NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Methane and Water Vapor Observed in Atmosphere of Exoplanet

    Former NAI Postdoctoral Fellow Giovanna Tinetti is co-author on a groundbreaking paper in this week’s Nature detailing the observation of methane and water vapor in the atmosphere of the extrasolar planet HD 189733b. The team used the NASA Hubble Space Telescope to observe the transiting exoplanet, using the NICMOS camera to obtain a spectrophotometric time series. This result is a milestone in the search for life elsewhere in the Universe, most importantly because it demonstrates that we have the technology to identify these molecules in exoplanet atmospheres.

    Add your own comment
    1. Apr 2, 2008
      Vincenzo Catricala said:

      I love methane!

    2. Apr 8, 2008
      Espen K. Antonsen said:

      Good! But do you believe everything you see through a lens? You have gotten far and I think you know more than we are told too.

    3. Apr 13, 2008
      Joseph Ssenyange said:

      I find doubts in some discoveries made by our TOP scientists thousands of miles away from the discoveries.
      I know the evolution of complex technology empowers us with such ability but don’t you think many wrong assumptions are being made? Well we have to believe because anything that comes of NASA who is there to challenge it!

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