Table 5. Job openings levels (1) and rates (2) by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted

Table 5.  Job openings levels(1) and rates(2) by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted

                                                    Levels (in thousands)                  Rates

              Industry and region                  July     June     July          July     June     July
                                                   2007     2008     2008p         2007     2008     2008p

Total...........................................  4,287    3,587    3,507           3.0      2.5      2.5


 Total private..................................  3,772    3,124    3,030           3.1      2.6      2.5
  Natural resources and mining..................     12       18       18           1.6      2.2      2.2
  Construction..................................    185      113       92           2.3      1.5      1.2
  Manufacturing.................................    349      250      242           2.4      1.8      1.8
   Durable goods................................    223      144      140           2.5      1.6      1.6
   Nondurable goods.............................    126      107      102           2.4      2.1      2.0
  Trade, transportation, and utilities..........    711      519      614           2.6      1.9      2.3
   Wholesale trade..............................    182      119      130           2.9      1.9      2.1
   Retail trade.................................    392      299      393           2.5      1.9      2.5
   Transportation, warehousing, and utilities...    138      101       92           2.6      1.9      1.8
  Information...................................    132       74       57           4.2      2.4      1.9
  Financial activities..........................    255      179      184           2.9      2.1      2.2
   Finance and insurance........................    198      144      144           3.1      2.3      2.3
   Real estate and rental and leasing...........     57       35       40           2.5      1.6      1.8
  Professional and business services............    695      703      584           3.7      3.7      3.1
  Education and health services.................    696      693      673           3.7      3.6      3.5
   Educational services.........................     69       59       52           2.5      2.0      1.9
   Health care and social assistance............    627      634      621           3.9      3.9      3.8
  Leisure and hospitality.......................    570      447      453           3.9      3.0      3.1
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation..........     59       41       48           2.5      1.8      2.0
   Accommodation and food services.............     511      406      406           4.1      3.3      3.3
  Other services................................    166      128      113           2.9      2.2      2.0

 Government.....................................    515      463      476           2.4      2.0      2.2
  Federal.......................................     42       54       61           1.5      1.9      2.2
  State and local...............................    473      409      415           2.5      2.0      2.2

                    REGION (3)

  Northeast.....................................    761      626      610           2.9      2.4      2.3
  South.........................................  1,645    1,447    1,380           3.2      2.8      2.7
  Midwest.......................................    818      678      668           2.5      2.1      2.1
  West..........................................  1,063      836      848           3.3      2.6      2.7

  1 Job openings are the number of job openings on the last business day of the month.
  2 The job openings rate is the number of job openings on the last business day of the month as a
percent of total employment plus job openings.
  3 See footnote 8, table 1.
  p = preliminary.

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Last Modified Date: September 09, 2008