Description of Maps


Click on one of the highlighted areas of the map or its title for further instructions on its usage.


data map


Map Layer Descriptions
The layer list allows users to select which map layers are visible and active. The two drop down lists allow users to select what species and year they would like to display. The "Refresh Map" button updates the map after changes have been made to either the layers or the selection criteria.

The check boxes are used to select which layers are visible. The radio buttons determine which layer is active and can be selected with the Identify tool.
Refresh Map !
Click on Refresh Map button after making any changes to the layer selection or the data selection.
Data Selection
Select the species and year from the drop down lists. Remember to refresh the map after making any changes.

Note: Species are listed in taxonomic order. "Misc" species categories are collections the species which were not caught every year or not separately identified every year. Both the All Years layer and All Species layer show more detail of these species in the attribute tables (use the Identify tool).


Map Legend Description

Survey Data
This layer plots the species data collected from the RACE bottom trawl surveys. (RACE is the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering division of NOAA fisheries.) You choose the species and year using the drop down menus and hitting the Refresh Map button. The quantity of a species caught is standardized by calculating kilograms caught per hectare (10,000 square meters) swept called catch per unit effort or CPUE. The hauls have been classified into three equal intervals over all years by weight CPUE of the species. This allows comparison a species abundance between stations and between years.
Haul Locations
All haul locations sampled on the chosen year whether the chosen species was caught or not.
Statistical areas used for analyzing the data. Generally strata are derived from bathymetry and other measures of habitat.
All Years of the Selected Species
This layer uses the same survey data as the top layer, however it shows all the years the chosen species was caught at a station. For further information, make this layer Visible and Active, Refresh Map, select the Identity tool and point to a station. A list of all the years the species was caught at that station will appear under the map.
All Species of the Selected Year
This layer uses the same survey data as the top layer, however it shows all the species of the chosen year caught at a station. This layer is best used with the Identity tool. Make this layer Visible and Active, Refresh Map, select the Identity tool and point to a station. A list of all the species caught at that station on the chosen year will appear under the map. When you are not using this layer uncheck the Visible square and the map will redraw faster.
Water Column Temperature Profiles
This layer is not yet available.
Bottom Temperature
The selected year's bottom temperature grid extrapolated from samples taken at each haul location. Use the identity tool to list temperature over the years at a chosen location.


Tool Bar Descriptions
The tools of the tool bar are used to navigate around the map and select objects with the Identify tool.

Icon Name Icon Icon Description
Toggle between layer list and legend Toggle between layer list and legend. The layer list identifies what layers are visible and/or active. A layer must be active in order to use the Identify tool to get the feature's attributes. The legend defines the symbols that are used on the map.
Zoom In Zooms in on the map. Click once on the map to center the map on that location and zoom in on it by a fixed percentage, or click and drag over an area on the map to zoom in on that area .
Zoom out Zooms out from the map. Click once on the map to center the map on that location and zoom out from it by a fixed percentage, or click and drag over an area on the map to zoom out from that area.
Zoom to full extent Zooms out to the full extent of the map.
Zoom to last extent Returns the map to the previous view.
Pan Lets you pan the data in your map by dragging the display in any direction with the mouse. Move the cursor anywhere, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the display in any direction.
Identify Click on a geographic feature to get its attributes. A layer must be active in order to use the Identify tool to get the feature's attributes. Clicking on one of the map features will bring up a table at the bottom of the window. The table will display information associated with the feature.
Help Click on this button for map instructions and descriptors. Your browser must be set to allow a popup window.


Attribute Table Description
The attribute tables are used to display specific data about particular
map features. Map features can be selected using the Identify tool.
Below are attribute descriptions found on various attribute tables.


Column Name Definition
LATITUDE Start latitude of the haul in decimal degrees.
LONGITUDE Start longitude of the haul in decimal degrees.
STATION RACE database station id. In the Eastern Bering Sea these stations have remained constant from the beginning of this time series. In the other regions sampling locations vary and are identified by the station grid cell in which the haul took place.
STRATUM RACE database statistical area used for analyzing the data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other measures of habitat.
AREA_KM2 Stratum area in square kilometers.
YEAR Four digit year.
DATETIME Date and time of the start of the haul.
KG/HA The quantity of a species caught is standardized by calculating kilograms caught per hectare (10,000 square meters) swept called catch per unit effort or weight CPUE.
NO/HA The quantity of a species caught is standardized by calculating number of species caught per hectare (10,000 square meters) swept called catch per unit effort or number CPUE.
NAME Selection category listed in the dropdown menu composed of either the common name of a species or the name of a miscellaneous group. Miscellaneous groups are collections of species which were not caught every year or not separately identified every year.
COMMON Common name of a species.
SCIENTIFIC Taxonomic name of a species.
SID RACE database species id number.
RANK The species catch has been classified into three equal intervals over all years by the weight CPUE (KG/HA). This allows comparison a species abundance between stations and between years. Rank = 1 is low relative abundance. Rank = 3 is high relative abundance.
BOT_DEPTH Bottom depth in meters.
BOT_TEMP Bottom temperature in degrees Celsius.
SURF_TEMP Surface temperature in degrees Celsius.
CRUISE RACE database cruise id number.
VESSEL RACE database vessel id number.
HAUL RACE database haul id number.

Last Updated 5 - April - 2007