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What to expect during a survey site visit

NIAID (FOS) Team Composition

  • Contractor team leader and assistant
  • NIAID/NIH grants representative

Preliminary Steps

  • Three weeks before the site visit: FOS reaches grantee institution.
  • One week before the site visit: NIAID staff calls grantee to give team details, arrival times, answer preliminary questions on FOS, and ensure grantee has received the FOS.

Sample agenda for the site visit

Sample Foreign Organization System (FOS) Questionnaires

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English .DOC English .PDF February 6, 2008
Chinese .DOC Chinese .PDF March 20, 2007
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French .DOC French .PDF March 20, 2007
Portugese .DOC Portugese .PDF March 20, 2007
Russian .DOC Russian .PDF March 20, 2007
Spanish .DOC Spanish .PDF March 20, 2007
Thai .DOC Thai .PDF March 20, 2007

Visit the NIAID International Grants and Contracts Web site.

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