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2000 News Archive

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December 2000

  • End of An Era (PDF) (Dec 20, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman submitted his letter of resignation, effective January 20, 2001. Ackerman is the second longest serving Administrator in FCIC/RMA history.
  • Role Reversal (PDF) (Dec 19, 2000) - Rain and Hail paid RMA $10 million to settle a six-year old investigation into falsified raisin claims. Department of Justice press release (PDF)
  • Join Us (Dec 19, 2000) - RMA is looking for a few good contractors to help us carry out new educational initiatives in the Northeast.
  • RMA Seeks Recovery of $3.5 Million (PDF) (Dec 19, 2000) - A federal grand jury in North Dakota recently returned a 17-count indictment against individuals and entities charged with conspiracy to defraud RMA, FSA, and the IRS.
  • A Bargain (Dec 19, 2000) - Eastern farmers need to act quickly to take advantage of the newly expanded Adjusted Gross Revenue plan. Additional premium subsidies for 2001 make protection affordable.
    Education initiative | Underserved farmers |
    AGR pilot expansion | Manager's bulletin | R&D bulletin
  • Revenue Insurance Updates (PDF) (Dec 19, 2000) - RMA has updated policy information on Crop Revenue Coverage, Revenue Assurance, and Group Risk Income Protection for 2001 spring planted crops. The update includes questions and answers, underwriting rules, and more.

November 2000

  • AGR Cost-Share Available for Northeast Producers (Nov 27, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman announces the 2001 Cost-Share Program for the pilot Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) program in 11 underserved states in the Northeast. Manager's bulletin
  • APH Rating Methodology Described (PDF) (Nov 22, 2000) - Yield data from many farmers are used to develop premium rates for APH policies. See how these rates are calculated.
  • USDA Targets $25 Million for Farmer Education (Nov 21, 2000) - Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today announced a new five-year, $25 million initiative to increase risk management education and crop insurance products available to farmers in 15 under-served states.
  • AGR Pilot Grows (Nov 20, 2000) - The FCIC Board recently voted to make AGR available in 8 more states. The Board also authorized a new revenue product, MVPrice, and modified an existing one, GRIP. Sales closing for AGR is January 31.
  • November Sales Closing Dates (Nov 14, 2000) - RMA announces November 20 and 30 sales closing dates for many fruit crops, fruit tree crops, and clams.

October 2000

  • Spending Bill Moves (Oct 30, 2000) - RMA will operate on $65.597 million in FY 2001, up from $64 million in FY 2000. H.R. 4461 | RMA Budget Summary
  • Spending Bill Moves (Oct 12, 2000) - On October 11, the House approved the FY 2001 ag appropriations bill (H.R. 4461) 340-75. Senate debate is expected soon and the President is likely to sign the bill. The bill provides $65.597 million for RMA, up from $64 million in FY2000.
    House Committee Report 106-948
  • The Beat Goes On (Oct 11, 2000) - A measure to maintain current operations at USDA until October 14 passed Congress and was signed by President Clinton on October 6. Beginning October 11, the House and Senate debates the FY 2001 ag spending bill, HR 4461.
  • 2001 Funding Approval on the Docket (Oct 2, 2000 )-On Sept. 29, President Clinton signed off on the bill that enables the Government to run on a continuing resolution for 6 more days following the end of FY 2000.

September 2000

August 2000

  • Making Hay in South Dakota (Aug 15, 2000) - For crop year 2001, South Dakota producers who buy forage production crop insurance by the Sept. 30 sales closing date can insure non-irrigated as well as irrigated alfalfa and alfalfa/grass mixtures. Producers will also benefit from the reduced premiums provided by the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 | table.
  • IDIQ It (Aug 14, 2000) - Vendors have until September 22, 2000, to submit proposals under RMA's Request for Proposal entitled Crop Insurance and Risk Management Strategies. The RFP will result in an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) multiple award contract.

July 2000

  • Small Farmers? BIG Benefits (Jul 26, 2000) - After passage of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 (ARPA), small farmers have reduced rates for buy-up insurance and the Risk Management Agency has more tools targeted to the small and limited-resource farmers identified in Policy Goal 4 set by USDA's National Commission of Small Farms report.
  • Ag Approps Set for Conference (Jul 26, 2000) - The Senate and House have different ideas on how much RMA needs for A&O budget for FY2001. The Senate approved $65.5 million on July 20, opposed to earlier House approval of $67.6 million. Additionally, the Senate bill includes an amendment for $13.1 million to address the 1999 shortfall in the 30-percent premium discount offered to farmers. House bill (H.R. 4461) | Senate bill (S. 2536) | 2001 Budget Testimony | 2001 USDA Budget Summary (RMA section only)
  • Updates for April 30 Contracts (Jul 25, 2000) - Crop insurance polices with April 30, 2000, contract change dates are subject to certain provisions of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 -- provided both insurance company and producer are amenable.
  • Filing for Weather-related Disasters (Jul 25, 2000) - Producers with weather-related crop losses are reminded to contact their insurance provider and file a notice of loss. Over 400 counties in AL, AZ, CO, FL, GA, IA, NE, NM, SC, and TX have been declared agricultural disaster areas by USDA. Crop insurance claims are generally paid within 30 days of determining the final loss.
  • Clubs Foster Marketing Skills (Jul 21, 2000) - Terry Anvik, Richland County, MT, wheat farmer, thinks the marketing club he helped start for local farmers just might be the ticket for surviving the current low price cycle that plagues U.S. farmers.
  • Blueberry Growers Score a Triple (Jul 18, 2000) - Not only do U.S. blueberry growers have a new national advocacy campaign sponsored by USDA and an upcoming promotion planned by the new USA Blueberry Council, but RMA has the 2001 reduced Lowbush Blueberry rates for crop insurance.
  • Sources Sought (Jul 7, 2000) - The FCIC is conducting market research to determine if contractors exist who can conduct actuarial and underwriting reviews for the FCIC Board of Directors and to perform rating of plans of insurance.

