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The Impact of Paul Ginsparg's ePrint arXiv (Formerly Known as xxx.lanl.gov) at Los Alamos National Laboratory on Scholarly Communications and Publishing:
A Selected Bibliography

Compiled by
Irma S. Holtkamp and Donna A. Berg (LANL Research Library)

(Last revision: 8 January 2001)

2000 Citations:
APS and BNL Host XXX e-Print Archive Mirror -- In: APS News Online; (February 2000)

First Online Graduate Physics Textbook Hits the Web
-- In: APS News Online; (March 2000)

[Plenary Session III : Demystifying Electronic Publishing : Revelations on the Revolution] -- In: Demystifying the Dragon : Strategies for 2000 Plus (5-11 May 2000 : Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

Will Journal Publishers Perish? -- In: Economist; (2000) v.355, no.8170, p.81-82

Beit-Arie, Oren. Ex Libris Acquires Rights to SFX Reference Linking Software : (Excerpted from the February 4, 2000, Press Release) -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (February 2000) v.6, no.2

Bloom, Floyd E. Lunch Selections Expanding -- In: Science Magazine; (4 February 2000) v.287, p.801

Boyce, Peter B. For Better or Worse : Preprint Servers Are Here to Stay -- In: College and Research Libraries News; (2000) v.61, no.5, p.404-407, 414

Carr, Les; Hitchcock, Steve; Hall, Wendy ; Harnad, Stevan. A Usage Based Analysis of CoRR -- In: ACM Journal of Computer Documentation; (2000) v.24, no.2, p.54-59

Cho, Adrian. Distorted Galaxies Point to Dark Matter -- In: Science Magazine; (17 March 2000) v.287, no.5460, p.1899-1901

Dessy, Ray. Chemical E-Prints : the Ostriches -- In: Trends in Analytical Chemistry; (2000) v.19, no.10, p.587-592

Eysenbach, Gunther. The Impact of Preprint Servers and Electronic Publishing on Biomedical Research -- In: Current Opinion in Immunology; (2000) v.12, no.5, p.499-503

Ginsparg, Paul. Creating a Global Knowledge Network : Don't Just Clone the Paper Methodology -- In: Freedom of Information Conference (6-7 July 2000: New York Academy of Medicine)

Ginsparg, Paul. Electronic Clones vs. the Global Research Archive [2000] (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000) Key extract from two plenary presentations: [a] at "Demystifying the Dragon", 10 May 2000, Vancouver, B.C., annual meeting of Medical Library Association; [b] at "Freedom of Information" Conference, 6 Jul 2000, at the New York Academy of Medicine)

Halpern, Joseph Y. CoRR : a Computing Research Repository 7 December 2000 (Last accessed on: 2000) This article is based on (and borrows liberally from) two earlier articles: "A Computing Research Repository," D-Lib Magazine, November 1998, and "The Computing Research Repository : Promoting the Rapid Dissemination of Computer Science Research," Proceedings of ACM Digital Libraries '99, 1999, pp.3-11.

Halpern, Joseph Y. A Response to the Commentaries on CoRR 7 December 2000 (Last accessed on: 7 December 2000)

Harnad, Stevan. E-Knowledge : Freeing the Refereed Journal Corpus -- In: Online Computer Law and Security Report; (2000) v.16, no.2, p.78-87

Harter, S. P. ; Park, T. K. Impact of Prior Electronic Publication on Manuscript Consideration Policies of Scholarly Journals -- In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science; (2000) v.51, no.10, p.940-948 [PDF]

Hitchcock, Steve ; Carr, Les ; Jiao, Zhuoan ; Bergmark, Donna ; Hall, Wendy ; Lagoze, Carl ; Harnad, Stevan. Developing Services for Open Eprint Archives : Globalisation, Integration and the Impact of Links -- In: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries (2-7 June 2000 : San Antonio, Texas)

Kling, Rob ; McKim, Geoffrey. Not Just a Matter of Time : Field Differences and the Shaping of Electronic Media in Supporting Scientific Communication 27 April 2000 (Last accessed on: 7 December 2000) Accepted for publication in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science

