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No. 00-083 May 23, 2000

NRC Revises Goal; Extends Timing on Availability of Documents to The Public

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has revised its goal for making documents on its new "Agencywide Documents Access and Management System" (ADAMS) available to the public to five full working days, rather than the previously announced three working days.

On January 21, when the agency announced its initial policy, three working days before public release was considered sufficient. However, recent experience has demonstrated that, for NRC-generated documents to external addressees, recipients sometimes had not received their document before it was available to other members of the public.

For documents addressed to the NRC, the additional time will allow the agency to review a document to ensure that it does not contain proprietary, privacy or other sensitive information that should not be made public.

Certain documents will still be excluded from this policy, and could be released either sooner or later than the five-working day goal. For example, NRC documents addressed to external persons or organizations may be released earlier than the five-day goal when the NRC has verified that the addressee has in fact received it. Press releases will be put out for immediate release. Other examples of the types of documents that are exceptions to the five-working-day release policy are attached.

On November 1, the agency began placing all newly received and created public records in electronic form at the ADAMS public library on the NRC web site, accessible by computers using a standard web browser.

ADAMS is now the agency's official method for making documents available to the public. In the past, publicly available documents were sent to the agency's Public Document Room on paper and microfiche and typically were available to the public within approximately 14 working days, unless special arrangements were made.

Those without access to computers may contact NRC's Public Document Room (202-634-3273). The Public Document Room will search for and retrieve documents, and upon request, will copy them for a fee.

Examples of Documents With Specific Release Conditions


1. Notification of significant enforcement actions Five working days after the final enforcement action is issued
2. Documents related to byproduct material licensees (10 CFR Parts 30 through 39) Five working days after the final licensing action is completed (e.g., license issued)
3. Route approval letters to licensees Ten working days after the last of a series of shipments in a shipping campaign
4. Non-sensitive Commission Information papers Ten working days after issuance of the paper
5. Non-sensitive SECY papers not listed elsewhere Immediately after final Commission action
6. Commission staff requirements memoranda, voting records, and Commission action memoranda Immediately after final Commission action
7. Congressional and Executive correspondence sent to NRC Five working days after response is sent to recipient
8. Generic requirements proposed to the Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR) (attachments to CRGR meeting notice transmittal memoranda) After the NRC has considered the proposed requirements in a public forum or has decided on the matter addressed in the proposed requirements.
9. CRGR meeting minutes After the NRC has decided on the matter addressed in the minutes
10. Emergency preparedness exercise objectives and scenarios, including NRC and Federal Emergency Management Agency comments and reviews After conduct of exercise
11. Regulatory guides and draft regulatory guides One working day after congressional committees receive printed copies
12. Facility-submitted operator licensing written examinations After the conduct of the examination
13. Non-sensitive Freedom of Information Act requests Five working days after response is sent to recipient.

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