Measurements and Calibrations

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Nuclear Power Industry
NEI/NIST Measurement Assurance Program


In 1987 the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI, originally the Atomic Industrial Forum) established a Measurement Assurance Program at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) to provide sponsoring nuclear utilities, commercial suppliers of radioactive sources, and service laboratories independent verifications, traceable to NIST, of their capability to make accurate measurements of radioactivity, as described in NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15.


The program includes:
  • Distribution of radioactivity standards (or a high and low activity pair of sources where indicated) for quantification, to sponsoring participating companies approximately six times per year.
  • Analysis and interpretation of the sponsors quantification of the distributed radioactivity standards to identify any discrepancies in the measurements.
  • Calibration services including:
    • Calibration or verification of activity for single radionuclides in solution in the microcurie range.
    • Verification of mixed gamma-ray standards as solutions and point sources.
    • Referee measurements of split standard samples between participating suppliers and utilities.
    • Calibration of submitted single radionuclide samples in the nanocurie range by NaI(TI) spectrometry or liquid-scintillation counting.
    • Calibration of submitted special form samples.
  • Assistance to sponsoring participants in eliminating difficulties and correcting errors in their measurement techniques.
  • NIST traceability certificates provided without charge to sponsoring utilities and commercial suppliers.


A sample of some of the sources distributed:

Radionuclide Media Activity Level

3H plus 131I liquid 37 kBq and 7400 kBq, respectively

51Cr, 54Mn, 60Co,
106Ru, plus 141Ce
on glass
fiber filter
37 kBq total

55Fe plus 63Ni liquid 7 kBq and 370 Bq, respectively

59Fe, 65Zn, 134Cs,
plus 141Ce
liquid 50,000 gamma/s for 59Fe,
5,000 gamma/s all others

85Kr, 127Xe, plus 133Xe gas in double
stopcock sphere
5 MBq, 60 kBq and 120 kBq, respectively

239Pu, 241Pu, plus 241Am air particulate
5,000 Bq to 10,000 Bq 241Pu and
500 Bq to 1000 Bq 239Pu and 241Am

This program has made it possible for NIST to develop new calibrations for radionuclides and geometries, previously unavailable, in order to satisfy participants needs. New calibrations include 141Ce and 144Ce; new geometries include air particulate filters, gas and soil marinelli beakers.

Steering Committee
A Steering Committee with a representative from each sponsoring utility, service laboratory, and commercial supplier reviews the program at least annually and determines the programs technical content. The Steering Committee is headed by a chairman chosen from one of the participating companies.

Sponsoring Fee
The current sponsoring fee is $9,950 per year. The fee is determined each year by the Steering Committee and is expected to decrease with increasing membership.

Technical Program Information
For additional information on the technical program, please call Daniel B. Golas, the program's Project Manager, or Ofelia Palabrica, the program's Research Associate, at NIST (301) 975-5540/5255.

To Become a Sponsor
For information on becoming a sponsor of the NEI/NIST Nuclear Measurement Assurance Program, please call Felix M. Killar, Jr. of NEI at (202) 739-8126.
Current Sponsors
Amersham Corporation
Analytics, Inc.
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Battelle Pacific NW Laboratories
Commonwealth Edison Company
Houston Lighting & Power Company
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (Taiwan)
Isotope Products Laboratory
  New York Power Authority
North American Scientific, Inc.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pennsylvania Power & Light Company
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
The Source, Inc.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Yankee Atomic Electric Company

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Online: March 1996   -   Last update: April 2001