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Apollo 11 Information

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Moonport Ch 21 / At Long Last

Moonport Ch 21 / The Eagle Has Landed

Apollo 11 Press Kit (pg 1-100) (PDF 851Kb)

Apollo 11 Press Kit (pg 101-250) (PDF 6.7Mb)

Apollo-11 25 Years Later

Apollo 11 Collage

Apollo 11 (27)

"The Eagle has landed."

Pad 39-A (5) 
Saturn-V AS-506 (6) 
High Bay 1 
MLP 1 
Firing Room 1 


Mission Objective

Perform manned lunar landing and return mission safely. (Achieved).


July 16, 1969; 09:32:00 am EDT. Launch Complex 39-A Kennedy Space Center, FL. No launch delays.

The splashdown May 26, 1969, of Apollo 10 cleared the way for the first formal attempt at a manned lunar landing. Six days before, the Apollo 11 launch vehicle and spacecraft half crawled from the VAB and trundled at 0.9 mph to Pad 39-A. A successful countdown test ending on July 3 showed the readiness of machines, systems, and people. The next launch window (established by lighting conditions at the landing site on Mare Tranquillitatis) opened at 9:32 AM EDT on July 16, 1969. The crew for Apollo 11, all of whom had already flown in space during Gemini, had been intensively training as a team for many months. The following mission account makes use of crew members' own words, from books written by two of them, supplemented by space-to-ground and press-conference transcripts. Click Here for Transcripts.

First manned lunar landing mission and lunar surface EVA. "HOUSTON, TRANQUILITY BASE HERE.THE EAGLE HAS LANDED." July 20, Sea of Tranquility. 

1 EVA of 02 hours, 31 minutes. Flag and instruments deployed; unveiled plaque on the LM descent stage with inscription: "Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon. July 1969 A.D. We Came In Peace For All Mankind." 

Lunar surface stay time 21.6 hours;59.5 hours in lunar orbit, with 30 orbits. LM ascent stage left in lunar orbit. 20kg (44 lbs) of material gathered.


Altitude: 186km x 183km 
30 revolutions
Duration: 08 Days, 03 hours, 18 min, 35 seconds 
Distance: miles 
Lunar Location: Sea of Tranquility 
Lunar Coords: .71 degrees North, 23.63 degrees East


July 24, 1969; 12:50 p.m. EDT. Splashdown area 13deg 19min North and 169deg 9 min West; Splashdown at 195:18:35 MET. Crew on board U.S.S Hornet at 01:53 p.m. EDT; spacecraft aboard ship at 03:50pm.

Mission Highlights

Apogee 186km
Perigee 183km
Trans-lunar injection 02:44:26 MET (Mission Elapsed Time)
Maximum distance from Earth 389,645km
Lunar orbit insertion, 75:50:00 MET
First lunar landing, 102:45:39 MET (20 July at 04:17 p.m. EDT). 
First step on moon, 10:56:15 p.m. EDT
End of EVA, 111:39:13 MET (01:09 a.m. EDT)
First liftoff from moon, 124:22:00.8 MET (1:54 p.m. EDT)
LM-CSM docking, 128:03:00 MET
Trans-earth injection, 135:23:52.3 MET


Neil Armstrong

Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.  
Lunar Module Pilot 

Michael Collins
Command Module Pilot

Backup Crew

James Lovell

Fred Haise
 Lunar Module Pilot 

William A. Anders
Command Module Pilot 

CSM-107 (Columbia) LM-5 (Eagle) 


11/21/68 - LM-5 Integration Systems Test complete 

12/06/68 - CSM-107 Integrated Systems Test complete 

12/13/68 - LM-5 acceptance test complete 

01/08/69 - LM-5 Ascent Stage delivered to KSC 

01/12/69 - LM-5 Descent stage delivered to KSC 

01/18/69 - S-IVB ondock at KSC 

01/23/69 - CSM ondock at KSC 

01/29/69 - Command and Service Module Mated 

02/06/69 - S-II Stage ondock at KSC 

02/20/69 - S-1C Stage ondock at KSC 

02/17/69 - Combined CSM-107 system tests complete 

02/27/69 - S-IU ondock at KSC 

03/24/69 - CSM-107 Altitude testing complete 

04/14/69 - Rollover of CSM from O&C to VAB 

04/22/69 - Integrated system test complete 

05/05/69 - CSM electrical mate to Saturn V 

05/20/69 - Rollout to Pad LC-39A 

06/01/69 - Flight Readiness Test 

06/26/69 - Countdown Demonstration Test 

07/16/69 - Launch 

Page Last Revised

Page & Curator Information


Curator: Kay Grinter (, InDyne
Web Development: JBOSC Web Development Team
A Service of the NASA/KSC External Relations and Business Development Directorate
JoAnn H. Morgan, Director