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The Department of Defense has developed a comprehensive plan that provides military families with the tools and information needed to make informed choices regarding the appropriate educational setting for each child. Through the publications, resources and websites listed here, parents can access information necessary to compare options, make sound education decisions, and become involved and informed advocated of quality education.


DoD Report on Assistance to Local Educational Agencies for Defense Dependants Education - March 2008
Identifies the Department of Defense (DoD or Department) installations that have gained or are expected to gain military students from 2004 through 2011 as a result of BRAC, rebasing, force restructuring, or change in the number of military housing units.

2008 Operation Purple Teen Leadership Camp
This 10-day high adventure camp in the mountains of eastern North Carolina will give teens the tools needed to develop self confidence and the opportunity to test their strengths and abilities. Teens will return home with the skills and desire to impact their communities in a positive way. 

Sesame Street Talk, Listen, Connect
These bilingual kits will help military families and their young children cope with feelings, challenges, and concerns experienced during various phases of deployment: pre-deployment, deployment and homecoming.

Special Gift of SAT Software for Military Students!
Thanks to the generous donation by a group of professional football players, military families can obtain an SAT or ACT test prep software program worth $199.


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