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Lock icon: This link will not work for public visitors.Some links in the SOPs will work for NIAID staff only.

For information on other modules you can access through the Council Action and Approval Program and the NIAID Planning and Reporting System, see the CAAP and NPARS SOP.


Before a grants management specialist awards a supplement, the funding plan goes through a workflow process of approvals.

The approval process begins with the division, then goes to GMP to review policy issues and the budget, the contact person in the division, NIAID's Budget and Financial Management Branch for budget approval, and the NIAID Office of the Director for final approval.

For each level of approval, NPARS generates an email notifying the next group the application is ready for approval.

Program Officers

  • Use this module to request administrative supplements, but only if you have a request signed by the authorized institutional business official. The PI doesn't need to countersign the request, but the grantee must retain documentation of the PI's approval. You can enter more than one supplement request for each application. Multiple supplements are identified by number.
  • Enter the request into NPARS. The GMS, GMO, DIV, and OFM tabs are read-only. When entering a request, indicate the number of years and dollar level in the notes fields.
  • Email the request and PI's administrative supplement package to the grants management specialist.
  • Click "Close Application" to exit the Web form.
  • Revise request if grants management specialist has changes.

Grants Management Specialists

  • Review the information entered by the program officer. See Lock icon: This link will not work for public visitors.GMP Administrative Supplement SOP for details on review of the actual request.
  • If you approve, complete the GMS tab. If you do not, check "Disapprove," and forward to the grants management officer for final disapproval.
  • Enter number of years, amount of money, name, and date before saving the record. If any field is left blank, you will be prompted to fill in the information.
  • Forward to one of the following grants management division coordinators for review and approval:
  • Click "Close Application" to exit the Web form.
  • Upload the supplement application into eGrants.

For more information, see GMP's Lock icon: This link will not work for public visitors.CAAP (Council Action and Approval Program) and NPARS (NIAID Planning and Reporting System) SOP.

Grants Management Division Coordinator

  • Review information in PO and GMS tabs.
  • Complete GMO tab to approve or disapprove the request.
    • If approved, email division director, copying the program officer and grants management specialist.
    • If disapproved, return email to program officer and grants management specialist.
  • Click "Close Application" to exit the Web form.

Division Director

  • Review PO, GMS, and GMO tabs.
  • Complete DIV tab to approve or disapprove the request.
    • If approved, forward email to NIAID financial management officer.
    • If disapproved, return email to grants management officer.
  • Click Close Application to exit the Web form.

Budget and Financial Management Branch Staff

  • Review PO, GMS, GMO, and DIV tabs.
  • Complete the OFM tab to approve or disapprove the request. Note that supplements cannot be awarded without GMP approval.
    • If financial management officer determines funds are available, and if NIAID director approves, email the division director and appropriate email group -- NIAID DAIDSFunding, NIAID DAITFunding, NIAID DAGFunding, NIAID DMIDFunding, and issue a Release List authorizing funding.
    • If funds are not available, email the division director and the appropriate funding email group -- NIAID DAIDSFunding, NIAID DAITFunding, NIAID DAGFunding, NIAID DMIDFunding.
  • Click Close Application to exit the Web form.


Administrative Supplements to Grants and Cooperative Agreements SOP

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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases August 15, 2008
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