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Organizational and Expertise Directory (Spring 2008)  

Office of Resource Management

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Management Services Division, HAIM-20


Office of Resource Management, HRRM-01

Doreen McCarthy

Primary Responsibilities

  • Director

Major Projects

  • Leadership in management planning and Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) business operations

Backup Person
Chris Shehade

Carmen Dupuy
Administrative Assistant (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Office operations and support
  • Purchase Request tracking
  • Assistance to Accountable Property, Employee Development, and Facility Security Activities
  • TFHRC Central Telephone Information

Major Projects

  • Office management
  • Support to Administrative Management programs

Chris Shehade
Senior Financial Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • Financial consultation to the Research and Technology (R&T) Leadership Team
  • R&T budget execution
  • Financial management policy reviews

Major Projects

  • Financial consultation on R&T funding issues and financial management of all research, development, and technology research, development, and technology (RD&T) allotments

Backup Person
Quang Nguyen

Georgia Curtis
Administrative Management Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • General Operating Expenses (GOE) allocation management
  • RD&T Purchase Card review and program oversight (GOE)
  • RD&T Employee Development program coordination

Major Projects

  • GOE allotment financial research, reconciliation, and reporting
  • RD&T Purchase Card review and program oversight (GOE)
  • RD&T Training Coordinator

Backup Person
Chris Shehade
Trisha Laughman

Quang Nguyen
Accountant/Financial Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • RD&T budget execution
  • Managerial Cost Accounting System implementation and continuing oversight
  • Program funds review, research, and reconciliation

Major Projects

  • Financial oversight of RD&T allotments
  • COTR for financial management support contracts
  • Managerial Cost Accounting System Management for RD&T

Backup Person
Chris Shehade

Masoud Nasabzadeh
Research Facility Technical Support Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Technical support to research and development (R&D) activities at TFHRC
  • Contract administration of information technology (IT) support and electronics laboratory contracts
  • Facility reviews and strategic planning
  • Emergency planning and continuity of operation plan (COOP) management

Major Projects

  • COTR for RD&T-wide technical support contracts
  • TFHRC Strategic Capital Investment Plan
  • COOP Management
  • TFHRC physical security review

Backup Person
Doreen McCarthy

Trisha Laughman
Administrative Management Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Human resource management
  • Human resource consultation and guidance

Major Projects

  • Human resource management and consultation
  • Workforce planning
  • Competitive Sourcing Program implementation

Backup Person
Doreen McCarthy

Angela Lee
Administrative Management Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Accountable property inventory and records management
  • Facility space management assistance
  • U.S. Department of Transportation vehicle and wireless communication device administration

Major Projects

  • TFHRC Accountable Property Officer
  • Facility Space Utilization Studies
  • Purchase Request Quality Review support

Backup Person
Masoud Nasabzadeh

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Management Services Division, HAIM-20

Brian Kerr

Primary Responsibilities

  • Facilities Manager

Major Projects

  • Facilities operations

Backup Person
Lyle Hayhurst

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FHWA Organizational Chart

RD&T Organizational Chart

Office of the Associate Administrator

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management

Office of Resource Management

Office of Operations R&D

Office of Safety R&D

Office of Infrastructure R&D


Map and Directions

Shuttle Schedule

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration