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No. 00-066 April 18, 2000

NRC to Hold Two Public Meetings May 4 in Nevada

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold two public meetings May 4 in Nevada on the agency's high-level radioactive waste repository licensing process.

The meetings are intended to foster a common understanding on issues that would be associated with the licensing process, if the Department of Energy (DOE) submits a license application to the NRC for a possible geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

The first meeting will be from 8:00 a.m. until noon at the Clark County Government Center, Gold Room, Fourth Floor, 500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas. It will be an information workshop designed primarily for the professional staff of those potentially affected by the repository. It is open to the public and will begin with an NRC overview of the licensing process, followed by NRC presentations on information management, the role of the NRC in evaluating the DOE license application, and the NRC inspection process. Opportunities for questions and answers will be provided throughout the workshop.

The second meeting will be from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Mountain View Casino and Bowl, 1750 Pahrump Valley Boulevard, Pahrump. Its purpose is primarily to acquaint the public with the NRC's high-level waste licensing process. It will begin with an overview of the three topics addressed at the first meeting, followed by a question and answer period. In addition, members of the NRC will be available for informal discussions with members of the public.

Francis X. Cameron, Special Counsel for Public Liaison at the NRC, will act as facilitator for both meetings.

The NRC plans to hold a third meeting on the high-level waste licensing process in Washington, D.C., later this year, at a location, time, and date to be announced later.

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