Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual




Effective Date:  9/22/06

Series:    Real Property

Part 425:  Space Management

Chapter 1:  Policy and Procedures


Originating Office:  Office of Acquisition and Property Management


425 DM 1


1.1     Purpose.  This chapter provides program policy and procedures for the Department of the Interior (DOI) space management program.  It covers Interior-owned and leased space. 


1.2     Policy.  It is the policy of the Department to manage its space assets and costs in a portfolio approach that effectively supports improved delivery of services to the public, preservation and protection of assets, utilization of equitable space standards, and promotes consolidation, collocation, and efficiency, where feasible.


1.3     Goals.  It is the goal of the Department to fulfill mission needs and requirements while ensuring economical assignment and utilization of space.  To achieve this goal, the goals in the Asset Management Plan (AMP) are linked to the Department’s Strategic Plan.  These include:


          A.      Supporting bureau missions and strategic goals;


          B.      Using public and commercial benchmarks and best practices;


          C.      Employing life-cycle cost-benefit analysis;


          D.      Promoting full and appropriate utilization;


          E.      Disposing of unneeded assets;


          F.      Providing appropriate levels of investment;


          G.      Accurately inventorying and describing all assets;


          H.      Employing balanced performance measures;


          I.       Advancing customer satisfaction; and


          J.       Providing safe, secure, and healthy workplaces.


1.4     Scope. 


          A.      This policy applies to all bureaus and offices in the Department.  It covers Interior owned and leased space including, and is not limited to, office and warehouse space.  It applies to all DOI occupied, utilized or controlled space including space acquired through purchase, lease, construction, GSA-assigned space in Federally owned or leased buildings, donations, exchanges, excess, agreements, and transfers.


          B.      This policy does not apply to unimproved land.


1.5     Authorities.  The authorities governing the Department’s space management program include:


          A.      Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Public Law No. 107-71, as amended


          B.      Code of Federal Regulations, 41 CFR 101-17 through 20 and 41 CFR 102


          C.      Executive Orders:


                   (1)     Executive Order 12072 - Federal Space Management (Central Business Area);


                   (2)     Executive Order 12902 - Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities;


                   (3)     Executive Order 13006 - Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in our Nation’s Central Cities;


                   (4)     Executive Order 13101 - Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling and Federal Acquisition; and


                   (5)     Executive Order 13327 - Federal Real Property Asset Management.


          D.      OMB Circular A-11, Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates


1.6     Definitions.  A glossary of terms for the space management program is contained in Appendix A.


1.7     Responsibilities.


          A.      Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget through the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Business Management and Wildland Fire is responsible for oversight, reporting, issuing direction, and establishing management improvements for space management.


          B.      Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM) is responsible for coordinating policy development, disseminating information, and monitoring to ensure consistency with mission requirements and utilization standards.


          C.      National Business Center is responsible for acquiring and managing space for itself and individual offices within the Office of the Secretary in support of their missions and to ensure alignment with Departmental strategic goals.


          D.      Bureaus are responsible for acquiring and managing owned and leased space in support of bureau missions and to ensure alignment with Departmental strategic goals.




Appendix A




Acquisition - Acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated.  Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract.  (Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 2, Definitions)


Asset Management Plan (AMP) - Charts the strategic direction for the management of owned and leased buildings, structures, roads and trails, the motor vehicle fleet, and non-Stewardship land within our portfolio.  The AMP is the roadmap that the Department will follow to ensure DOI portfolio of investments in constructed assets (owned and leased) and motor vehicles is well conceived, cost-effective, and supports our missions and business goals. 


Asset Management Team (AMT) - Those charged under Executive Order 13327 with the oversight responsibility for the Asset Management Plan.  Its role is to preside over major real property investment decisions and initiatives.


Bureau Senior Asset Management Officer - Bureau Senior Asset Management Officers are the DOI Bureau and Office Executives who make up the Asset Management Team.


Capital Asset - Capital assets are land, structures, equipment, intellectual property, and information technology used by the Federal government with an estimated useful life of two years or more.


