Endangered Species Program
Permits Application Instructions

Page one of the permit application is fillable online. The attachment pages found on pages two to the end of the application are not fillable online at this time.

1. Before attempting to fill out the form on page one of the application, please print out and read the instruction found on the last two pages of the form.

2. Next, fill out page one online. To add the return address to the upper left corner of the application form, click on the address hyperlink in the upper left corner of the form. This will send you to a separate web page that lists the Regional addresses for our Endangered Species Permit program.

3. The top of the address page contains instructions for copying the return address from the address web page and then pasting the return address into application form. Print the instructions so that you will have them handy when you copy and paste text between the two web pages. Follow the instructions for cutting and pasting the return address into the application form.

4. After you have finished filling out the form on page one of the application, print the completed form and the attachment pages found on pages two to the end of the application. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 on your computer, you can save a copy of the completed application.

5. Next, read over the attachment pages and provide the requested information manually. If you are using a computer to type up the information requested in the attachment pages, it would help us to process your application more efficiently if you would first type the item number and title in bold text, and then provide your response underneath.

Last updated: March 3, 2008