Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/12/72

Series: Personal Property and Services

Part 402: Requisitioning

Chapter 1: Scope and Authority

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

402 DM 1

1.1 Scope. This Part pertains only to the originating and processing of requisitions to the point where they become proper documents either for issuing action by the office of the Department having custody of the articles, or for procurement of the articles or services from sources outside the Department.

1.2 Definition. A requisition is a written request for articles or services. A Arequest@ may or may not be granted; therefore, a requisition, as defined, is not an order. It is used to provide a description of articles or services needed, and, when properly approved, becomes a document authorizing issue from stock, or procurement from other sources, of material, equipment, supplies or services for the use of the requisitioner in the furtherance of an approved program.

1.3 Requirements. Approved requisitions shall be required as the authority for withdrawal of materials and supplies from stock for distribution and use. This does not preclude the use of combination request and issue documents for over-the-counter issues, or the use of billing machines to summarize transactions without separate written requisitions. The procurement of articles or services from outside the Department should be initiated by approved requisitions; provided, that requisitions need not be required when using Standard Form 44, Imprest Funds, or other simplified purchasing procedures for which effective administrative controls have been established.

1.4 Initiation of Requisition. The initiation of requisitions, such acts being in the nature of requests as distinguished from orders, is, unless limited for administrative reasons, a part of the duties and responsibilities of any officer or employee of the Department assigned the task of carrying out any part of a program. Specific delegations or redelegations of requisitioning authority are not essential to initiation of such action. Similarly, supervisors and officers responsible for a segment of the program have a responsibility, subject to administrative limitation, to consider and to approve, revise, or disapprove, requisitions coming to their attention in the course of discharge of their duties.

1.5 Administrative Limitations. Those officials have administrative jurisdiction over property shall limit action on requisitions by designating in writing those employees authorized to approve requisitions on storerooms for materials and supplies. Heads of bureaus and offices and those to whom they have delegated responsibility for a phase of the Department=s program, may prescribe, for their areas of responsibility, such other limitations on the originating and approving of requisitions as they find desirable for purposes of organizational and budgetary control.


12/12/72 #3416

Replaces 12/12/72 #1514

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