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Closed Appeal & FOIA/PA Cases by Subject - FY 1998

Subject FOI/PA Number Date Rec'd. Date Closed Response in NRC's Public Document Room Y=yes N=no
10 CFR 35 changes-medical 97-358 09/16/97 10/22/97 Y
170 W Providencia Ave, Burbank, CA 98-271 07/06/98 07/06/98 N
ABB custodial contract 97-405 10/23/97 11/25/97 N
ABWR design doc on CD-ROM 98-004 01/08/98 01/16/98 N
Accident, Station Low Power Reactor No. 1 on 1-3-61 in Arco, ID 98-167 04/21/98 06/18/98 N
Advanced Medical Services, 2/26/98 public meeting in OH 98-127 03/26/98 06/05/98 Y
Advanced Medical Systems 97-381 10/02/97 10/30/97 N
AEOD rpt of power plant performance indicators for 4th quarter 98-249 06/23/98 07/06/98 Y
Aerial map surveys of contamination for GA reactors & NFS Erwin in TN, FOIA/PA 98-219 98-245 06/19/98 07/22/98 N
Aerial map surveys of contamination for GA reactors & NFS Erwin in TN 98-219 06/02/98 07/06/98 Y
Affirmative Action Prog for disabled vets 98-083 02/24/98 03/02/98 N
Airborne survey - Northeast, OH 97-439 11/10/97 12/02/97 Y
Allegation rpt 1-97-A-0145 & Susquehanna inspection rpt 97-09 & -10 98-247 06/23/98 07/27/98 N
Allegation rpt, 4-97-A-0264 98-144 04/06/98 04/28/98 N
Allegations 4-97-A-001 & 4-97-A-0038 98-006 01/08/98 01/23/98 N
Alliant Techsystems/uranium 97-421 10/29/97 12/17/97 Y
Allied Signal v USA, damage claims by Allied Signal 98-153 04/13/98 06/04/98 Y
American-designed pwr plant, request by France to sell to China 98-163 04/20/98 05/13/98 N
Amersham Corp, model 660 camera 98-174 04/24/98 07/23/98 Y
Anadarko Dozer Serv - license 97-354 09/15/97 10/27/97 Y
Anstec Corp, contract NRC-33-93-201 98-161 04/20/98 04/22/98 N
AOV Programs & Instrument Air Systems at Commercial ... Plants, draft AEOD rpt by Dr. H. Omstein 98-319 08/17/98 09/02/98 N
Arkansas Nuclear One, VSC-24 structural weld demonstration 98-164 04/20/98 08/21/98 Y
Artic Slope Inspec. Serv. 97-395 10/10/97 11/26/97 Y
Associated Press wire, on 4-18-98 re Haddam Neck 98-180 04/28/98 05/06/98 Y
AT&T/Bell Lab - rpts, allegation/investigation 98-012 01/09/98 03/12/98 Y
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT, resource expenditures re identified mtgs 2/95-2/98 98-226 06/04/98 06/19/98 Y
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT, license SUA-917 amendments 17, 21, & 25-29 re license fees 98-207 05/19/98 06/22/98 Y
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT, Lic SUA-917, reimbursement claims made &/or paid 98-109 03/16/98 03/30/98 N
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT re 2/8/94 public mtg 98-209 05/20/98 08/11/98 N
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT reclamation mill tailings in relation to 7/2/97 Chairman Jackson ltr to Rep George Miller 98-210 05/20/98 08/11/98 N
Atlas Corp uranium milling, Moab, UT, Supplemental Modeling & Analysis Rpt
Appeal of FOIA/PA 98-149 - EDO
98-09A 05/20/98 08/20/98 Y
Atlas Corp, uranium milling, Moab, UT, Supplemental Modeling & Analysis Rpt 98-149 04/09/98 08/20/98 Y
Atlas Corp, uranium tailings, Moab, UT, '96 to present re environmental impacts 98-145 04/07/98 04/22/98 Y
Atlas Corp, uranium tailings, Moab, UT 98-049 01/30/98 02/23/98 Y
Atlas Corp, UT 98-023 01/20/98 02/13/98 Y
Atlas Minerals, Moab, UT, aerial survey and index of aerial surveys performed by EG&G contractors 98-257 06/29/98 07/30/98 N
Awards, R4 & Walnut Creek Field Office personnel 1/1/97 - 4/1/98 98-171 04/23/98 07/08/98 N
AZ Cong. Delegation 97-410 10/24/97 12/02/97 N
B&W Apollo - non-public docs 98-042 01/28/98 04/14/98 N
B&W Co, Parks Township, PA; Directors Decision (DD95-12) all data, analyses, & calculations used as basis for decision 98-298 07/22/98 08/27/98 Y
B&W facilities, specified records on Apollo & Parks Township, PA: Nov's & inspection rpts since '75 98-283 07/13/98 08/11/98 N
Baxter Healthcare Corp, 1998 pre-enforcement hearing transcript 98-120 03/23/98 04/02/98 N
Beaver Valley - RI-93-A-0027 97-387 10/07/97 12/04/97 Y
