Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/7/93

Series: Administrative Services

Part 310: General

Chapter 3: Identification Cards

Originating Office: Office of Law Enforcement and Security

310 DM 3

3.1 Department of the Interior Identification Cards. The following instructions prescribe the procedures to be followed for the issuance of Department of the Interior identification cards. These cards are required to permit authorized access to space occupied by the Department of the Interior, as well as other Federal buildings. Each employee of the Department is required to have in his/her possession a personal identification card such as those described below. Employees will present their card for examination by building security personnel upon entry into a Department of the Interior facility. Deviation from these cards may be made when the head of an activity within the Department determines that another type identification card would be better suited to a particular operation. However, all deviations require the prior approval of the Chief, Division of Security, Office of Enforcement and Security Management (PES).

A. Department of the Interior Secretarial Identification Card.

(1) This card bears the facsimile signature of the Secretary, is serially numbered, bears the Department Seal and is carefully controlled.

(2) Secretarial Identification Cards will be issued to the following:


Deputy Secretary


Assistant Secretaries

Inspector General

Heads of Bureaus and Offices

Career and Non-Career Senior Executive Service Employees

A Request for Identification Card, DI 1995, (310 DM 3, Illustration 1) will be submitted to the Chief, Division of Security, PES. All requests must be either typed or neatly printed and contain an original signature by an authorized official.

(3) Secretarial Identification Cards are valid only when bearing the signature of the current Secretary of the Interior. Cards signed by previous Secretaries should be returned for update purposes.

(4) A replacement may be issued upon submission of satisfactory written evidence of loss of card with explanation of circumstances, or when the card becomes soiled or defaced.

B. Department of the Interior Permanent Identification Card (DI 238A).

(1) This card is unique to the Department of the Interior. The DI 238A is white in color, prenumbered, and is issued to permanent employees only.

(2) The DI 238A is controlled by the Division of Security, PES, and is issued centrally to Washington metropolitan area Department of the Interior employees, except the U.S. Geological Survey and the Minerals Management Service.

(3) A Request for Identification Card, DI 1995, (310 DM 3, Illustration 1) will be submitted to the Chief, Division of Security, PES. All requests must be either typed or neatly printed and contain an original signature by an authorized official.

(4) Bureau/office security officers may obtain the DI 238A in blocks of 100 cards or less for issuance to field personnel only. Requests for blocks of cards should be submitted to the Chief, Division of Security, PES, the sole source of supply for the cards in the Department of the Interior.

C. Department of the Interior Temporary Identification Card (DI 238).

(1) The DI 238 is yellow in color, prenumbered, and is issued to contractor employees and temporary employees who require access to the Department premises for a designated period of time.

(2) Instructions for the requisitioning and issuance of the DI 238 are the same as for the DI 238A.

D. Retiree Identification Card.

(1) Department of the Interior employees upon retirement may be issued a retiree identification card, if desired. These cards reflect the agency name, card number (Social Security Number is used), the employee=s name, retirement date, length of service, and the signature of the Security Manager. Retiree cards will be accepted for access to Interior facilities for business or personal reasons.

(2) Instructions for the requisitioning and issuance of retiree identification cards are the same as for the DI 238A.

3.2 Standards and Controls.

A. All identification cards require a color photograph of the employee and will be laminated before being issued. This requirement also applies to cards made in Departmental field units.

B. All bureau/office security officers will maintain accountability records for all identification cards issued to field offices. Field offices will maintain detailed accountability records which will reflect chronological entries for each card issued indicating the card number, date of issue, the recipient=s typed/printed name, where employed, the signature of the employee and appropriate cancellation information.

C. All bureaus and offices are responsible for ensuring that cards issued to field offices are turned in for cancellation when an individual leaves or transfers out of the organization for which the card was issued or the card expires. Bureau/office accountability records will be dated and marked to indicate that such cards have been cancelled and the cards will be cut up.

D. Each employee is responsible for safeguarding identification cards in his/her possession. Employees should immediately report the loss or theft of cards to the office of issue, explaining circumstances of the loss. Upon receipt of notification of loss of an identification card issued by the Division of Security, PES, there will be a three week waiting period before a new identification card will be issued. A temporary building pass will be issued to the employee for use during the three week waiting period.

3.3 Responsibilities.

A. Bureaus and Offices.

(1) Heads of bureaus and offices will submit a memorandum to the Chief, Division of Security, PES, designating who is authorized to request identification cards. This list should be updated as changes occur. Requests for identification cards will not be accepted unless signed by an authorized official.

(2) Bureaus and offices will establish procedures and management controls to ensure compliance with the foregoing standards and controls.

B. Employees and Contractors. All employees and contractors will surrender their identification card upon termination of employment/contract with this Department.

C. Division of Security. The Division of Security, PES, will conduct a periodic review of Departmental activities to ensure that security procedures are in conformance with Departmental security programs, to include a review of the identification card controls as required by this chapter.


310 DM 3

Illustration 1



To: Chief, Division of Security

Office of Enforcement and Security Management


Subject: Request for Identification Card

Please issue an identification card to the following individual:




Date of Birth:




Color of Hair:

Color of Eyes:

Telephone Number:

Type of Identification Card Requested:

____ Secretarial ID

____ DI 238A (Permanent Employee)

____ DI 238 (Temporary Employee), NTE Date ____________

____ DI 238 (Contractor), NTE Date ___________

____ Retiree ID, Retirement Date ____________, Number of Years of Service ____

____ Replacement ID (check type above). Please explain circumstances in detail in a separate memo signed by the employee=s supervisor and return with this request.


Authorizing Official

DI 1995

(4/93 - New)

6/7/93 #2975

Replaces 3/15/84 #2560