Langer, James. Physicists in the New Era of Electronic Publishing -- In: Physics Today Online; (August 2000)

Markovitz, Barry P. Biomedicine's Electronic Publishing Paradigm Shift : Copyright Policy and PubMed Central -- In: Journal of the American Medical Information Association; (2000) v.7, p.222-229

Odlyzko, Andrew. The Rapid Evolution of Scholarly Communication 19 March 2000 (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000)

Peek, Robin. E-Prints Are Gaining Momentum -- In: Information Today; (October 2000) v.17, no.9, p.50

Powledge, Tabitha M. Electronic Publishing: All Talk and No Action? -- In: Current Biology; (2000) v.10, no.7, p.R254-R256

Service, Robert F. Chemists Toy With the Preprint Future -- In: Science Magazine; (1 September 2000) v.289, p.1445-1446a

Smith, A.P. The Journal as an Overlay on Preprint Databases -- In: Learned Publishing; (2000) v.13, no.1, p.43-48

Tomaiuolo, Nicholas G. ; Packer, Joan G. Preprint Servers : Pushing the Envelope of Electronic Scholarly Publishing -- In: Searcher; (2000) v.8, no.9, p.53-65

Van de Sompel, Herber t; Krichel, Thomas ; Nelson, Michael L. ; Hochstenbach, Patrick ; Lyapunov, Victor M .; Maly, Kurt ; Zubair, Mohammad ; Kholief, Mohamed ; Liu, Xiaoming ; O'Connell, Heath. The UPS Prototype : an Experimental End-User Service Across E-Print Archives -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (2000) v.6, no.2

Van de Sompel, Herbert ; Lagoze, Carl. The Santa Fe Convention of the Open Archives Initiative -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (February 2000) v.6, no.2

Walker, Thomas J. The Future of Scientific Journals: Free Web Access? 9 March 2000 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000) Description of PowerPoint slides available on the Web

Wilkinson, Sophie. Chemistry Preprints Come into Vogue -- In: Chemical and Engineering News; (5 June 2000) v.78, no.23, p.15-16

1999 Citations:
Popular Physics -- In: Science Magazine; (1999) v.284, no.5415

PROLA : More Than Just a Pretty Acronym -- In: APS News Online; (August-September 1999)

La Remise en Cause d'un Syst�me Bien Etabli de S�lection des Articles � Publier -- In: Le Monde Interactif; (22 Janvier 1999)

R�volutions R�gressives et Progressives -- In: La Recherche; (Decembre 1999), v.326, no.12

Bloom, Floyd E. Just a Minute, Please -- In: Science Magazine; (1999) v.285, no.5425, p.197

Blume, Martin. New Site Established for Major Scientific Electronic Archive -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (December 1999) v.5, no.12

Brown, C. M. Information Seeking Behavior of Scientists in the Electronic Information Age : Astronomers, Chemists, Mathematicians, and Physicists -- In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science; (1999) v.50, no.10, p.929-943

Butler, Declan. US Biologists Propose Launch of Electronic Preprint Archive -- In: Nature; (1999) v.397, no.6715, p.91

Caraway, Beatrice L. An Interview with Eugene Garfield -- In: Serials Review; (1999) v.25, no.3, p.67-80

Ducruet, Catherine. Les Editeurs Scientifiques sont-ils Menac�s par Internet? -- In: La Recherche; (Juillet-Aout 1999), v.322, no.7

Duranceau, Ellen Finnie. Resetting Our Intuition Pumps for the Online-Only Era : a Conversation with Stevan Harnad -- In: Serials Review; (1999) v.25, no.1, p.109-115

Ginsparg, Paul ; Luce, Rick ; Van de Sompel, Herbert. The Open Archives Initiative Aimed at the Further Promotion of Author Self-Archived Solutions July 1999 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Ginsparg, Paul. Some Comments on e-biosci 31 August 1999 (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000) [From PubMed Central and Beyond: Page 5, In HMS Beagle: The BioMedNet Magazine (http://news.bmn.com/hmsbeagle/61/viewpts/page5), Issue 61 (3 Sep 1999)]