Brachytherapy misadmin - computerized 98-075 02/13/98 03/12/98 Y
Brachytherapy misadmin - past 2 yrs 98-067 02/10/98 02/27/98 N
Braidwood 11/87 site visit 97-419 10/28/97 12/22/97 N
Braidwood investigation named indiv. 98-010 01/08/98 04/15/98 N
Breitling Watch Co, Stamford, CT 98-115 03/17/98 06/02/98 N
BRK electronics license 98-043 01/28/98 01/28/98 N
Brown Ferry, TVA, internal correspondence re Inspection Rpt 50-259/97-0401 98-352 09/18/98 09/23/98 N
Budget, FY99 Information Technology 98-131 03/30/98 04/01/98 N
Budget, FY99 IT, Yr 2000, Longrange IT plan 98-087 03/02/98 04/15/98 Y
BWROG, Topical Rpt NEDO-32291, non-public NRC review 98-173 04/23/98 05/06/98 Y
By-product licensees on disk 98-008 01/08/98 01/23/98 N
Cabot Performance Materials 98-028 01/21/98 02/11/98 N
Calvert Cliffs, 20 yr extension renewal request dated 4/8/98, FOIA/PA request 98-307 incoming 98-332 08/31/98 09/09/98 N
Calvert Cliffs, 20 yr extension license renewal request, dtd 4/8/98 98-307 08/05/98 08/05/98 N
Calvert Cliffs, 20-yr ext license renewal request for licenses DRP-53 & -69 98-267 07/06/98 07/23/98 N
Carolinas Virginia Tube (Test) Reactor, decommissioning 98-119 03/23/98 06/08/98 N
Check valves - Crane Co. 97-177 05/14/97 10/08/97 Y
Circ. A-11, FY '99 & Yr 2000 costs 98-062 02/06/98 03/11/98 Y
Circum. crack leak memo to ACRS 98-046 01/29/98 02/09/98 N
Circum. or axial free-spun crack leakage, internal corresp 98-113 03/17/98 06/24/98 N
ComEd sites, plant issues matrix 97-451 11/17/97 12/16/97 Y
Compensatory damages, polices for awarding 97-391 10/08/97 11/05/97 Y
Contamination '80-'96 at pwr plts 97-373 09/26/97 10/01/97 N
Contamination of shielding products 98-050 02/03/98 03/03/98 Y
CONTEMPT - LT/28 computer code converted to run a UNIX workstation 98-317 08/17/98 09/01/98 N
Contract 33-95-173 97-434 11/05/97 11/06/97 N
Contract, bldg security services 97-464 12/01/97 12/12/97 N
Contract, Dynamic Decisions, Order #DR980085, contract, modifications & statement of work 98-291 07/20/98 08/20/98 Y
Contract, Global Management Systems, NRC-33-96-175 98-304 08/04/98 08/26/98 Y
Contract, janitorial services 97-463 12/01/97 12/04/97 N
Contract, RQ60780016 97-453 11/18/97 11/21/97 Y
Contract, Ruland Assoc. 97-470 12/04/97 12/05/97 N
Contract, Ruland Assoc. 97-456 11/20/97 11/26/97 Y
Contract, Ruland Assoc. 97-457 11/21/97 11/24/97 N
Contract, solicitation 50875024, Gamma Spectroscopy with Detector Upgrade 98-176 04/27/98 05/19/98 Y
Contract, Sterling Software contract & burdened labor rates modifications 98-290 07/20/98 08/07/98 N
Contracts, furniture purchases FY97 & FY98 98-243 06/18/98 07/06/98 Y
Contracts listing, state of IL & IA 98-187 04/30/98 05/06/98 Y
Cornell Univ non-power reactors, latest inspection rpts 98-202 05/18/98 05/21/98 N
Corresp. btwn NRC & Lungren 98-051 02/03/98 02/11/98 N
Crystal River 4/96 incident 98-014 01/09/98 01/21/98 N
Crystal River - RETS Implementation 97-455 11/20/97 01/07/98 Y
CT Yankee, off-site locations analyzed or to be analyzed for contamination 98-148 04/09/98 08/14/98 Y
Democratic Committee FOIA requests 98-021 01/20/98 01/20/98 N
Diablo Canyon, invoices related to 1986 payments under 10 CFR Part 170 fee schedule 98-292 07/20/98 09/04/98 N
Diablo Canyon, RIV-A-0067 97-477 12/10/97 03/12/98 N
Diagnostic Imaging, license violations 97-433 11/04/97 12/09/97 Y
Disciplinary or adverse actions against employees since 1994 98-184 04/29/98 05/08/98 N
Docket 40-5677/Combustion Eng. 98-026 01/20/98 02/19/98 N
DOE Utility Briefing - consultation 98-254 06/26/98 06/26/98 N
Domestic Licensing of Source Material (Part 40), regulatory history/rulemaking 98-200 05/15/98 08/24/98 N
Dow Chemical facil in Madison IL 98-054 02/03/98 04/10/98 Y
DPO ltr Shearon, NRR to ACRS 98-045 01/29/98 03/19/98 Y
DPOs, NRR 10/1/96-9/1/97 97-379 09/30/97 10/30/97 Y
Dry cask storage, 4/6/98 ltr, Norrby & Engstrom, Swedish Nuclear Pwr Inspec. 98-270 07/06/98 07/16/98 Y
Duane Arnold - allegations/investigations 98-068 02/10/98 04/27/98 N