June 2000

May 2000

April 2000

  • Risk Reduction (Apr 27, 200) - For most farmers, reducing risk means more than using crop insurance. The USDA's ERS highlights some of the widely used tools and strategies used by farmers.
  • Kraft Partners With I-DRMER Team (Apr 13, 2000) - Originally funded by a grant from RMA, the National Program for Integrated Dairy Risk Management Education and Research (I-DRMER) project has proved to be a dream of a dairy risk management program, taking on extended life with Kraft.
  • Canker Protection Still Available (Apr 7, 2000) - RMA reminds citrus producers in 29 Florida counties that it isn't too late to secure protection from Asiatic Citrus Canker through the Florida Fruit Tree pilot crop insurance program (PDF). Seminoles Plan for Success

March 2000

  • USDA Supports Senate Bill (Mar 22, 2000) - Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman announced qualified support for Senate-passed legislation to strengthen the crop insurance program.
  • New Business Opportunities (Mar 15, 2000) - Business is booming, so RMA is looking for companies that will provide us market research, construct economic models, and design new policies and procedures. (Links to Commerce Business Daily website.)
  • Crop Insurance Goes Organic (Mar 7, 2000) - RMA will pilot organic crop insurance endorsements.
  • Got Options? (Mar 7, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman today announced dairy producers in 61 counties are now eligible for training and cost sharing under the Dairy Options Pilot Program (DOPP).
  • Progress! (Mar 6, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman commented favorably about recent passage of crop insurance legislation by the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.
  • Curbing Abuse (Mar 1, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman and insurance industry representatives announced new joint initiatives that will help ensure greater program oversight. "USDA and Congress have both proposed major new financial investments in the crop insurance program. We have an obligation to assure farmers and taxpayers that the money will be well spent. These initiatives will go a long way toward providing that assurance.
  • Crop Producer Survey Available Online (Mar 1, 2000) - A survey entitled Crop Producer Risk Management Survey: A Preliminary Summary of Selected Data is now available online from Mississippi State University. Note: The link will take you to the MSU site: (PDF)

February 2000

  • RMA Resources Drop, Program Participation Triples (Feb 29, 2000) - RMA Administrator Ken Ackerman testified before the Senate Ag Appropriations Subcommittee on the need to enhance crop insurance.
  • Sales Closing Dates Near (Feb 18, 2000) - Farmers need to act quickly to take advantage of an estimated 25-percent premium discount on higher levels of protection. Sales closing dates can vary by state and crop. February 28 sales closing dates | March 15 sales closing dates
  • New Crop Insurance Option Now Available in Five Montana Counties (Feb 11, 2000) - The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors approved a pilot program in five Montana counties that will help some producers obtain a more accurate insurance yield guarantee. The counties where the Basic Unit Actual Production History (APH) pilot program will operate are Daniels, Fergus, Hill, Pondera, and Yellowstone.
  • Secretary Proposes New Crop Insurance Initiatives (Feb 7, 2000) - USDA's 2001 budget proposal will include a premium discount totaling $640 million; $100 million annually for policies covering multi-year losses; $100 million annually to provide livestock producers with price protection; and funding for risk management education and research. Other USDA initiatives were proposed as part of a comprehensive effort to strengthen the farm safety net. Press Release | USDA's 2001 Budget Summary
  • RMA Sets New Performance Records (PDF) (Feb 5, 2000) - RMA's employees, insurance companies, and agents have established new records in acres insured, protection, and actuarial soundness. Further, coverage options and the value received by farmers also increased.
  • USDA Releases Annual Report (Feb 5, 2000) - Sowing the Seeds for a New Millennium, the FY99 annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture, is now available online: RMA section (PDF) | Full version (PDF)

January 2000

  • Revenue Assurance Available in 2000 Crop Year (PDF) (Jan 28, 2000) - The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Board of Directors approved the Revenue Assurance (RA) plan of insurance for the 2000 crop year. The RA program was expanded for the 2000 crop year for corn and soybeans in IN; spring wheat in ID, MN, and SD; feed barley and canola/rapeseed in ID and ND; and sunflowers in ND. Additionally, the maximum coverage level for enterprise and whole-farm units was increased to 85 percent. About RA
  • New County Programs Listed (PDF) (Jan 12, 2000) - Find out whether a new crop insurance program is available in your county for the 2000 crop year. Pilot Program Expansion (PDF) An estimated 25-percent premium discount on insured 2000 crops makes coverage more affordable. See a complete listing of all crop programs and policy dates. (This is a large printout; scroll to your state and crop.)
  • Spring Price Elections Announced (PDF) (Jan 11, 2000) - RMA announced projected market prices for the 2000 crop year for corn, hybrid corn seed, hybrid sorghum seed, corn silage, grain sorghum, malting barley and soybeans, along with prices for cotton and rice.
    To find most other crop year 2000 price elections, view our Price Election Data and scroll to your state and crop.
  • Secretary Outlines Priorities and Accomplishments (Jan 10, 2000) - After restating his commitment to improve the safety net features of the 1996 Farm Bill, Sec. Glickman listed USDA's accomplishments for 1999. Among them: the estimated 30-percent reduction in crop insurance premiums that helped boost coverage to more than $30 billion on 196.3 million acres of cropland.

Last Modified: 07/05/2007
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