Glaze, W. H. Electronic Preprint Publications -- In: Environmental Science and Technology; (1999) v.33, no.13, p.A265

Halpern, Joseph Y. ; Lagoze, Carl. The Computing Research Repository : Promoting the Rapid Dissemination and Archiving of Computer Science Research -- In: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries (11-14 August 1999: Berkeley, California) [PDF]

Hapke, Thomas. Die Bibliothek der Zukunft und elektronisches Publizieren 6 December 1999 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Harnad, Stevan. Free at Last : the Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (December 1999) v.5, no.12

Harnad, Stevan. How to Fast-Forward Serials to the Inevitable and the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists 22 June 1999 (Last accessed on: 7 December 2000) Posted on: July 27, 2000

Hibbits, Bernard J. From Law Reviews to Knowledge Networks : Legal Scholarship in the Age of Cyberspace -- In: Serials Review; (1999) v.25, no.1, p.1-9

Hirst, K. Kris. Seeing the Light : Towards Collaborative Peer Review - Archaeology [1999?] (Last accessed on: 8 December 2000)

Jordan, Sharon M. Preprint Servers : Status, Challenges, and Opportunities of the New Digital Publishing Paradigm -- In: Inforum '99 (5 May 1999: [Oak Ridge, Tennessee]) Last revision date: July 24, 2000

Kinne, Otto. Electronic Publishing in Science : Changes and Risks -- In: Marine Ecology Progress Series; (3 May 1999), v.180, p.1-5

Kling, Rob ; McKim, Geoffrey. Scholarly Communication and the Continuum of Electronic Publishing -- In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science; (1999) v.50, no.10, p.890-906

Marshall, Eliot. NIH Weighs Bold Plan for Online Preprint Publishing -- In: Science Magazine; (12 March 1999) v.283, no.5408, p.1610-1611

Marshall, Eliot Researchers Plan Free Global Preprint Archive -- In: Science Magazine; (29 October 1999) v.286, no.5441, p.887

Mattlage, Alan. Networked Scholarly Publication Journal of Academic Librarianship; (July 1999) v.25, no.4, p.313-321

McConnell, John ; Horton, Richard. Lancet Electronic Research Archive in International Health and Eprint Server -- In: Lancet; (3 July 1999) v.354, no.9172, p.2-3

Odlyzko, Andrew. The Economics of Electronic Journals -- In: R. Ekman and R. E. Quandt (eds.). Technology and Scholarly Communication.-- University of California Press, 1999, p.380-393 Revised draft, January 23, 1998 First published in: First Monday 2(8) (August 1997) Also appeared in: Journal of Electronic Publishing 4(1) (September 1998) [HTML] Definitive version on pp. 380-393 in Technology and Scholarly Communication, R. Ekman and R. E. Quandt, eds., Univ. Calif. Press, 1999. [Text]

Odlyzko, Andrew. The Evolution of Electronic Scholarly Information -- In: Proceedings [of the] Second International AESE/CBE/EASE Joint Meeting, Sixth International Conference on Geoscience Information, and Thirty-second Annual Meeting of Association [of] Earth Science Editors (17 January 1999) Extended abstract.

Van de Sompel, Herbert ; Hochstenbach, Patrick. Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Environment. Part 3, Generalizing the SFX Solution in the "SFX@Ghent & SFX@LANL" Experiment -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (October 1999)

1998 Citations:
APS Forms Cooperative Agreement with LANL's xxx e-Print Archive -- In: APS News Online (March 1998)

Les Biologistes Publient sur le Web -- In: La Recherche; (Septembre 1998); v.312, no.9

Blume Guides APS Journals Into Electronic Age
-- In: APS News Online; (April 1998)

Division Award Details -- In: M. Cummins (ed.). Special Libraries Association, Physics Astronomy Math Division (PAM) Policies, Procedures and History Manual.-- Special Libraries Association, Physics Astronomy Math Division (PAM), 1998

Paul Ginsparg Receives Award -- In: P. York (ed.). Special Libraries Association, Physics Astronomy Math Division (PAM) Policies, Procedures and History Manual.-- Special Libraries Association, Physics Astronomy Math Division (PAM), 1998. Copied from: Los Alamos National Laboratory Daily News Bulletin, Wednesday, 22 July 1998. Photo by Fred Rick.