Enforcement actions with monetary penalty assessment for 1997, on disk 98-322 08/20/98 08/26/98 N
Engelhardt/Nuclear Corp of Am. in CA 98-019 01/16/98 08/10/98 Y
Envirocare of Utah, Envirocare of Texas, and Waste Control Specialists since 7/9/97 98-208 05/19/98 08/20/98 N
Envirocare of Utah 98-048 01/30/98 03/03/98 Y
Envirocare of Utah 97-105 03/18/97 02/03/98 Y
Environmental assessment, San Ramon, CA, 4 identified sites 98-264 07/01/98 09/22/98 Y
Environmental Qualification of Equipment, Maint Steam Line Break Effect on (IE Information Notice 84-90) 98-351 09/18/98 09/30/98 Y
Environmental site assessment, 2718 Montana Ave, Billings, MT 98-284 07/14/98 07/23/98 N
EPA/NRC Nat'l Sewage Sludge Survey, raw data 98-132 03/30/98 05/05/98 N
EPRI Rpt TR-108757, "Data Needs for Long-Term Storage of LWR Fuel," 4/98 98-263 07/01/98 08/13/98 N
EPRIs coatings program 97-418 10/28/97 12/11/97 Y
Exec Order 12898 environ. strategy 97-449 11/14/97 12/10/97 Y
Fermi residual heat removal 97-426 10/31/97 11/24/97 N
Financial Marketing Services Inc, financial rpts & documents filed since 1986 98-221 06/02/98 06/19/98 Y
Florida Power & Light, drug testing program investigations 98-235 06/12/98 7/20/98 N
Florida Power & Light investigation re "blacklisting" claim filed with DOL, FOIA/PA 98-244 incoming & response(s) 98-310 08/10/98 09/03/98 N
Florida Power & light, investigation re "blacklisting" claim filed with DOL 98-244 06/18/98 08/26/98 N
Florida Pwr - St Lucie & Turkey Point 98-031 01/26/98 01/26/98 N
FOIA/PA 97-208, 217, 221 97-313 08/15/97 12/03/97 Y
FOIA/PA 98-051, 98-053 & 98-123 98-159 04/20/98 04/23/98 N
FOIA/PA processing costs 97-432 11/04/97 11/05/97 N
FOIA, point of contact to receive requests 98-117 03/20/98 03/23/98 N
FOIA requests list, made by named org 98-084 02/24/98 03/06/98 N
Fukushima BWR plt. - Japan 97-407 10/23/97 12/03/97 N
GE ABWR SSAR sec. 19 97-428 11/03/97 12/05/97 Y
GE SBWR design review activities 98-011 01/09/98 02/12/98 N
GE-Wilmington, NC - uranium 97-246 07/08/97 10/03/97 Y
Generic safety issues-166, "Adequacy of Fatigue Life of Metal Components," 8/26/96 98-300 07/27/98 08/18/98 Y
GPI Inc. license 97-310 08/15/97 10/15/97 Y
Gutierrez-Palmenberg, Inc. license 97-493 12/30/97 06/30/98 Y
H&G Inspection Co, Inc, OI rpt 4-97-064 98-228 06/08/98 06/25/98 Y
Hartley & Hartley Landfill, MI 97-482 12/16/97 12/23/97 N
Hope Creek & Salem sites, Allegation Mgt System Database info, '96 to present 98-146 04/07/98 05/28/98 N
Horsepower/generator type 97-492 12/30/97 01/20/98 N
Horsepower - pwr plants 97-416 10/28/97 11/25/97 Y
Human Radiation Experiments 97-265 07/18/97 11/17/97 Y
I&E manual chapter - 1970s 98-059 02/06/98 02/19/98 Y
ICF Information Tech Inc, Master Delivery Order no. DR-98-0156 98-116 03/20/98 03/20/98 Y
Idaho Univ. 97-357 09/16/97 10/22/97 N
IG rpt 97-053H 97-409 10/24/97 12/23/97 N
IG rpt 97-40G 97-452 11/18/97 11/25/97 N
IG rpt 97-53H 97-398 10/15/97 12/23/97 N
IG rpt 97-81G 97-460 11/24/97 12/05/97 N
IG rpt on named individual 98-281 07/13/98 07/28/98 N
IMPAC list 97-404 10/22/97 10/22/97 N
IMPAC list 97-408 10/24/97 10/28/97 N
IMPAC list 97-424 10/31/97 11/03/97 N
IMPAC list 97-435 11/06/97 11/06/97 N
IMPAC list 97-458 11/21/97 11/25/97 N
IMPAC list 97-478 12/08/97 12/11/97 N
IMPAC list 97-479 12/16/97 12/18/97 N
IMPAC list 98-089 03/02/98 03/09/98 N
IMPAC list 98-090 03/04/98 03/09/98 N
IMPAC list 98-096 03/06/98 03/09/98 N
IMPAC list 98-165 04/21/98 04/22/98 N
IMPAC list 98-277 07/10/98 07/28/98 N
IMPAC list 98-320 08/18/98 08/19/98 N
IMPAC list 98-343 09/08/98 09/11/98 N
IMPAC list 98-349 09/17/98 98/18/98 N
IMPAC list & telephone directory 98-170 04/22/98 04/22/98 N
IMPAC list, agency directory, org charts 98-232 06/08/98 06/11/98 N
IMPAC list on disk 98-139 04/03/98 04/03/98 N
IMPAC list w/purchase limits 97-390 10/07/97 10/22/97 N
IMPAC list with addresses 98-276 07/09/98 07/09/98 N
IMPAC list with addresses 98-241 06/16/98 06/17/98 N
IMPAC list. 98-250 06/23/98 06/25/98 N
IMPAC listing 97-465 12/02/97 12/05/97 N
