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No. 00-065 April 12, 2000

NRC to Request National Academy of Science Study on Control of Solid Materials from Licensed Facilities; Schedules Public Meetings

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has directed the staff to request the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Board on Energy and Environmental Systems to conduct a 9-month study and provide recommendations on possible alternatives for the control of slightly contaminated radioactive materials originating at licensed nuclear facilities. In addition, the agency has scheduled public meetings at its headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, on May 3 and 9 to discuss this issue.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the preliminary stages of examining its approach to controlling such material. Over the past year, the agency has been seeking comment on its decision-making process through public meetings and publication of an "issues" paper that discusses alternative courses of action.

The Commission is considering a staff paper (SECY-00-0070) which summarizes the stakeholders' views and makes recommendations for proceeding, including the integration of the NAS study into the agency's overall approach for the control of solid material. On May 3, the NRC staff will brief the Commission on the details of this paper. On May 9, the Commission will hear comments and concerns from a number of invited groups. The participants represent citizen groups, tribal and state governments, federal agencies, private industry, and workers. Both meetings are open to the public for observation.

The May 3 meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m; the May 9 meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. Both will be held in the Commissioners' Conference Room in the One White Flint North building at 11555 Rockville Pike.

The staff paper and other background information regarding this issue are available on the agency's web site, at

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