The Proposal for a Unified Ginsparg Archive in Mathematics -- In: Hypatia Electronic Library [1998?] (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Bachrach, Steven ; Berry, R. Stephen ; Blume, Marti n; von Foerster, Thoma s; Fowler, Alexander ; Ginsparg, Paul ; Heller, Stephen ; Kestner, Nei l; Odlyzko, Andrew ; Okerson, Ann ; Wigington, Ron ; Moffat, Anne. Who Should Own Scientific Papers? -- In: Science Magazine; (4 September 1998) v.281, no.5382, p.1459-1460 [HTML]

Bruce, Norma J. Looking in the Mirror, Not in the Reading Room : the Library User in Transition -- In: Serials Review; (1998) v.24, no.3-4, p.33-30

Delamothe, T. Electronic Preprints : What Should the BMJ Do? Clear Labelling Might Be the Answer -- In: British Medical Journal; (1998) v.316, no.7134, p.794-795

Doyle, Mark. [Letter] to the Editor - APS Responds -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (July-August 1998) This letter is in response to Tim Thomas's articles on the American Physical Society's PROLA archive in the May and June 1998 issues of D-Lib Magazine ("Archives in a New Paradigm of Scientific Publishing: Physical Review Online Archives (PROLA)" and "An Image Archive for the Journal Physical Review").

Eroshenko, Y. N. Physics News on the Internet (Based on Electronic Preprints) -- In: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk; (1998) v.168, no.4, p.470

Hafner, Katie. Physics on the Web is Putting Science Journals on the Line 21 April 1998 (Last accessed on: 8 December 2000)

Halpern, Joseph Y. A Computing Research Repository -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (November 1998)

Harter, S.P. ; Park, T.K. Effects of Electronic (Pre-) Publication on Scholarly Journal Publishing : Emerging Manuscript Consideration Policies -- In: ASIS Annual Conference (1998 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Hitchcock, Steve ; Carr, Les ; Hall, Wendy. Making the Most of Electronic Journals 14 December 1998 (Last accessed on: 7 December 2000)

Kaiser, Jocelyn. Biologists Launch Electronic Preprints -- In: Science Magazine; (19 June 1998) v.280, p.1807

Kirby, Rob. [Item #3 - Exchange with Elsevier (continued), Rob Kirby kirby@math.berkeley.edu] -- In: Concerns of Young Mathematicians; (17 February 1998) v.6, no.6

Kirby, Rob. [Item #4 - Letter from Rob Kirby, dated 30 December 1997, to Nigel Stapleton (CEO, Reed Elsevier) and Russel White (President, Elsevier Science Inc.)] -- In: Concerns of Young Mathematicians; (28 January 1998) v.6, no.3

Leiner, Barry M. The NCSTRL Approach to Open Architecture for the Confederated Digital Library -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (December 1998)

Marshall, Eliot. Good, Bad, or 'Necessary Evil'? -- In: Science Magazine; (30 October 1998) v.282, no.5390, p.860-867

McConnell, J. ; Horton, R. Having Electronic Preprints is Logical -- In: British Medical Journal; (1998) v.316, no.7148, p.1907

Okerson, Ann. A History of E-journals in 9 1/2 Years : and What It Teaches Us -- In: Medicinska bibliotek i framtiden - licenssamordnare och utbildningscentra?! (16 November1998 : Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm) Conference report by Kari Stange (Uppsala University). [PDF]

Thomas, Timothy. Archives in a New Paradigm of Scientific Publishing : Physical Review Online Archives (PROLA) -- In: D-Lib Magazine; (May 1998)

Wilkinson, Sophie L. Electronic Publishing Takes Journals into a New Realm -- In: Chemical and Engineering News; (18 May 1998) p.10-15

