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611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington TX 76011

No. IV-00-10 May 4, 2000
CONTACT: Breck Henderson
Phone: 817-860-8128
Cellular: 817-917-1227

NRC, Entergy to Discuss Apparent Violations at Arkansas Nuclear One

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a predecisional enforcement conference Monday, May 8, with officials of Entergy Operations, Inc., operators of the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, nuclear power plant in Russellville, Arkansas, to discuss two apparent violations of NRC requirements identified during a special inspection of the plant's low pressure injection/decay heat removal system.

The conference will begin at 1 p.m. at NRC Region IV offices in Arlington, Texas. The meeting will be open to public observation; NRC officials will be available afterward for questions.

The NRC special inspection was conducted at ANO, Unit 1, after both low pressure injection/decay heat removal pumps were declared inoperable on February 5 due to high bearing temperatures. The first apparent violation involves the plant engineering department's failure to complete adequate evaluations for the replacement of the pumps' cast iron bearing housings with stainless steel housings and a change in lubricating oil viscosity. These modifications apparently led to the overheating.

The second apparent violation is that the low pressure injection pumps were inoperable from at least January 28 until February 5, which is a violation of plant technical specifications.

The decision to hold a predecisional enforcement conference does not mean that NRC has made a determination that violations did occur or that enforcement action will be taken. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the apparent violations, their causes and safety significance, and to provide Entergy officials with an opportunity to point out any errors that may have been made in the NRC inspection report and present corrective actions that have been taken or planned.

No decision on the apparent violations or any contemplated enforcement action will be made at this conference. Those decisions will be made by senior NRC officials at a later date.
