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Office of Public Affairs, Region III
801 Warrenville Road, Lisle IL 60532

No. III-02-033   June 6, 2002
CONTACT: Jan Strasma (630) 829-9663
Viktoria Mitlyng (630) 829-9662

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will conduct three public meetings to discuss the agency's activities associated with the corrosion damage to the reactor vessel head at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant on Wednesday, June 12, at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Oak Harbor, Ohio.

All three meetings will be held at the Oak Harbor High School Auditorium, 11661 West State Route 163, in Oak Harbor.

The first meeting, at 10 a.m., will focus on the activities of the Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head Degradation Lessons Learned Task Force. It will conduct an independent evaluation of the NRC staff's regulatory processes related to assuring reactor vessel head integrity in order to identify and recommend areas for improvement. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the Task Force, its objectives, the scope of its activities and its schedule; to answer questions, and to address public comments.

The 3 p.m. meeting will be between the NRC oversight panel, set up to coordinate the agency's activities associated with the corrosion damage to the reactor vessel head, and utility officials. The public is invited to observe the business portion of the meeting; and will have an opportunity to ask questions of the NRC staff before the meeting is adjourned.

The NRC will hold a separate public meeting at 7 p.m. to update the public on NRC's activities related to the reactor vessel head degradation. The public will be encouraged to ask questions and make comments.

The Lessons Learned Task Force, assigned by the NRC's Executive Director of Operations to assess lessons-learned related to the degradation of the reactor vessel head at Davis-Besse, is headed by Arthur T. Howell, III, Director of the Division of Reactor Safety in NRC's Region IV Office in Arlington, Texas. It includes specialists from Region IV as well as the NRC's Region II Office in Atlanta, Georgia; Office of Nuclear Materials Safety & Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, and Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Representatives from the state of Ohio are also participating as observers in the task force review activities.

The NRC oversight panel, created on April 29, includes NRC management personnel and staff from its Region III office in Lisle, Illinois, the NRC Headquarters office in Rockville, Maryland, and the NRC Resident Inspector Office at the Davis-Besse site.

Documents on the Davis-Besse corrosion issue, including further details on NRC's oversight panel activities and the lessons learned task force, are posted on the NRC's web site at:

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