IMPAC listing 97-466 12/02/97 12/05/97 N
IMPAC listing 98-047 01/30/98 02/05/98 N
IMPAC listing 98-218 05/29/98 06/01/98 N
IMPAC listing 98-234 06/12/98 06/12/98 N
IMPAC listing 98-308 08/10/98 08/11/98 N
IMPAC listing with addresses 98-217 05/28/98 05/29/98 N
Indemnification requests since 1986 under P.L. 85-804 98-182 04/29/98 08/17/98 Y
Indian Point 2, 5/6/98 Enforcement Conf Mtg minutes 98-193 05/08/98 05/15/98 N
Indian Point 2, Inspection Rpt (OI 1-97-038) (EA 98-056) 98-192 05/08/98 05/15/98 N
Indian Point, OI rpt. 1-96-020 98-060 02/06/98 02/25/98 N
Info Technology Plan - 5 yr 97-374 09/26/97 10/06/97 N
Inspection hours, Sr & Resid. inspectors 98-101 03/10/98 03/19/98 Y
International Testing & Inspec. Services, Inc, license & re-evaluation 98-328 08/26/98 09/01/98 Y
International Uranium (USA) Corp, basic license & 1-4 amendments 98-227 06/04/98 07/06/98 Y
Irradiated fuel transport-impact stmt 98-013 01/09/98 02/11/98 Y
Irradiated fuel transportation - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-417 - EDO 98-01A 01/09/98 02/17/98 N
Irradiated fuel transportation 97-417 10/28/97 12/24/97 Y
Irradiation facilities - violations 98-020 01/16/98 01/28/98 N
Isotope Specialties Co or Nuclear Corp of America, 170 W Providencia St and 703 S Main St, Burbank, CA 98-196 05/11/98 09/24/98 Y
Isotopes Specialties, 170 W Providencia, Burbank, CA 98-151 04/10/98 06/05/98 N
Japan, declassification review of specified records, referral 98-214 05/26/98 06/10/98 Y
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp/LTV Steel in PA, sealed source device registration sheets 98-220 06/02/98 06/25/98 Y
Kabi Pharmacia, NJ license 29-13915-06G 98-104 03/11/98 04/30/98 Y
Kewaunee plant, seismic event clarification, NRC reply to 10/25/89 Nelson memo 98-128 03/26/98 04/17/98 N
LA state penitentiary, land-use history 98-073 02/13/98 02/25/98 N
Labor representatives listing 98-005 01/08/98 02/05/98 Y
Limit liability filings 98-039 01/27/98 02/10/98 N
Limitorque Corp, '98 inspection rpt re sizing methodology on motor operated valve actuators 98-288 07/14/98 08/03/98 Y
Long Island Lighting - spent fuel accid. 97-436 11/06/97 12/05/97 N
Mailing list, NRC publications 98-237 06/16/98 06/22/98 N
Mailing list, NRC publications, electronic format 98-269 07/06/98 07/22/98 N
Maine Yankee - cable problems 97-320 08/21/97 12/15/97 Y
Maine Yankee - conflict of interest 98-009 01/08/98 02/17/98 N
Maine Yankee contract 03-93-026 - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-316 - IG 98-02A 01/12/98 03/03/98 N
Maine Yankee contract 03-93-026 - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-316 - EDO 98-03A 01/13/98 04/23/98 N
Maine Yankee - Contract 03-93-026 97-316 08/20/97 12/05/97 N
Maine Yankee - Contract 03-93-026 - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-316 97-06A 11/10/97 12/18/97 N
Maine Yankee, OI rpts 97-422 10/31/97 11/14/97 Y
Maine Yankee, OI rpts 97-394 10/10/97 10/27/97 Y
Maine Yankee, OI rpt 1-96-040 97-401 10/17/97 02/03/98 Y
Maine Yankee - OI rpts 97-355 09/15/97 10/08/97 Y
Maine Yankee - OI rpts. 97-317 08/20/97 10/08/97 Y
Maine Yankee - OI rpts 97-348 09/12/97 10/08/97 Y
Maine Yankee, OI rpt 1-95-050 97-431 11/04/97 12/01/97 N
Maine Yankee response to allegation of contamination at Wiscasset Landfill 98-229 06/08/98 07/01/98 N
Maint. Rule Training 97-489 12/23/97 01/21/98 Y
Maintenance Rule Guideline Handbook 98-105 03/12/98 03/19/98 Y
Mallinckrodt Chemical 98-057 02/06/98 05/15/98 Y
Master Inspection Planning System, for power reactors 98-080 02/20/98 03/18/98 N
Materials licenses for specific zip codes, active 98-126 03/26/98 04/30/98 Y
Materials licenses for specific zip codes, expired 98-125 03/26/98 04/30/98 Y
Mattingly Testing Services, Inc. 97-438 11/10/97 11/26/97 Y
Medi-Physics Inc., inspection rpts 97-446 11/13/97 12/03/97 N
Medical, adverse drug reaction 98-030 01/26/98 01/30/98 N
Metcoa radiation site, PA 97-486 12/22/97 03/03/98 Y
