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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Related Links

Listservs | Organizations | Government Agencies
Educational/Academic Organizations | Foreign | Other



  • a Canadian site with a pedestrian advocacy mission
  • lots of technical and personal discussion of pedestrian issues
  • see archives for monthly subject areas
  • maintains a listing of pedestrian advocacy organizations


AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

  • research reports, some on pedestrian issues
  • catalog of videotapes and brochures
  • links to other sites and organizations

Alternative Transportation Centre

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials/AASHTO

American Planning Association

American Public Works Association/APWA

American Society of Civil Engineers/ASCE

  • links to academic/continuing education planning and transportation engineering programs
  • textbooks, publishers, periodicals, libraries and software lists and links
  • industry calendar

American Society of Landscape Architects/ASLA

American Traffic Safety Services Association

  • calendar of industry events
  • networking forums, including Clearinghouse About Traffic Safety
  • legislative updates
  • research resources
  • publications
  • industry data

American Volkssport Association

The National Center for Bicycling and Walking

Environmental Defense Fund

  • list of "Pedestrian and Traffic Friendly" consultants
  • publications

GO Boulder Homepage

Institute of Transportation Engineers

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

  • pedestrian injury statistics

Partnership for a Walkable America

Surface Transportation Policy Project/STPP

  • on-line Internet access for advocacy organizations
  • links to sites and comment on focus issues (currently ISTEA)

WALK Austin

Government Agencies

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

  • library, with extensive listing of bicycle and pedestrian documents
  • communications center, library and archives
  • listserv
  • links

Federal Highway Administration/FHWA

  • bikeped staff are in Federal Aid Programs/Intermodal and Statewide Programs

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

North Central Texas Council of Governments Bicycle and Pedestrian Transporation

United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
(the Access Board)

  • ADA Accessibility Guidelines
  • training schedule
  • publications
  • links to other Federal agencies with accessibility mandates

US Department of Transportation/USDOT

Educational/Academic Organizations

Transportation Research Board/TRB

  • links to >1000 transportation-related Web sites
  • other resources include calendar, publications, programs


United Kingdom: Department of Transport Press Notices

Sweden: Lund University Traffic Planning and Engineering Library

  • mailing lists
  • on-line journals


Perils for Pedestrians cable TV series

  • Monthly programming available to local cable stations

  • John Z. Wetmore, Producer

EPA and STPP are collaborating on Internet workshops for advocacy organizations via the Transportation Action Network (TransAct), an on-line system that can connect and host organizational webpages. For more information, contact Sonia JuBar at 202/939-3389 (V);

The Urban Transportation Monitor publishes a transportation guide to the web for purchase ($50)

Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals


  • bike-friendly transit systems
  • links










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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration