Fermilab Today Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, Feb. 4
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: A. Dall'Aglio, Potsdam
Title: Quasars Ionizing Their Surroundings - A New Cosmological Tool
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: COUPP Status in the MINOS Hall

Tuesday, Feb. 5
2 p.m.
Special Accelerator Seminar - Curia II
Speakers: I. Sugai and Y. Irie, KEK
Titles: New High Durability Carbon Stripping Foil; Status of J-PARC
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: R. Fliller, Fermilab
Title: Advanced Accelerator R&D at the A0 Photoinjector

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a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


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Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Monday, Feb. 4
- Minestroni
- Parmesan quesadilla
- Baked chicken enchiladas
- Pot roast
- Upscale Bologna sandwich
- Assorted slice pizza
- Szechwan green bean w/chicken

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Feb. 6
- Northern Italian lasagna
- Caesar salad
- Cassata

Thursday, Feb. 7
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Straight talk on unemployment compensation

An interview with Chief Financial Officer Cindy Conger

Cindy Conger

Fermilab Today: Some employees have expressed frustration at the level of information Fermilab has provided about unemployment compensation. Is the laboratory trying to make it difficult for employees to collect unemployment insurance?

Cindy Conger: No. We are frustrated too at the difficulty in getting definitive answers from the Illinois Department of Employment Security. Determination of a person's entitlement to unemployment payments is solely the decision of the IDES. The laboratory will not contest any unemployment claim filed due to the furlough.

FT: What has Fermilab learned about unemployment compensation? Where can employees find this information?

CC: The IDES has an extensive Web site where you can file a claim online and find information on claim certification, benefit amounts, partial benefits and other relevant topics.

FT: There seems to be a lot of specific information you don't have. Why not?

CC: Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to get answers on our specific situation from IDES representatives. We HAVE learned that IDES cannot provide specifics until a claim has been filed, and that each claim is evaluated individually. (See this message from IDES supervisor Kitty Johnson) If you do file a claim and are willing to share your experience, please contact Heather Sidman in WDRS.

FT: If employees collect unemployment insurance, how does that affect Fermilab?

CC: The laboratory is self-insured for unemployment costs. The state bills Fermilab for each unemployment claim paid.

FT: Does that mean employees should not attempt to collect unemployment insurance?

CC: Absolutely not. It is your right under the law to collect all unemployment benefits to which you are entitled. As I said earlier, the laboratory will not contest any claim for unemployment that is granted by IDES due to the furlough.

FT: When employees file for unemployment compensation, should they list Fermilab or FRA as their employer?

CC: They should list FRA, our legal employer.

FT: Will Fermilab keep trying to get more information? How can employees find it?

CC: We have gotten an indication that an IDES representative may be willing to visit the Laboratory to answer employees' questions. We are pursuing that option, and if we succeed there will be information in Fermilab Today and on the Furlough web site.

FT: It appears that rolling furloughs may make it hard for some employees to get unemployment compensation. Did this motivate the decision to impose rolling furloughs rather than to shut down for a month?

CC: No. It was an operational decision. As Pier said in the All-Hands meeting, we believe the rolling furlough will allow us to deliver on the existing program to the maximum extent possible.

FT: Will the laboratory give furloughed employees Low Earning Reports?

CC: The Laboratory will provide a Low Earnings Report to employees earning less than $369 in a work week due to furlough. In order to request the report, bring your pay stub to the Payroll Department (WH-4E). Please do not request a Low Earnings Report unless you intend to file a claim for unemployment benefits. In other cases the laboratory will provide a Low Earnings Report upon request of the Illinois Department of Employment Security after the employee has filed a claim.

Budget News Update

Biggert urges President to restore science funding

From Illinois 13th District Congresswoman Judy Biggert,
Feb. 1, 2008

U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) sent a letter to the President urging him to include $300 million for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science in his upcoming fiscal year 2008 (FY08) emergency supplemental appropriations request. Cosigned by five Members of Congress, including several senior members of the House Science and Technology Committee, the letter calls for the reversal of drastic cuts made by Congress to High Energy Physics and other scientific programs in the recent FY08 omnibus spending package.