METCOA site, Pulaski, PA since 2/1/98 including Envirocare of UT &/or its affiliates 98-204 05/18/98 08/27/98 Y
Methodology-sample collec. & analyzing 97-487 12/23/97 01/21/98 N
Mid-American Interconnected Network, NRC '97 rpt re evaluation of reliability of electric grid & offsite power 98-272 07/01/98 07/15/98 Y
Millstone 3, corresp to/fm, & mtgs btwn Northeast Utilities & Commissioners, '97 to present - Appeal of FOIA/PA 98-230 & 231 - SECY 98-15A 06/16/98 08/13/98 N
Millstone 3, corresp from Northeast Utilities to Commissioners, '97 to present 98-231 06/08/98 09/02/98 N
Millstone 3, mtgs between Northeast Utilities & Commissioners, '97 to present 98-230 06/08/98 08/31/98 Y
Millstone 3, mtgs btwn Northeast Utilities & Commissioners, '97 to present - Appeal of 98-230 - SECY 98-14A 07/20/98 08/31/98 Y
Millstone Assessment Panel 97-469 12/04/97 03/16/98 Y
Millstone, Dow Corning RTV fire barrier seals 98-266 07/06/98 08/06/98 N
Millstone, emerg preparedness, 10-mile EPZ & 50-mile ingestion pathway EPZ 98-260 06/30/98 07/23/98 Y
Millstone - law firm records 97-312 08/15/97 11/06/97 N
Millstone, Northeast Nuclear Energy Co, corresp to/fm NRC 6/17/98 thru 6/29/98 98-274 07/09/98 07/20/98 Y
Millstone shut down, NRC admin functions 98-278 07/10/98 07/22/98 N
Millstone site, documentation re '95 SALP rpt 98-166 04/21/98 05/13/98 N
Millstone site, operational safety team inspections between 4/13/98 & 4/24/98 98-186 04/30/98 08/25/98 N
Millstone site, operational safety team inspec between 4/13/98 & 4/24/98 - Appeal of FOIA/PA 98-186 denied waiver - SECY 98-12A 07/10/98 08/03/98 Y
Millstone station, mtgs. btwn named individual & NRC officials - Appeal of FOIA/PA 98-114 - SECY 98-11A 06/11/98 07/07/98 Y
Millstone Station, mtgs btwn named individual & NRC officials 98-114 03/17/98 05/28/98 Y
Millstone, team inspections in 1998 - Appeal of FOIA/PA 98-186 & 238 - SECY 98-18 A 08/07/98 09/11/98 N
Millstone, Team Inspection 50-423/97-82 held 2/9/98 thru 2/20/98 98-238 06/16/98 08/03/98 Y
MLTS database 97-411 10/24/97 10/31/97 N
MLTS database 98-025 01/20/98 01/29/98 N
MLTS database 98-027 01/21/98 02/02/98 N
MLTS database 98-279 07/10/98 07/28/98 N
MLTS database 98-297 07/22/98 07/30/98 N
MLTS database 98-339 08/31/98 09/11/98 N
MLTS database, active & retired 98-160 04/20/98 04/28/98 N
MLTS database, active licensees 98-198 05/13/98 05/26/98 N
MLTS database, byproduct licensees 98-088 03/02/98 03/19/98 N
MLTS database, medical licensees 98-102 03/10/98 03/18/98 N
MLTS database - New Jersey 98-015 01/12/98 01/23/98 N
MLTS database on disk 97-472 12/05/97 12/18/97 N
MLTS database on disk 98-112 03/17/98 03/25/98 N
MLTS database on disk 97-427 10/31/97 11/21/97 N
MLTS database on disk 98-041 01/27/98 02/05/98 N
MLTS database on disk - medical 98-061 02/06/98 02/19/98 N
MLTS - MI state medical licensees list 98-077 02/17/98 02/25/98 N
MLTS - Puerto Rico & V. Islands 97-385 10/06/97 10/22/97 N
Molycorp's Ferralloy Plant in Washington, PA (aka Unocal Corp or Union Oil Co) 98-201 05/18/98 07/22/98 N
Monetary penalties - plants 97-389 10/07/97 10/21/97 N
N Amer Scientific & Theragenics 97-481 12/16/97 12/31/97 Y
NDT Services Inc, inspection rpts at San Juan & Costa Sur, Puerto Rico 98-215 05/27/98 06/15/98 Y
New England Nuclear Corp, site inspec &/or violations 98-071 02/12/98 03/03/98 Y
Newark Med. Assoc - OI rpt 97-378 09/30/97 10/23/97 Y
Niagara Mohawk - EA 96-079 97-375 09/29/97 12/12/97 Y
Non-byproduct uranium mill tailings, May '90 staff mtgs re court decision on West Chicago 98-223 06/03/98 08/11/98 N
Non-pwr reactors - water losses 97-382 10/02/97 10/29/97 Y
Northeast Utilities, mtgs with Commissioners referenced in IG rpt 98-02S 98-252 06/24/98 09/28/98 Y
Northwest Air/Airlines, 1989-1998 98-074 02/13/98 02/20/98 N
Notices of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) requested by power plants, 1/95 to present 98-324 08/24/98 08/26/98 Y
Novacore Chem - OI rpt 1-96-30 98-036 01/26/98 02/26/98 N
NRC organizational chart 98-063 02/06/98 02/20/98 N
