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Found 63 studies with search of: Bipolar Disorder [CONDITION] AND NIH [STUDY-SPONSORS-CLASS] NOT NIMH [ORGANIZATION-NAME]
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1 Recruiting Adjunctive Topiramate for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence in Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Manic Disorder;   Manic-Depression;   Alcoholism;   Alcohol Abuse
Interventions: Drug: Topiramate;   Other: Placebo
2 Recruiting Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Riluzole in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Anxiety Disorders;   Bipolar Affective Disorder;   Bipolar Depression
Intervention: Drug: Riluzole
3 Completed Evaluation of Patients With Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder (RCBD)
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
4 Recruiting Brain Tissue Collection for Neuropathological Studies
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Depression;   Anxiety Disorders;   Schizophrenia;   Tourette's Syndrome;   Brain Diseases
5 Recruiting Child & Adolescent Bipolar Disorder Brain Imaging and Treatment Study
Conditions: Healthy;   Bipolar Disorder
6 Completed Evaluation of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in the Treatment of Mood Disorders
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Mood Disorder;   Unipolar Depression
Interventions: Device: Magstim Super Rapid Magnetic Stimulator;   Device: Cadwell MES-10
7 Recruiting Riluzole to Treat Depression in Bipolar Disorder
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Riluzole
8 Completed Clinical Trial of Mifepristone for Bipolar Depression
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Mifepristone
9 Completed Perspectives of Individuals With Bipolar Disorder and Siblings of Individuals With Bipolar Disorder; A Telephone Interview Study
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder (BD);   Bipolar
10 Completed Study of the Psychological Development of Children of Parents With and Without Affective Disorders
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Involutional Depression;   Mood Disorder
11 Completed Acute Effectiveness of Additional Drugs to the Standard Treatment of Depression
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Depressive Disorder
Interventions: Drug: buproprion (Wellbutrin);   Drug: sertraline (Zoloft);   Drug: venlafaxine (Effexor)
12 Recruiting Dopamine Receptor Imaging in Mood Disorders
Conditions: Mood Disorders;   Depressive Disorder, Major;   Bipolar Disorder
13 Completed Clinical Trial of Felbamate for Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Depression
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Felbamate
14 Completed Clinical Trial of Pramipexole in Bipolar Depression
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Pramipexole
15 Completed Clozapine vs. Placebo in Treatment-Refractory Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Clozapine
16 Completed Examination of Tamoxifen in Acute Mania in Patients With Bipolar I Disorder
Condition: Bipolar Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Tamoxifen
17 Recruiting Contingency Management of Psychostimulant Abuse in the Severely Mentally Ill
Conditions: Drug Abuse;   Schizophrenia;   Bipolar Disorder;   Major Depressive Disorder
Interventions: Behavioral: Contingency Management;   Behavioral: Non Contingent Control Condition
18 Recruiting Examination of Brain Serotonin Receptors in Patients With Mood Disorders
Conditions: Mood Disorder;   Bipolar Disorder;   Depression
19 Completed Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Involutional Depression;   Mood Disorder
Interventions: Drug: Ethyl Eicosapentaenoic Acid;   Drug: OmegaBrite
20 Recruiting Studies of Brain Function and Course of Illness in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
Conditions: Mood Disorder;   Bipolar Disorder

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