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No. 00-069 April 19, 2000

NRC Advisory Joint Subcommittee to Meet in Rockville, Maryland, on May 4

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) Joint Subcommittee has scheduled a meeting on May 4 in Rockville, Maryland.

The joint subcommittee will discuss the development of risk-informed regulation in the NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, including risk-informing fuel cycle programs, integrated safety assessments, byproduct material risk analysis, dry cask storage risk analysis, the results of a public workshop on the use of risk information in regulating the use of nuclear materials and related matters. It will then formulate proposed positions and actions for deliberation by the full committees of the ACRS and ACNW.

The meeting, which will be open to the public, will be held in Room T-2B3 of the agency's Two White Flint North Building, at 11545 Rockville Pike, from 8:30 a.m. until the conclusion of business.

Those who seek additional information on the meeting or schedule changes should contact either John Sorensen, at 301-415-7372, or Mike Markley, at 301-415-6885.

Other aspects of the meeting are described in the April 18 edition of the Federal Register. ACRS meeting notices, transcripts and letter reports are available on the internet, at .

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