NRC organizational listing with addresses 98-078 02/17/98 02/20/98 N
Nuclear Material Events Database (NMED) in electronic format 98-302 08/03/98 08/26/98 N
Nuclear spills - '91-'97 97-383 10/03/97 10/30/97 N
Nuclear warhead detonations in '53 at Frenchman's Flat, NV 98-085 02/24/98 02/25/98 N
Nuclear waste storage facility applications, locations in state of UT 6/88-6/98 98-259 06/29/98 08/26/98 Y
Nuclear Waste Policy Act - Congressional consideration 97-490 12/23/97 01/27/98 Y
Nuclear Waste Policy Act - Congressional consideration 1980-1982 98-110 03/16/98 07/20/98 Y
Nuclear weapons, licensing, inspection & enforcement 98-143 04/06/98 04/08/98 N
NUDOCS contract NRC-33-93-201 98-037 01/27/98 01/27/98 N
NUMEC Corp. - non-compliance 97-475 12/08/97 01/28/98 Y
NUREG/CR-6576, draft re "Job Task & Functional Analysis of Regional Div of Reactor Projects" 98-098 03/06/98 04/07/98 Y
NUREGs: #1437 Generic Environmental Impact Statement... & #1555 Environmental Standard Review Plan 98-286 07/14/98 09/17/98 Y
Occan Co, NJ listing of radioactive discharges since 1948 98-211 05/22/98 09/23/98 N
OHR management directives/manual chapters 98-262 06/30/98 08/04/98 N
OI Annual Report, 1997 98-122 03/25/98 05/07/98 N
OI Annual Report, 1997 98-029 01/23/97 01/27/98 N
OI Annual Report, 1997 98-142 04/06/98 05/07/98 N
OI rpt 1-95-032 97-380 10/02/97 10/15/97 N
OI rpt 1-96-045 98-194 05/08/98 06/05/98 N
OI rpt 2-93-70, TVA 98-007 01/08/98 01/22/98 N
OI rpt 2-95-034 97-400 10/15/97 10/23/97 N
OI rpt 3-96-037 97-366 09/22/97 11/04/97 N
OI rpt 3-96-054 97-360 09/16/97 10/23/97 N
OI rpts re alleged discrimination, 5-93-023 & -023R 98-273 07/08/98 07/28/98 Y
Oppenheimer case 97-459 11/24/97 11/25/97 N
Optical computer equip. 97-393 10/10/97 10/22/97 N
ORISE 92-K-39 "Confirmatory Radiological Survey Plan for Pathfinder Generating Station, SD" 98-313 08/12/98 09/04/98 Y
Palisades, VSC-24 lid welds, examination techniques 98-188 05/04/98 08/21/98 Y
Palo Verde, Public Service Co of New Mexico, all records since '86 98-285 07/14/98 07/20/98 N
Parks Township, PA, 1/77 ltr re 1970 soil analyses 98-097 03/06/98 03/18/98 Y
"Performance Histories for Suing..." and "Applications Guide for Check Valves..." 98-316 08/14/98 08/26/98 Y
Personnel performance statistics - '91-'97 98-035 01/27/98 02/06/98 N
Phil.VA Med Ctr. - allegation 97-376 09/29/97 10/31/97 N
Plum Brook reactor, Sandusky, OH, characterization & D&D plans 98-107 03/12/98 04/01/98 Y
Plum Brook Reactor, Sandusky, OH, Dismantling Plan References 1-6 98-336 08/31/98 09/17/98 Y
Private Fuel Storage, NRC contracts with ORNL & CNWRA for SER * EIS of Skull Valley Reservation, UT 98-213 05/26/98 08/19/98 Y
Procurement agents 97-413 10/27/97 10/30/97 N
Procurement, list of indiv. 97-392 10/10/97 10/23/97 Y
Proposed rule comments 97-443 11/12/97 11/26/97 Y
Public Service Co of New Mexico, financial rpts & documents filed since 1986 98-222 06/02/98 06/19/98 Y
Public Service Electric & Gas, civil penalties since 1977 for Salem & Hope Creek 98-179 04/28/98 05/06/98 Y
Puerto Rico nuc medicine licenses 98-070 02/11/98 02/24/98 N
PWR Main Steam Line Break with Continued Feedwater Addition, Bulletin 80-04, related docs: 11/17/81 TER & 10/20/82 Butler memo to Speis 98-326 08/24/98 09/01/98 Y
Quad Cities - OI rpts 97-346 09/11/97 10/15/97 N
Radiation testing in '50s, weapons/human 98-129 032798 03/31/98 N
Radiation violations 1987-1997 97-429 11/03/97 11/20/97 Y
Radio-luminescent exit signs, active licensees list for manufacturing/distributing & transfer records 5/86-5/98 98-253 06/25/98 08/14/98 Y
Radioactive iodine (I-131), admin policies & misadministration rpt, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals 98-130 03/30/98 05/05/98 Y
Radioactive materials licensees, lost or stolen incidents 98-154 04/14/98 05/04/98 Y
Radioactive storage - Louisiana 97-441 11/10/97 11/20/97 Y
RADIOCAT license 97-397 10/15/97 10/22/97 N
Radioiodine I-131 usage 97-367 09/23/97 10/06/97 N
