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Research Center Grants (P50)

NIGMS primarily supports investigator-initiated basic biomedical research that generally is not targeted to particular diseases or disorders. However, there are certain Institute programs that support research center grants (P50). Although these grants serve varying scientific and Institute-specific purposes, they have elements in common. The grants are multidisciplinary in scope and may focus more on an area or discipline of science than on a specific theme or goal. Independent investigators direct the projects and cores. Center grants offer a greater opportunity for scientific interactions and overall progress than there is in individually funded projects.

NIGMS solicits some center grants via Requests for Applications (RFAs) that outline specific center components (such as outreach activities, training needs, and infrastructure) as well as budget limits. Other centers, particularly in the areas of anesthesiology, pharmacological sciences, and trauma and burn injury, are not specifically solicited. These centers contain basic and clinical components and promote translational research. At a very early stage in the planning process for an unsolicited center grant , investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the program directors identified below to ascertain the degree of NIGMS interest in the proposed center.

For applications seeking initial funding in FY 2008, there is an upper limit of $6,100,000 direct costs (exclusive of subcontractual indirect costs), or as specified in the relevant request for applications (RFA), for the entire 5-year project period that may be requested in a competing research center grant application to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. If  fewer than 5 years are requested, the limit is prorated accordingly. Applications that exceed this limit will be returned without review.

Under certain circumstances, with the concurrence of NIGMS staff, additional funds may be requested and provided for major pieces of equipment. In compliance with NIH policy, a grant application that requests more than $500,000 (direct costs) in any one year will not be accepted without prior approval from the Institute.

Center grants are usually awarded for an initial 5-year period. Successful renewal of a center that was not specifically solicited depends on evidence that the grant did indeed stimulate new, scientifically meritorious approaches and interactions as originally intended. Reissuance of RFAs for center grants is contingent on the Institute's interests and funding resources. Center grant applications are generally reviewed by NIGMS review panels.

For unsolicited center grant applications in the following special interest areas, direct inquiries to the staff members listed below. The appropriate program contacts for solicited center grant applications are listed in the RFAs announcing the center grant programs.


Dr. Alison E. Cole -- 301-594-3827

Pharmacological Sciences

Dr. Richard T. Okita -- 301-594-3827

Protein Structure Initiative

Dr. John Norvell -- 301-594-0533
Dr. Charles Edmonds -- 301-594-4428

Trauma and Burn Injury Research

Dr. Scott D. Somers -- 301-594-3827

For more information concerning research center grants, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Vol. 16, No. 32, September 25, 1987, or call Dr. Ann Hagan at 301-594-3910.

This page last updated January 14, 2008