Youngen, Gregory K. Citation Patterns to Electronic Preprints in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Literature -- In: U. Grothkopf, H. H. Andernach, S. Stevens-Rayburn, M. Gomez and H. E. Payne (eds.). Library and Information Services in Astronomy III. -- 1998, (ASP Conference Series; v.153)

Youngen, Gregory K. Citation Patterns to Traditional and Electronic Preprints in the Published Literature -- In: College and Research Libraries; (1998) v.59, no.5, p.448-456

1997 Citations:
Antipodes : Core of Controversy -- In: New Scientist (8 November 1997)

Existing On-Line Preprint Services -- In: Hanisch, R.J. ; Payne, H.E. ; Huzinga, J.E. ; Stevens-Rayburn, S. ; Bouton, E.N. ; Eichhorn, G. ; Boyce, P.B. A Distributed Database of On-Line Astronomy Preprints and Documents Proposal to NASA's Applied Information Systems Research Program (NRA 96-OSS-10), 1997

Preprints and Nature
-- In: Nature; (1997) v.390, no.6659, p.427

Bischoff, Manfred. Vernetzte Broker f�r fachliche Dokumente : E-print-Server mit Suchmaschine und Dokumenten-Lieferung 25 January 1997 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Bloss, Alex. Pioneering New Serials Frontiers : From Petroglyphs to Cyberserials -- In: Library Acquisitions : Practice and Theory; (1997) v.21, no.2, p.221-223

Blume, Martin. APS Views : a Hazy View Down the Electronic Superhighway -- In: APS News Online; (October 1997)

Borghoff, U.M. ; Hilf, E.R .; Pareschi, R. ; Severiens, T. ; Stamerjohanns, H. ; Willamowski, J. Agent-Based Document Retrieval for European Physicists : a Project Overview -- In: Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi Agent Technology (21-23 April 1997: London, England)

Collins, G. P. Preprint Servers -- In: Physics Today; (1997) v.50, no.4, p.58

Ginsparg, Pau l; Luce, Rick ; Van de Sompel, Herbert. First Meeting of the Open Archives Initiative [1999] (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Ginsparg, Paul. Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village -- In: Serials Librarian; (1997) v.30, no.3-4, p.83-96

Hibbits, Bernard J. E-Journals, Archives and Knowledge Networks : A Commentary on Archie Zariski's Defense of Electronic Law Journals -- In: First Monday; (1997)

Hibbitts, Bernard J. Spotlight on ... Paul Ginsparg [1997] (Last accessed on: 8 December 2000) At head of title: Last Writes? Re-Assessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace. Version 1.2 created March 10, 1997; Version 1.0 created February 5, 1996

Hitchcock, S .; Carr, L .; Harris, S. ; Hey, J.M.N. ; Hall, W. Citation Linking : Improving Access to Online Journals -- In: Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries (23-26 July 1997: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Lesk, Michael. Digital Libraries: The Revolution in Scholarly Information -- In: HEIA (Higher Education in the Information Age) Proceedings [1997] [A symposium held at University of Pennsylvania, 2-3 June 1997]

Morton, Bruce. Is the Journal as We Know It an Article of Faith? An Open Letter to the Faculty -- In: Public-Access Computer Systems Review; (1997) v.8, no. 2. Refereed article.

Odlyzko, Andrew. The Slow Evolution of Electronic Publishing -- In: A. J. Meadows and F. Rowland (eds.). Electronic Publishing '97 : New Models and Opportunities. ICCC Press, 1997, p.4-18

Zariski, Archie. Never Ending, Still Beginning : A Defense of Electronic Law Journals from the Perspective of the E Law Experience -- In: First Monday; (1997)

1996 Citations:
APS E-print Server Running -- In: APS News Online; (July 1996)

Preprint Server Now Up and Running -- In: AI Magazine; (Fall 1996) v.17, no.3, p.8-9

Weinberg is New PRD Editor -- In: APS News Online; (August-September 1996)

Workshops Explore Future of Telecommnunications, E-Publications -- In: APS News Online; (May 1996)

Austin, Robert Comments from a Typical (Frustrated) User -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Bederson, Ben. APS News Electronic Publication Special Issue -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Ginsparg, Paul. Los Alamos XXX -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Ginsparg, Paul. Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village -- In: Proceedings of the Joint ICSU Press/UNESCO Conference on Electronic Publishing in Science (19-23 February 1996: UNESCO, Paris, France) Invited contribution for Conference held at UNESCO HQ, Paris, 19-23 February 1996, during session, 'Scientist's View of Electronic Publishing and Issues Raised,' Wednesday, 21 February 1996.

