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No. 00-019 February 8, 2000

Working Group Meetings Scheduled in Rockville, Maryland, on Control of Solid Materials

The NRC staff has scheduled a series of working group meetings for interested parties to observe development of a staff paper for the Commission on issues associated with the control of solid materials from licensed facilities having very small amounts of residual radioactivity. Scheduled meetings thus far will be held on February 9 and 23, and March 8.

The agency is examining its approach for the control of solid materials. The NRC currently evaluates license requests for release of solid materials on a case-by-case basis.

The public working group meetings were discussed during last year's public meetings held from September to December around the country. At those meetings, the staff heard from many different stakeholders regarding their concerns.

The NRC staff is preparing a paper for the Commission, expected in March, which will communicate stakeholder concerns, develop issues, and recommend alternatives.

At the working group meetings, attendees will have an opportunity to observe the development of the paper, with time allotted for brief statements at the end.

The meetings will be held from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. in Room 7A1 of the agency's Two White Flint Building at 11545 Rockville Pike.

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