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Organizational and Expertise Directory (Spring 2008)  

Office of Safety Research and Development (R&D)

Fax: 202-493-3170 (HRDS-01)
Fax: 202–493–3170 (HRDS-02, HRDS-06, HRDS-07)
Fax: 202-493-3417 (HRDS-04, HRDS-05)

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Office of Safety R&D
Technical Direction
Roadside Team
Roadway Team
Safety Management Team
Human Centered Systems Team


Office of Safety R&D, HRDS-01

Michael Trentacoste
HRDS-01, Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advocacy for a nationally coordinated Safety R&D Program
  • Development of FHWA Safety R&D Program
  • Advanced research program leadership

Major Projects

  • SHRP 2 Safety coordination
  • FHWA Safety Research and Technology (R&T) Roadmap development
  • RD&T Leadership Council efforts to improve Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC)
  • Facilitation of Safety R&D product and service deployments
  • Advanced research planning and implementation process

Backup Person
Ray Krammes

Liz Simpson
HRDS-01, Administrative Assistant (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support

Major Projects

  • Office management
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Technical Direction, HRDS-02

Ray Krammes
Technical Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Safety R&D Program coordination
  • Direction and delivery of FHWA Safety R&D Program
  • Technical oversight and guidance

Major Projects

  • National Highway R&T Partnership Initiative-Safety
  • SafetyAnalyst project
  • Highway Safety Manual

Backup Person
Michael Trentacoste

Lincoln Cobb
Technology Facilitator

Primary Responsibilities

  • Technology transfer and marketing safety products
  • Customer feedback

Major Projects

  • Technology facilitation strategy development
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Safety R&D Web site

Backup Person
Ray Krammes

Diana Martin
Program Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • Procurement planning and management
  • Accounting and budget planning, development, and monitoring

Major Projects

  • Tracking office expenditures
  • Accountable property inventories
  • Information technology equipment and office/lab space needs assessment

Ray Krammes

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Advanced Research Team, HRDS-03

Kunik Lee
Chief Safety Scientist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Develop innovative change for an integrated approach to improving highway safety
  • Conduct research into vehicle compatibility with other vehicles, roadside hardware, and other road features
  • Exploratory Advanced Research initiatives

Major Projects

  • Develop program options for vehicle compatibility with roadside hardware
  • Promote further development and application of the Digital Highway Measurement (DHM) System

Backup Person
Ray Krammes

Electronic Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advanced research
  • Sensors
  • Electromagnetics
  • Simulation

Major Projects

  • DHM System
  • Software testing
  • Pattern recognition algorithms development

Backup Person
Kunik Lee

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Roadside Team, HRDS-04

Ken Opiela
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Roadside Team management
  • Management of George Washington University's National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) agreement
  • Monitor changing roadside safety trends and contributing factors
  • Develop and execute roadside safety R&D plan and disseminate results
  • Coordinate crash analysis efforts with partner agencies
  • Manage roadside outreach efforts

Major Projects

  • Develop and maintain finite element (FE) models of vehicles and roadside elements for crash simulation
  • Support efforts related to updating national crashworthiness standards
  • Evaluation of roadside hardware effectiveness
  • Analysis and design of physical infrastructure protection
  • Analysis of vehicle rollover crashes and mitigation options

Backup Person
Martin Hargrave

Martin Hargrave
Research Mechanical Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Manage the Federal Outdoor Impact Laboratory (FOIL)
  • Advance the use of dynamic FEA software to design crashworthy roadside safety structures and predict vehicle crash outcomes
  • Coordinate use of FEA by Centers for Excellence
  • Promote application of new materials (i.e., high performance composites) for roadside safety devices

Major Projects

  • Develop software to determine FEA material model coefficients from test data
  • Composite material guardrail system development
  • Analyze options for lower cost placement of underground utilities adjacent to highways

Backup Person
Ken Opiela

Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Vehicle and hardware modeling
  • Roadside safety

