United States Department of Agriculture
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Focus on the Field logo

FRPP Funds Go to Montana County's Largest Easement
The large swath of wheat fields broken up by sagebrush grasslands along the east side of the Horseshoe Hills can be seen from most parts of Bozeman. And the property, the DeHaan family farm, will stay that way when the largest conservation easement since Gallatin County's open lands is inked next week.

Ron Scholz waits to push another barge into position to collect debris from the Peace Creek Canal in Wahneta. Image by Paul Johnson.Florida Hurricane Cleanup Making a Difference
Ron Scholz waits to push another barge into position to collect debris from the Peace Creek Canal in Wahneta. Image by Paul Johnson.  After two days of clearing debris from the Peace Creek, those working on the project said there's already a noticeable difference.


Donald and Wendy Sweppenheiser refurbished this sign in Tunkhannock Borough that isn't part of the stream signage program. Image by Grace Dove.Pennsylvania RC&D Project Calls Attention to Streams
Motorists driving through Tunkhannock Borough may have noticed several new signs along area roadways thanks to Donald and Wendy Sweppenheiser.


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Word from Washington header bar

Chief Knight speaking at the COP 10.Chief Knight Discusses Climate Change in South America
This week, Chief Bruce Knight outlined for delegates from around the world what the U.S. Department of Agriculture is doing to address climate change.

NRCS Legislative Summaries, Testimony, and Reports
Timely and accurate information from NRCS Legislative Affairs.

Earth Team News header with Earth Team Logo

NRCS Earth Team volunteer Jim Osborn (left) explains his energy-saving technology to a Lawrence County Business and Home Show participantEarth Team Volunteer “Lights-up” Lawrence County, Illinois
Jim Osborn has taken conservation to another level with his participation in the Lawrence County Energy Conservation Project.  As an Earth team volunteer with the Wabash Valley Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) office headquartered in Lawrenceville, Jim, an independent contractor, offers his expertise to the RC&D Council’s energy conservation project which aims to reduce energy usage through lighting upgrades, geothermal systems, pressure diagnostics technology, and weatherization.

tech tip header bar

Global Experience Program Available to NRCS
For the third year, NRCS is participating in the Department of State's Embassy Science Fellowship Program (ESFP). The program enables U.S. embassies to secure needed technical expertise for their missions while giving government professionals valuable international work experience, training, and networking opportunities.

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.