Commercial Success in Iraq

O’Shea Ltd.

330 West 47th Street. #203

Kansas City, MO 64112

Congressional District: MO-5



Bill Houlehan, President,

Tel: 816-531-1177; Fax: 816-531-6569




O’Shea Ltd., a small merchandising company in Kansas City, Missouri, supplied $50,000 worth of consumer goods to Baghdad distributors on May 5 th 2004. The distributors will dispense the merchandise through local sales in Iraq. The success of this transaction has led to additional supply contracts in Iraq for O’Shea, one of which includes an order to deliver over 12,500 consumer electronic products at the end of May.

According to Bill Houlehan, President of O’Shea, the Department of Commerce’s domestic outreach tour to Kansas City on February 15, 2004, was where Iraq business opportunities for U.S. businesses were brought to his attention and he was encouraged to pursue these opportunities.

After witnessing the success of his own business’ transactions in Iraq, Mr. Houlehan believes there are numerous long-term opportunities for his business and others in Iraq. O’Shea foresees employing several Iraqis to assist in the storing, distribution and sale of its merchandise. The company views its participation in the Iraqi market not only as a business opportunity but also opportunity to help the Iraqi people. Mr. Houlehan stated, “ I really believe the best way to achieve Democracy in Iraq is through the business community of Iraq with cooperation from the United States, UK and other countries business communities.”

Mr. Bill Houlehan, President of O'Shea Ltd., with Commerce Department Assistant Secretary William H. Lash III at the "OUTREACH 2004" conference held in Amman, Jordan (January 2004)

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