Flask Logo - Science and our Food Supply   U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, National Science Teachers Association  
  Food Safety For YOU!
2007 Edition

The "411" On the 4 Cs!


Refrigerate Promptly


Chill, Refrigerate promptly.
Keep perishables in the refrigerator! At room temperature, pathogenic bacteria in food can double in number every 30 to 40 minutes. The more bacteria there are, the greater the chance you could become sick.

Then, follow these COOL rules:

For safe thawing, follow the THAW LAW:



How does marinating tenderize meat?

The marinade's acid chemically softens the connective tissue in meats. To be effective, sufficient marinating time is necessary. Most dishes require an hour to overnight, depending on the food. Always remember to marinate foods in the refrigerator.

Why is it unsafe to marinate foods at room temperature? Doesn't the acid in the marinade kill any bacteria that might be present?

Bacteria grow rapidly at room temperature, so for food safety purposes, food should always be refrigerated while marinating. (Refrigeration slows bacterial growth.) Marinade that has been used on raw meat, poultry, and seafood contains raw juices. These juices may contain bacteria that, if eaten, could make you sick. The acid in marinade doesn't kill bacteria, it merely slows or stops bacterial growth.


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Hypertext updated by dms 2008-JUL-06