Capital Planning Investment Control (CPIC) Process - Capital Planning Investment Control is a decision-making process for ensuring that investments integrate strategic planning, budgeting, procurement, and the management of capital assets in support of agency mission and business needs.


Condition Assessment - Periodic inspection by qualified personnel to fully determine and document the condition of a facility or item of equipment and identify maintenance needs.


Contracting Officer, Space Leasing - The person with authority and responsibility to contract for authorized supplies and services.  A contracting officer has authority to enter into, administer or terminate contracts (leases), and make related determinations and findings.  A contracting officer may bind the Government only to the extent of the authority delegated to him/her.


Current Design Capacity – The maximum capacity of which an asset, facility or system can operate, regardless of statutory, regulatory, contractual or other conditions or restrictions.  (Per Federal Real Property Council)


Deferred Maintenance - Maintenance that was not performed when it should have been or when it was scheduled and which, therefore, was put off or delayed for a future period.


Direct Lease - A lease between a landlord and the Department, bureau or office, either performed under a delegation from the General Services Administration or under separate statutory authority.


Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) – Council established by Executive Order 13327 to develop guidance for, and facilitate the success of, each agency’s asset management plan.  The Council is composed of all agency Senior Real Property Officers and others deemed necessary by the Council.


Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) – A database designed to capture and report FRPC inventory data and performance measures.


Investment Review Board (IRB) - Investment Review Boards are executive level investment committees that decide which major/prospective capital investments should be recommended for funding considerations.  This Board ensures that each investment supports mission needs and strategic goals for the agency.


Lease - A binding legal document which sets forth certain rights and responsibilities of the parties to the lease.  This usually consists of a contract through which an owner of an asset (the lessor) conveys the right to use its asset to another party (the lessee) for a specified period of time (the lease term) for specified periodic payments.

Life Cycle Cost - The overall estimated cost for a particular alternative over the life of the program/project, including direct and indirect initial costs plus any periodic or continuing costs of operation and maintenance.


Life Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis - A systematic quantitative method for comparing the costs and benefits of alternatives over the life of the lease, project or program.


Office Utilization Threshold – The maximum utilization threshold for all DOI agencies when acquiring new or additional leased space, or when planning office space in owned facilities, is 200 useable square feet per person, including all individual and shared space such as workstations, circulation, storage, and conference rooms.


Prospectus - Document prepared by the General Services Administration (GSA), in conjunction with the agency, submitted to OMB and Congress to obtain Congressional approval to proceed with major leasing, construction, or repair and alteration projects.  Prospectus thresholds are established annually by GSA. 


Real Property - Land (within established site boundaries), together with the improvements (buildings, structures, and site improvements), located thereon. 


Space - An area, usually defined by some form of constructed boundary, structure or building.  Parking areas, wareyards, warehouses, storage and office or general use buildings are typically regarded as “space” within their boundaries.  Open, unimproved land or lawns is not space.


Space Coordination Council (SCC) - A council of the lead space management and Space Leasing Contracting Officers from the Department and each bureau and office.  The SCC assists in the formulation of policy, coordinates space needs between Departmental entities, and facilitates the exchange of information and assistance between members to assist in the management of space and budgetary considerations.


Space Management - The efficient and economical use of the defined space to properly support the mission of the entity on whose behalf it is owned or leased.


Standard Form 81, Request for Space - The written request for space from an agency, indicating the amount, type, location, and configuration of space required as authorized, and the number of people, or the type of operation, to be housed.


Structure - A facility with a roof that is not enclosed on all sides or is not intended for permanent human occupancy.  (Structures include pavilions, pole barns, hay sheds, 3-sided truck barns or storage facilities, communication vaults, vault toilets, well houses, flammable storage, and trail shelters.)


Utilization – The state of having been made use of, i.e., the rate of utilization.  (Per Federal Real Property Council)


Utilization Rate – The utilization rate is a Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) performance metric to be reported in the Federal Real Property Profile for the four building categories below:

·        Offices – ration of occupancy to current design capacity

·        Warehouse – ratio of gross square occupied to the current design capacity

·        Housing – percent of individual units that are occupied

·        Laboratories – ratio of active units to current design capacity


9/22/06 #3726

Replaces 8/10/94 #3466