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Deleting a Comment

Comments can be removed from the course detail at any time. These comments can impart specific instructions or assignments to students. They can also greet students immediately after registration or indicate changes in the original course information. Therefore, be very careful in deleting comments.

Warning: This is a non-reversible process; once the comment is removed, it cannot be recovered

To delete a comment, follow hese steps:t

  1. Click the “Administrator” tab in main navigation
  2. Under the Administrator tab, click “Catalog” to go to the Admin Catalog page
  3. On the Admin Catalog page, locate the course from which you want to delete the comment
  4. Click the Course Number to go to the Course Detail page
  5. Near the bottom of the Course Detail page, locate the comment that you want to delete
  6. Click the “Edit” link under the comment to go to the Edit Comment form
  7. Click the “Delete” link at the top of the form to remove the comment from the course detail

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney

This file last modified: Wednesday September 3, 2008  5:31 PM