured body part followed by fingers, knees and eyes.

Many landscaping injuries result in severe injuries. When Fermilab Site Occupational Medical Director Dr. Brian Svazas worked in an emergency room, he saw a lot of weed whacker foot injuries as well as chain saw injuries to legs and shoulders. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of fatalities among professional groundskeepers and gardeners increased between 1992 and 2002.

To prevent injuries, Roads & Grounds Department Manager Mike Becker recommends adhering to landscape industry guidelines, whether at work or at home.

  • Plan your activities. Do you have all the necessary parts and proper tools to do the job correctly, safely and in an environmental sound manner? Will you need the help of others to get the job done right?
  • Read and follow the directions for the equipment you will use. Check that all safety components are in place and function correctly.
  • Wear appropriate protective equipment. Eye protection, abrasion-resistant gloves, sturdy shoes and long pants are a minimum. Specific locations or tasks may call for additional types of personal protective equipment.
  • Warm up your muscles with stretching exercises. Perform stretches slowly and gently on the muscle groups that you will use in the work. Use your legs when lifting.

Safety Tip of the Week Archive

Accelerator Update

April 30 - May 2
- Two stores provided 14 hours and 39 minutes of luminosity
- April 30 Accelerator accesses for maintenance
- TeV antiproton kicker power supply trip
- 50E10 of Recycler stash lost
- Potential store lost

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Additional layoff information online
The layoff Q&A has been updated with information on layoff procedures. Visit the layoff Web site for more information.

2008 CTEQ-MCnet School
The application deadline for the 2008 CTEQ-MCnet Summer School on QCD Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Event Generators is May 14, 2008. The school, co-sponsored by Fermilab, will be held in Debrecen, Hungary from August 8-16. The program includes lectures on QCD theory, phenomenology and analysis as well as hands-on sessions on event generator physics and techniques. Enrollment is limited to 80 participants. Applications from postdocs are particularly encouraged. More information

Interaction Management course
Through practice and feedback for supervisors and managers, this course will teach the essential skills and discussion guidelines necessary for effective coaching. Learn more and enroll

Introduction to LabVIEW
Learn how to build and custom test, measurement and control applications from scratch, using intuitive, measurement-specific graphical programming. Learn more and enroll

HEP job opening available
The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics (HEP), seeks to fill a position with a physicist who will assist the associate director for high-energy physics in the planning, coordination, implementation and evaluation of national and international research programs in this field. For more information about this position and the instructions on how to apply, please visit the Web site. To be considered for this position, you must apply online before July 23.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.