Major Projects

  • Optimization and Inverse roadside safety analysis
  • Simulation modeling research and development
  • Rollover causation and reduction

Backup person
Ken Opiela

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Roadway Team, HRDS-05

Carl Andersen
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Roadway Team Leader
  • Arens Photometric and Visibility Laboratory
  • Roadway visibility research

Major Projects

  • Night visibility enhancement
  • Roadway visibility modeling
  • Traffic signal light improvement
  • Visibility and lighting research

Backup Person
Joe Bared

Clayton Chen
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Geometric design and safety
  • Safety analysis tools

Major Projects

  • Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM)

Backup Person
Joe Bared
Carl Andersen

Joe Bared
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Intersection safety and operations
  • Safety and geometric design

Major Projects

  • Implementation of surrogate safety assessment methods in traffic simulation models
  • Safety and operational evaluation of alternative intersection and interchange designs

Backup Person
Wei Zhang

Wei Zhang
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Traffic engineering and safety
  • Software development oversight

Major Projects

  • Intersection research program
  • Work zone safety

Backup Person
Joe Bared

Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Visibility
  • Traffic engineering and human factors

Major Projects

  • Pavement marking retroreflectivity research
  • Speed management research
  • Traffic control devices research

Backup Person
Carl Andersen

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Safety Management Team, HRDS-06

Carol H. Tan
Team Leader

Primary Responsibilities

  • Highway safety analysis
  • Highway safety data
  • GIS safety applications
  • Safety management systems

Major Projects

  • Activities involving Highway Safety Information System (HSIS)
  • Development of the Minimum Inventory of Roadway Elements
  • Motorcycle Crash Causation Study
  • Wildlife-Vehicles Collision Reduction Safety

Backup Person
Roya Amjadi

Roya Amjadi
Transportation Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Traffic Engineering and Safety
  • Highway safety analysis

Major Projects

  • Safety Analyst development support
  • Low-cost Safety Improvement Evaluation Pooled-Fund Study

Backup Person
Carol H. Tan

Heather Valadez
Mathematical Statiscian

Primary Responsibilities

  • Highway safety analysis
  • Safety management
  • Geographical information systems (GIS) safety applications

Major Projects

  • Countermeasure evaluation
  • Safety Edge Evaluation Pooled-Fund Study

Backup Person
Carol H. Tan

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Human Centered Systems Team, HRDS-07

Thomas M. Granda
Team Leader, Engineering Research Psychologist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Human Centered Systems (HCS) program
  • HCS technical support management

Major Projects

  • HCS safety research program
  • HCS operations research program
  • Transportation Management Center Pooled-Fund Study

Backup Person
Amanda Emo

Ann Do
Highway Research Engineer

Primary Responsibilities

  • Pedestrian and bicycle safety
  • Geometric design and safety

Major Projects

  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research Program

Backup Person
Thomas M. Granda

Amanda Emo
Engineering Research Psychologist

Primary Responsibilities

  • HCS safety research (pedestrian and bicycle safety, speed management)
  • Older driver research

Major Projects

  • Speed management research
  • Pedestrian and bicycle safety research

Backup Persons
Thomas M. Granda

Paul Tremont
Engineering Research Psychologist

Primary Responsibilities

  • HCS Laboratory Manager
  • Safety and operations research
  • Highway driving simulator

Major Projects

  • Visibility studies
  • Traffic Control Devices Pooled Fund Study

Backup Person
Thomas M. Granda 

Engineering Research Psychologist

Primary Responsibilities

  • HCS safety research
  • Intelligent highway countermeasures
  • Safety R&D task order contract

Major Projects

  • Human factors research on novel intersection designs
  • Accessibility issues at intersections
  • Cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems

Backup Person
Thomas M. Granda

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FHWA Organizational Chart

RD&T Organizational Chart

Office of the Associate Administrator

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management

Office of Resource Management

Office of Operations R&D

Office of Safety R&D

Office of Infrastructure R&D


Map and Directions

Shuttle Schedule

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