Goddard Space Flight Center
          Top Story Archive Listing          
20022003 2004   

All stories are listed from most current to least current in archives.

December 2001

20011211 - Satellite Data Help Researchers Track Carbon in Northern Hemisphere Forests

20011210 - Safari 2000 Captures Pollution and Climate Interactions, Debuts at AGU Press Briefing, December 12

20011210 - Methane Explosion Warmed the Prehistoric Earth, Possible Again

20011210 - Large Volcanic Eruptions Help Plants Absorb More Carbon Dioxide From the Atmosphere

20011210 - Cotton Doesn't Shrink from Climate Change

20011210 - Red Alert! "Recycled" Ozone Adds to Health Hazards in Zambia

20011210 - Fantastic Voyage Inside the Sun Reveals Hidden World of Surprising Complexity

20011210 - News From the AGU

20011207 - The Sun's Chilly Impact On Earth

20011206 - Laser Altimeter Provides First Measurements of Seasonal Snow Depth on Mars

November 2001

20011129 - Mars Was Once All Wet

20011120 - SOHO’S Latest Surprise: Gas Near the Sun Heading the Wrong Way

20011119 - Ocean Circulation Shut Down by Melting Glaciers After Last Ice Age

20011107 - NASA'S HETE Spots Rare Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow

20011106 - The Sun's Dark Secret: How Sunspots Pull Themselves Together

20011105 - Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World

October 2001

20011025 -Earth's Auroras Make Rare Joint Appearance In A Feature Film

20011025 - A Comet's Plunge into the Sun Captured by NASA Spacecraft

20011022 - New Energy Source "Wrings" Power from Black Hole Spin

20011018 - Weather Forecasters May Look Sky High For Answers

20011017 - Launch of NASA's TDRS-I Satellite Scheduled for March 8

20011016 - 2001 Ozone Hole About the Same Size As Past Three Years

20011011 - Scientists Track "Perfect Storm" on Mars

20011001 - Icelandic Weather System Helps Decipher Changes in the Arctic Ice Puzzle

September 2001

20010926 - NASA Technology Eyes Better Hurricane Forecasts

20010925 - Solar Explosion to Hit Earth Today/Tomorrow

20010918 - New Computer Model Tracks and Predicts Paths of Earth's Dust

20010917 - El Niño, La Niña Rearrange South Pole Sea Ice

20010917 - NASA Confirms Arctic Ozone Depletion Trigger

20010917 - Satellites Spot Developing Antarctic Ozone "Hole"

20010917 - Yohkoh Mission Celebrates a Decade of Solar Discovery

20010906 -Mysterious "Twofaced" Star Explained, Scientists Say

20010904 - Earth's Becoming a Greener Greenhouse

200109 - A Ten Year Flight Through the Atmosphere

August 2001

08302001 - Two NASA Satellites See the Western Wildfires

08202001 -Dust from Africa Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms in Gulf of Mexico, Study Finds

08202001 - NASA, University of Maryland and U.S. Forest Service Provide Rapid Response to Wildfires

08172001 - Newest Environmental Satellite Snaps First Image

081601 - New NASA Satellite Sensor and Field Experiment Shows Aerosols Cool the Surface but Warm the Atmosphere

081501 - A Global View of Sunburn Hotspots

080901 - New View of Primordial Helium Traces Structures of Early Universe

080201 - New NASA Field Campaign Sees the Forest for the Satellite

080101 - Stormy Space Weather Takes a Toll on Ozone

July 2001

073001 - Everything is Right on "TIMED" With New Solar Science Satellite

071601 - Climate Change in Atlantic Larger than Previously Thought

071201 - Greater Solar Activity May Bring U.S. More Gray Days

071001 - QuikTOMS Mission

June 2001

062101 - NASA's Terra Satellite Captures a World of Sunlight and Heat

062001 - Solar Eclipse 2001

062001 - NASA, NOAA To Launch Satellite That Will Watch Earth's Weather and Detect Solar Storms

061901 - HESSI Spacecraft to Steal Secrets of Solar Explosions with X-ray Vision

061201 - NASA to "Map" Big Bang Remnant to Solve Universal Mysteries

060101 - Concept of Satellite Formation Flying Becoming a Reality

May 2001

053001 - New Satellite Maps Provide Planners Improved Urban Sprawl Insight

052301 - New Type of Black Hole May Turn Starburst Galaxies Inside Out

051601 - Fires in Russia

051501 - Droughts Aggravated by Dust in the Wind

April 2001

042001 - Asian Storms Make Their Way to the East

041901 - This Planet Earth:  The Vision and Majesty of NASA's Remote Sensing Legacy

041701 - Wetter Upper Atmosphere May Delay Global Ozone Recovery

041301 - Satellite Spots Unique Ocean Eddy and a Bounty of Food for Fish

041001 - Iceland's Receding Glacier

040101 - NASA Demonstrates How Earth's Global Heat Engine Drives Plant Growth

March 2001

032801 - NASA Releases Satellite Imagery of Massive Algae Bloom Blamed for Killing More Than 700 Tons of Norwegian Salmon

032701 - The Colors of Life

032201 - NASA Image Reveals Giant Chip Off The Antarctic Ice Block

031501 - NASA Satellite Tracks Hazardous Smoke and Smog Partnership

February 2001

022701 - A Shadow of a Lake: Africa's Disappearing Lake Chad

022201 - Year of Promise, Year of Change - Earth Science Highlights from 2000

022101 - New Technology Gives Closest-Ever View of the Dust "Donut" Surrounding a Massive Young Star and a Surprise Companion

020201 - NASA Satellite Saw More U.S. Snow in Early Winter; Groundhog May See More Coming

January 2001

011701 - Cracks in the Ice - New Insights into Antarctic Ice Sheet Failures