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Haybales in Missouri. NRCS image.NRCS This Week

NRCS provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

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Focus on the Field

A whole tree chipper is used during a demonstration on tree removal and erosion control put on by the Natural Resources Conservation Service at the Pine Crest Conference Center in Twin Peaks. Image by Stan Lim.Southern California Tree Removal Effort Goes into High Gear
Tree removal efforts in and around the troubled San Bernardino National Forest have reached high gear, giving hope that catastrophic blazes can be avoided. Roughly $3 million from NRCS has already been spent to drop thousands of dead trees officials said during a tour of the bark beetle-infested forest near Twin Peaks...

Steve Cote demonstrates moving cattle in the low-stress herding method. Low stress produces profound and lasting changes in the behavior and health of all livestock, Cote says. - Photo courtesy Steve Cote.NRCS Worker Preaches Stockmanship in New Book
Low-stress livestock handling can happen says NRCS' range conservationist Steve Cote in his book Stockmanship: A Powerful Tool for Grazing Lands Management...

Illinois WRP Project to Prevent Floods, Protect Wildlife
Work could begin as early as next spring on a Wetlands Reserve Program project that will include about 2,400 acres in Henderson County, Illinois. "A legal survey has yet to be done," says NRCS' David Hiatt. "But construction should be under way in six to eight months."...

Mac Richardson, a volunteer for Save the Bay from Charlestown, R.I., hands a basket full of eelgrass over to Christel Flis, a marine technician from the University of Rhode Island during an eelgrass harvesting session today on URI's Bay Campus in Narragansett, R.I. Courtesy of the Boston Globe.WHIP Helps Partners Restore Eelgrass in Rhode Island Bay
With help from NRCS' Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, University of Rhode Island and Save the Bay staffers continue their ongoing effort to restore eelgrass beds in Narragansett Bay...

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Word from Washington

USDA Whitten Building, Washington, DC.  Image by Ken Hammond.NRCS Legislative Summaries, Testimony, and Reports
Timely and accurate information from NRCS Legislative Affairs.

earth team logoEarth Team Volunteer News

Earth Team volunteers working on one of the 53 home repair projects completed during the Delaware Bay WorkcampEarth Team and First State RC&D Project Make Things Happen
Delaware’s First State RC&D Council’s nationally recognized Emergency Home Repair Project got help from the Group Workcamps Foundation of Loveland, Colorado, and other local groups who signed up as NRCS Earth Team volunteers.

Tech Tip

tele atlas logoTele Atlas Geospatial Data Now Available for Authorized Users
NRCS employees now have access to Tele Atlas geospatial data.  Internationally known for the accuracy of its road and street layer capability, Tele Atlas will provide NRCS employees access to online and batch geocoding services and to several secondary layers such as  streams, rivers and water bodies, railroads, and land use.

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.