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No. 00-076 April 27, 2000

NRC to Discuss Apparent USEC Violations at Pre-decisional Enforcement Conference on May 3

Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff and officials of the United States Enrichment Corporation will meet on Wednesday, May 3, to discuss apparent violations of agency regulations identified during NRC's review of the corporation's 1999 annual update to its certificate documentation for the Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants.

USEC is a private corporation that enriches uranium for use as fuel in commercial nuclear power plants.

The pre-decisional enforcement conference, which will be open to the public for observation, will be held from 9 a.m. until noon in Room O3B 4 of the NRC's One White Flint North building at 11555 Rockville Pike in Rockville, Maryland. NRC officials will be available at its conclusion to answer questions from observers who attend.

Specifically, the NRC has identified apparent violations in USEC's implementation of its program for making changes at the two facilities. Certain changes should have been approved by NRC before USEC's implementation of them.

The decision to hold a pre-decisional enforcement conference does not mean that the NRC has determined a violation has occurred or that enforcement action will be taken. Rather,

the purpose is to discuss apparent violations, their causes and safety significance; to provide USEC with an opportunity to point out any errors that may have been made in the NRC review; and to enable USEC to outline its proposed corrective action.

No decision on the apparent violations will made at this conference. That decision will be made by NRC officials at a later time.

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