Table 4. Employment and training status of youths not enrolled in school during the October when age 20 in 2000-2005 by high school graduation status, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

Table 4.  Employment and training status of youths not enrolled in school during the October when age 20 in
2000-2005 by high school graduation status, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

(Percent distribution)

                                           Employment and training status during the October when age 20

High school graduation status
during the October when age 20                         Employed (1)                    Not employed
                                        Total    Enrolled in    Not enrolled     Enrolled in   Not enrolled
                                                 training (2)    in training    training (2)    in training

High school dropouts .................  100.0         2.5           53.6             2.0            41.9

  Men ................................  100.0         2.2           57.6             2.3            37.9
  Women ..............................  100.0         3.1           47.9             1.5            47.5

  White, non-Hispanic ................. 100.0         2.5           60.4             1.3            35.7
  Black, non-Hispanic ................. 100.0         2.6           38.7             3.7            55.1
  Hispanic or Latino .................. 100.0         1.6           53.8             1.5            43.1

High school graduates, 
not enrolled in college (3) ........... 100.0         4.6           73.9             1.2            20.3

  Men ................................. 100.0         5.2           75.8             1.1            17.9
  Women ............................... 100.0         3.9           71.6             1.3            23.2

  White, non-Hispanic ................. 100.0         5.3           76.7             1.1            16.9
  Black, non-Hispanic ................. 100.0         3.2           63.2             2.2            31.4
  Hispanic or Latino .................. 100.0         3.4           73.6             0.9            22.1

   1 The employed category includes both civilian employment and enlistment in the Armed Forces.
   2 Training includes any courses, training programs, or apprenticeships designed to help people find
a job, improve their job skills, or learn a new job.  Training also may include a General Educational
Development (GED) preparation course.
   3 Respondents who have received a GED credential are counted as high school graduates.
   NOTE:  The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 consists of young men and women who were ages
12 to 16 on December 31, 1996.  Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity groups are mutually exclusive but
not exhaustive.  Other race groups, which are included in the overall totals, are not shown separately
because their representation in the survey sample is not sufficiently large to provide statistically
reliable estimates.

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Last Modified Date: January 25, 2008