Griffies, Stephen. Information about Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences E-Prints 16 October 1996 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Gr�tschel, Martin ; L�gger, Joachim. Chancen und Risiken neuer Technologien -- In: Wissenschaftliche Information und Kommunikation im Umbruch; (1996). See section 1.3.

Heller, Stephen R. Publishing on the Internet -- a Proposal for the Future -- In: Trends in Analytical Chemistry; (1996) v.15, no.3, p.111-114

Lebron, Maria L. Physics Resources Online -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Lim, Edward Preprint Servers : A New Model for Scholarly Publishing? -- In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries; (1996) v.27, no.1, p.21-30

Lustig, Harry. The Finances of Electronic Publishing -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Monty, Vivienne. Electronic Journals: New Publishing Paradigm -- In: Internet World Canada (10 January 1996) [Invited paper?]

Monty, Vivienne. Electronic Journals: Publishing Paradigm -- In: Information Technology; (February 1996)

Odlyzko, Andrew. On the Road to Electronic Publishing -- In: Euromath Bulletin; (1996) v.2, no.1, p.49-60 (Revised version, April 30, 1996). This article has appeared in Euromath Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 1 (June 1996), pp. 49-60. It will also continue to be available electronically (together with related papers) at http://www.research.att.com/~amo

Okerson, Ann. A Librarian's View of Some Economic Issues in Electronic Scientific Publishing -- In: Proceedings of the Joint ICSU Press/UNESCO Conference on Electronic Publishing in Science (19-23 February 1996 : UNESCO, Paris, France) Invited paper.

Roes, Hans. Electronic Journals : a Short History and Recent Developments -- In: International Summer School on the Digital Library (August 1996: Tilburg University) Paper presented at the International Summer School on the Digital Library, Tilburg, August 1996.

Santoro, Michele. L'Informazione Scientifica in Rete : Le Possibilit� dell'Editoria Elettronica Settembre 1996 (Last accessed on: 12 December 2000)

Smith, Arthur P. ; Doyle, Mark D. The APS E-Print Server -- In: APS Online; (November 1996)

Taubes, Gary. APS Starts Electronic Preprint Service -- In: Science Magazine; (19 July 1996) v.273, no.5273, p.304

Taubes, Gary. Electronic Preprints Point the Way to 'Author Empowerment' -- In: Science Magazine; (9 February 1996) v.271, no.5250, p.767-768

1995 Citations:
Abt, H. A. Changing Sources of Published Information -- In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; (1995) v.107, no.710, p.401-403

Borman, Stu. Electronic Publishing Increasingly Offered as Alternative to Print Medium -- In: Chemical and Engineering News; (1995) v.73, no.13, p.42-49

Brent, D. Stevan Harnad's 'Subversive Proposal' : Kick-Starting Electronic Scholarship -- In: Information Society; (1995) v.11, no.4, p.275-283

Gammie, Fiona. Grant Challenges Role of Peer Review in an Age of E-mail -- In: Nature; (1995) v.374, p.295

Hoke, F. Use of Electronic Preprints By Scientists Poses Challenges to Publishers -- In: Scientist; (1995) v.9, no.7, p.3-

Jacobs, Madeleine. The Publishing Paradox -- In: Chemical and Engineering News; (18 December 1995)

Lewenstein, B. V. From Fax to Facts : Communication in the Cold-Fusion Saga -- In: Social Studies of Science; (1995) v.25, no.3, p.403-436

Naylor, Bernard. Ginsparg Los Alamos Preprint Archive -- In: Newsletter of Serials Pricing Issues; (22 March 1995) no. 134. See section 134.2.