Radioiodine I-131 usage - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-367 97-05A 10/22/97 10/31/97 N
Radiological Consequence of a Fuel Handling Accid, 6/70 Westinghouse rpt 98-095 03/05/98 04/24/98 Y
Reactor Operators list on disk 98-040 01/27/98 02/11/98 N
Reg. Guides, irradiator license preparation 98-136 03/31/98 04/08/98 N
Regulation interpretations 97-341 09/08/97 10/27/97 N
Research Chemicals, 170 W Providencia, Burbank, CA 98-152 04/10/98 04/21/98 Y
Restart approval guidelines 97-252 07/08/97 05/07/98 Y
Retaliation complaints - IG rpt 97-485 12/22/97 05/07/98 N
"Rpt of the Communications Coord Comm with Recommendations on Public Communications Initiatives," dtd 4/24/98, comments filed by electric utilities 98-225 06/04/98 06/12/98 Y
Salem/Hope Creek OI rpt 1-96-024 97-403 10/22/97 11/06/97 N
Salem - OI rpt 1-95-013 97-325 08/26/97 12/10/97 Y
San Onofre, alleged discrimination, OI 4-96-056 98-205 05/18/98 07/21/98 Y
San Onofre, alleged discrimination, OI 4-96-056 98-183 04/29/98 09/30/98
San Onofre - kitten contamin. 97-315 08/20/97 10/07/97 Y
San Onofre, OI case 4-94-035, documents reviewed by OI 98-191 05/06/98 07/22/98 N
San Onofre - safety alleg. 97-326 08/26/97 01/06/98 Y
San Onofre, So Calif. Edison, listing of all FOIAs submitted re site & utility 98-197 05/12/98 05/26/98 N
San Onofree, alleged discrimination, 4-96-A-0227 98-280 07/13/98 07/21/98 Y
SC Bureau of Radiological Health, summary of 12-16-97 agreement state annual mtg with Division of Waste Mgt. 98-236 06/15/98 06/24/98 Y
Schlumberger Co. - violations 97-474 12/08/97 01/14/98 Y
Schlumberger Inc/Schlumberger Logging, Prudhoe, AK, '90 inspec & radia rpts 98-141 04/06/98 05/07/98 Y
Sealed sources/devices safety evaluation, C.S. Products Ltd. 98-137 04/02/98 04/15/98 Y
SECY Paper 98-143, Litigation Report 1998 - 2, electronic format 98-335 08/31/98 09/29/98 N
SECY-86-318 (App. K) 97-386 10/06/97 11/26/97 Y
SECY-97-249 98-055 02/04/98 05/28/98 Y
Sen C. Dodd corresp. 97-377 09/29/97 12/31/97 Y
Sen Carol Moseley-Braun corresp to NRC 1/1/93 thru 6/30/98 98-265 07/01/98 08/27/98 Y
Sen Carol Moseley-Braun corresp since '92 98-156 04/15/98 07/22/98 Y
Sen Faircloth - corresp 97-384 10/06/97 03/17/98 Y
Sen Lauch Faircloth, NC, corresp 98-138 04/02/98 07/09/98 N
Senior Mgt Meeting minutes, preparation for 1/21/98 & 7/29/98 Commission briefings on operating reactors & fuel facilities 98-325 08/24/98 09/02/98 N
Sequoyah plt. - 100% core 97-261 07/15/97 10/09/97 Y
Shelwell Services Inc, '98 Commission Paper, vote sheets & SRMs 98-295 07/21/98 08/07/98 Y
SINET database 97-414 10/27/97 11/21/97 N
So Texas, '97 discrimination allegations 97-494 12/30/97 01/16/98 N
So Texas, '97 discrim allegations - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-494 98-04A 01/26/98 02/20/98 N
Solicitation - emerg. generator 97-415 10/27/97 10/28/97 Y
Spent fuel mtg - NRC & Navy 97-440 11/10/97 11/26/97 N
Spent nuclear fuel dry cask storage, FOIA/PA request 98-303 incoming 98-333 08/31/98 09/18/98 N
Sr Mgt Mtg - data file 97-350 09/12/97 12/12/97 Y
St Lucie - allegation files 97-484 12/22/97 04/17/98 Y
St Lucie, investigations re release of confidential source identities 98-111 03/16/98 06/08/98 N
St. Lucie - complaints/investigations 97-461 11/25/97 02/12/98 Y
Statutory indexes/reference 97-372 09/25/97 11/06/97 Y
Stepan Chemical - lic. STC-1333 98-033 01/26/98 03/03/98 N
Storage of waste, So Central Louisiana, 7 specific parishes 98-168 04/21/98 05/28/98 Y
Strategic Reassessment Project 98-147 04/08/98 05/27/98 Y
Susquehanna, latest OI rpt & exhibits 97-473 12/08/97 02/26/98 Y
Susquehanna, latest OI rpt & exhibits - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-473 98-06A 02/12/98 02/26/98 Y
Susquehanna SES, Assist to Inspection A1-96-026 re investigation 1-96-039 98-190 05/05/98 05/27/98 N
Susquehanna SES, OI & DOJ corresp re investigation 1-96-039 98-169 04/21/98 04/29/98 N
Sylvest Mgt Services, Contract NRC-33-97-182 98-134 03/30/98 04/01/98 N
Systems Research & Application Corp, Tech Assist for Emerg Resp contract NRC-26-93-296 98-094 03/05/98 03/13/98 N