"These cuts have disrupted critical research being conducted at places like Fermi and Argonne National Laboratories, and they threaten America's technological edge," said Biggert, Co-Chair of the House Research and Development Caucus. "Closing key facilities and dismissing hundreds of the nation's top researchers is not the way to keep America competitive in the global market. The President reiterated his support for the sciences in his State of the Union address, so let's start by getting funding for our premier laboratories back on track."

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week

2008 ES&H plans

Divisions and sections focus on protecting the environment as a high-priority ES&H action for their 2008 plans.

Each year, as a way to strengthen their ES&H programs, all divisions and sections develop plans for the coming year that focus on their ES&H actions. Their plans incorporate input from employees and supervisors and division and section managers. The laboratory director evaluates both the planned actions and the subsequent results. ES&H posts the plans on the ES&H Section's Web site. Click here to see descriptions of ES&H action plans for 2005-2008.

Successful and planned actions
Last year's action plan resulted in 23 highly successful actions. They include soliciting safety suggestions from employees and management walkthrough inspections, that encourage one-on-one interaction between managers and employees.

There are 76 total actions planned for 2008, including the 23 highly successful actions carried over from 2007. Nearly a quarter of those involve environmental protection. Many actions focus on recycling materials or collecting information to track potential environmental releases. Other significant actions include establishing electronic folders to simplify access to ES&H information, using periodic meetings and reports to enhance ES&H communication, and preparing procedures to better assure safety completion of assigned tasks.

How you can help
Please take a look at the actions planned by your division or section. Do you have a key role? What can you do to help out? You also may want to look at the actions planned by other organizations. Check to see if that organization has proposed measures that apply to your situation? Check to see if long-range suggestions can become part of your division or section's 2009 plan.

Safety Tip of the Week Archive

Special Announcement

Budget request broadcast today in One West

At 12:15 p.m. (CST) today Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman will host a press briefing to present President Bush's FY09 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Energy. If a satellite connection is available, the briefing will be projected in One West. Otherwise, a phone connection will be available in One West.

Accelerator Update
Jan. 30-Feb. 1
- Two stores provided 44 hours 51 minutes of luminosity
- MI successfully replaces bad quadrupole magnet (Q631)
- Cause of LRF3 trips found
- January second best month for luminosity with a total of 164.9 inverse picobarns

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Register for S/CI training
Technical personnel and managers can sign up for suspect/counterfeit items identification training, scheduled to take place Feb. 11-14 at Fermilab. This training is required for construction supervisors and task managers. Three courses are offered: course 1, "Suspect/Counterfeit Items Identification", a 2-hour hands-on experience; and course 2, "Suspect/Counterfeit Items DOE Program", a 1.5-hour overview of DOE's S/CI program; and course 3 "Suspect/Counterfeit Items Train the Trainer", a 3-hour Q&A session intended for Fermilab individuals with responsibility to provide S/CI training for personnel within their division or section. Courses must be taken in order. Register at the ES&H Web site or contact Joel Kofron, x8444

Financial counseling available
Need financial advice? For financial counseling or advice, employees can call on the resources of the Employee Assistance Program. Call the EAP 24/7 at 1-800-843-1327, and tell them you're from Fermilab. Or get directly in touch with employee assistance counselor Brian Malinowski at 1-847-625-3532 or bmalinowski@vmceap.com. Access furlough information here.

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional: Advanced - Feb. 28, 2008
Learn to convert technical documents to PDF files, enhance and control PDF content accessibility, customize PDF documents for interactive use only and prepare PDFs for commercial printing. Learn more and enroll

Intermediate Word course Feb. 21
Learn how to create customized lists, tables, charts, graphics and personalized Word 2003 efficiency tools at an Intermediate Word 2003 course on Feb. 21. Learn more and enroll

Scottish country dance Tuesday
Scottish country dancing will meet Tuesday, Feb. 29, at Kuhn Barn. Instruction begins at 7:30 p.m., and newcomers always are welcome. Most dances are fully taught and walked through, and you do not need to come with a partner. Call (630) 840-8194 or (630) 584-0825 or e-mail for more information.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.