1994 Citations:
APS E-Print Workshop (14-15 October 1994: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico)

Bederson, Benjamin. Report to the Council on E-Print Archive Workshop, Los Alamos, Oct. 14-15, 1994 --American Physical Society, 6 November 1994. Report was presented to the APS Council Meeting, 6 November 1994.

Dallman, D. ; Schwarz, S. ; Draper, M. Electronic Pre-Publishing for Worldwide Access : the Case of High Energy Physics -- In: Interlending and Document Supply; (1994) v.22, no.2, p.3-7

Ginsparg, Paul. After Dinner Remarks, 14 Oct '94 , APS meeting at LANL, Paul Ginsparg (pg@xxx.lanl.gov) -- In: APS E-Print Workshop (14-15 October 1994: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico)

Ginsparg, Paul. First Steps Towards Electronic Research Communication -- In: Computers in Physics; (1994) v.8, no.4, p.390-396

Hilf, Eberhard R. Integrated Information Management in Physics -- In: APS E-Print Workshop (14-15 October 1994: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico) Talk given at the EP-ARCHIVE Los Alamos LANL, USA October 1994
[PDF] [Postscript]

Odlyzko, Andrew. Tragic Loss or Good Riddance? The Impending Demise of Traditional Scholarly Journals (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000)
This is a concatenation of 3 files:
1. Text of short version of the essay "Tragic loss of good riddance ...," which has appeared in the Notices Amer. Math. Soc., Jan. 1995 (approx. 550 lines) and has been reprinted in several places.
2. Text of full version, which has appeared in Intern. J. Human-Computer Studies (formerly Intern. J. Man-Machine Studies) 42 (1995), pp. 71-122.
3. A brief description of main differences between the full version included here and that of July 16, 1994 (approx. 80 lines).
Full version appears in: Intern. J. Human-Computer Studies (formerly Intern. J. Man-Machine Studies) 42 (1995), pp. 71-122, and in the electronic J. Univ. Comp. Sci., pilot issue, 1994.
Condensed version in Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 42 (Jan. 1995), pp. 49-53, and reprinted in Deutsche Math. Ver. Mitteilungen, 1995 (no. 1), pp. 19-24, and, in a French traslation by D. Foata, Perte tragique ou bon debarras? La disparition imminente des revues savantes traditionnelles, in Gazette des mathematiciens, no. 63 (1995), pp. 41-52.
It has also been reprinted, as part of an electronic discussion presentation, on pp. 63-73 of Scholarly Journals at the Crosroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing, A. S. Okerson and J. J. O'Donnell, eds., Assoc. Res. Lib. 1995 and on pp. 91-101 in Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier, Robin P. Peek and Gregory B. Newby, eds., MIT Press, 1996.
[Long version PDF] [Short version PDF]

Peskin, Michael E. Reorganization of the APS Journals for the Era of Electronic Communication 12 September 1994 (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000)

Quinn, Frank. Consequences of E-Publication in Theoretical Physics August 1994 (Last accessed on: 5 December 2000)

Stix, Gary. The Speed of Write -- In: Scientific American; (December 1994) v.271, no.6, p.106-111

Taubes, Gary. Peer Review in Cyberspace -- In: Science Magazine; (11 November 1994) v.266, no.5187, p.967

Voss, David. Researchers Turn On to Electronic Publishing -- In: Physics World; (1994) v.7, no.3, p.14-15

1993 Citations:
Pool, Robert. Beyond Databases and E-Mail -- In: Science Magazine; (13 August 1993) v.261, no.5123, p.841-843

Reese, K.M. Electronic Publishing in High-Energy Physics -- In: Chemical and Engineering News; (12 April 1993) p.66

Taubes, Gary. E-Mail Withdrawal Prompts Spasm -- In: Science Magazine; (8 October 1993) v.262, p.173-174

Taubes, Gary. Publication by Electronic Mail Takes Physics by Storm -- In: Science Magazine; (26 February 1993) v.259, no.5099, p.1246-1248

1991 Citations:
Voss, D. Preprints On Tap -- In: Physics World; (1991) v.4, no.11, p.11-12

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