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This SOP has internal roles only.

Standard Operating Procedure Table of Contents



To explain requirements and answer questions for complex contracts before potential offerors develop proposals. In this way, the offeror's understanding of government requirements can be improved. This will allow them to judge how they can satisfy the government requirements and increase their efficiency in proposal preparation.


Potential offerors, end users, contracting and program staff, and others involved in an acquisition may participate in a preproposal conference, conducted in accordance with FAR 15.201. Statements made at the conference are informational only. Changes resulting from the conference are official only if issued through an amendment to the RFP.

Project Officers

  • Work with contract specialists to determine whether an acquisition needs a preproposal conference. If possible, include a conference notice in the request for proposals (RFP). If a decision to hold a preproposal conference is made after an RFP has been posted, prepare an amendment to the RFP with the details.
  • With contract specialists, create a preproposal conference agenda.
  • At a conference, present the RFP background and objectives, serve as a resource on scientific aspects, and respond to technical questions.

Contract Specialists

  • Make sure section L of the RFP (or an amendment) gives potential offerors adequate notice of the time, date, location, purpose, and scope of the conference, and invite them to submit questions in advance. Provide a cut-off date for questions before the conference date.
  • If questions and answers arepreparedin advance of the conference, prepare a handout that includes them. Be sure to remove any information that could be associated with an offeror.
  • Use the Preproposal Conference Checklist to organize and manage conference.
  • Work with project officers to determine an agenda. Consider including the SRO to discuss the review and evaluation process.
  • Organize the conference.
  • Preside at meetings, respond to administrative and business questions, and describe award process.
  • Ensure that an official transcript is prepared for electronic posting or distribution to all prospective offerors. Hire a transcriber to prepare it.
  • After the meeting, work with project officers to prepare an RFP amendment that includes questions and answers, materials distributed, and a record of proceedings. The amendment is typically posted about a week after the meeting.

Scientific Review Officers

  • Attend conferences to provide support and serve as a resource.


See the Office of Acquisitions staff listing for a contract specialist.

If you have knowledge to share or want more information on this topic, email with the title of this page or its URL and your question or comment. Thanks for helping us clarify and expand our knowledge base.


FAR Part 15.2, Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Information

Project Officer SOP

Request for Proposals SOP

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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases March 21, 2005
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