Technical specifications issued since 5/91 98-155 04/14/98 06/24/98 Y
Theragenics Corp, Palladium-103, PRM-35-7 98-086 03/02/98 05/28/98 Y
Theragenics Corp public docs 98-022 01/20/98 01/28/98 N
Thorpe Reprocessing - consul. 97-362 09/19/97 10/24/97 N
Titan missiles, storage silos since 1990 98-216 05/28/98 05/29/98 N
TMI, 1987 meltdown 97-370 09/24/97 11/17/97 N
TMI, '79 accident tape record. 97-399 10/15/97 11/19/97 N
TMI accident reports 98-052 02/03/98 02/24/98 Y
TMI-1, 5/23/97 L. Marsh memo to P.Mila no re design inspection 96-201 98-334 08/31/98 09/04/98 Y
TMI-1, licensing basis for letdown pipe, 2/6/97 memo, L. Marsh to P. Milano 98-345 09/10/98 09/22/98 Y
Training curricula/decomm. 97-406 10/23/97 10/31/97 N
Tri-State Nuclear/notices of violation 98-024 01/20/98 02/11/98 Y
Tritium, human exposure rules, regulations & effects 98-124 03/26/98 06/02/98 N
Twin Cities characterization rpt refs. - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-495 98-05A 01/26/98 03/02/98 N
Twin Cities characterization rpt refs. 97-495 12/30/97 01/08/98 Y
U.S. Nuclear Corp, 801 N Lake St, Burbank, CA 98-195 05/11/98 08/13/98 N
Unclaimed Monies list on disk 98-001 01/06/98 01/13/98 N
Univ MO research reactor - '95 transcript 98-076 02/17/98 03/03/98 N
Unresolved & generic safety issues status listing by plant 98-293 07/21/98 08/21/98 Y
Uranium mill tailings, Moab, UT 98-066 02/09/98 03/06/98 Y
Uranium mill tailings, mtgs & corresp btwn NRC & EPA, 6/91 through 1/92 98-224 06/03/98 08/12/98 Y
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, NRC rpt requirements & DOE UMTRAP Public Participation/NRC Involvement (1984 memos) 98-239 06/16/98 08/11/98 N
Uranium tailings, 10/92 mtg w/DOE & EPA re guidance on byproduct disposal not covered under Atomic Energy Act '54 98-233 06/09/98 08/11/98 N
US Nuclear Corp/Nuclear Corp of Amer 98-016 01/15/98 02/06/98 Y
V/R Wesson Division/Fan steel 97-388 10/07/97 10/22/97 Y
Vacancy, 9758017 engineer, R2 97-483 12/18/97 12/31/97 N
Vacancy Announce 9860015, Lic Asst 98-268 07/06/98 08/20/98 N
Vacancy Announcement, R4 97-476 12/10/97 12/16/97 N
Vacancy, R4 97-468 12/04/97 12/23/97 N
Vermont Yankee - OI rpt 97-365 09/22/97 05/27/98 Y
Vermont Yankee - purchase of 97-423 10/31/97 12/03/97 N
Violations issued to power plaNTS 1/1/95 thru 12/31/97 98-248 06/23/98 08/04/98 Y
Vogtle - TIA 97-07 97-412 10/27/97 11/24/97 N
Vogtle, trip setpoints memo 97-445 11/13/97 11/24/97 N
Washington Hospital Ctr, Wash., DC, license #08-03604-03 application dtd 8/26/94 98-294 07/21/98 08/10/98 Y
Waste Control Spec., LLRW site 97-496 12/30/97 01/27/98 Y
WCFO records 1/1/97 - 9/2/97 97-335 09/02/97 10/07/97 N
Wellman Auto; Anamag Inc; GE 98-065 02/09/98 04/20/98 Y
West Lake Landfill - Missouri 97-272 07/25/97 10/15/97 Y
Westec Inc. '97 investigation rpt 98-069 02/10/98 03/05/98 N
Western Nuclear Corp, uranium mill site in WY, 1956 contract 98-099 03/09/98 03/25/98 N
Western Nuclear uranium-bearing ores 97-448 11/14/97 12/01/97 N
Westinghouse Elec Corp, Columbia SC 97-444 11/12/97 12/04/97 Y
Westinghouse visits 1/1/96 to present - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-471 - EDO 98-10A 05/21/98 08/28/98 N
Westinghouse, visits 1/1/96 to present 97-471 12/05/97 02/05/98 Y
Westinghouse Waltz Mill in PA, 1960 fuel rod failure 98-100 03/09/98 04/13/98 Y
Whitebook, NRR publication 98-082 02/23/98 03/03/98 Y
Whittaker Metals Corp. license 98-064 02/09/98 03/12/98 Y
Wolf Creek, violations 97-480 12/16/97 02/12/98 Y
Woodburn Nuclear Medicine, License 45-23073-01 98-091 03/05/98 03/06/98 N
Woodburn Nuclear Medicine, License 45-23073-01, Amendments 98-092 03/05/98 03/06/98 N
Yankee Atomic, RELAP5YA - Appeal of FOIA/PA 97-154 - IG 97-03A 07/14/97 03/24/98 N
Year 2000 - 8/97 status rpt 97-396 10/15/97 12/01/97 Y
Yucca Mountain 98-189 05/05/98 05/08/98 N
Zion violations; OI rpt 3-97-019 98-002 01/06/98 03/20/98 N

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