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Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center

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Multiple-Day Precipitation Products
Observed Precip Estimate Normal Precipitation Percent-of-Normal
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These pages graphically describe the short-term climatic trends of precipitation across the ABRFC area of responsibility. Click here for the Technical Write-up

  • "Observed precipitation estimate" images are a composite of all daily precipitation estimates for the specified duration. Since December 1997 the ABRFC has used Process 1 (P1) almost exclusively to create these precipitation estimates.
  • "Normal precipitation" images are reprojections of PRISM climate data. These gridded climate maps are considered the most detailed, highest-quality spatial climate datasets currently available.
  • "Percent-of-Normal" images are the product of dividing each "observed precipitation estimate" grid cell by its "normal precipitation" counterpart.

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National Weather Service
Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center
Page last modified: December 1, 2004
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