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Veterans Advisory Council
Benefits Available to Veterans

Military Leave

Military Leave is absence from duty in the employee's civilian position without loss of pay to perform military duty. Permanent or temporary indefinite full-time government employees in the National Guard or the reserve are granted military leave for performance of active duty or active duty for training. Employees are entitled to military leave at the rate of 15 days per fiscal year. They get their regular civilian pay plus military pay on days of military leave. Nonworkdays (e.g., weekends) falling within a period of absence on military duty are chargeable as military leave. This requirement cannot be circumvented by taking annual leave before or after the nonworkdays. Any unused days are carried forward to the next fiscal year, not to exceed 30 days during any one year. Part-time employees receive military leave on a prorated basis determined by their scheduled tour of duty. Permanent or temporary indefinite federal employees, when called to duty as Guard members or reservist for purposes related to public safety, are also entitled to leave not to exceed an additional 22 workdays in any calendar year, with military pay for any portion of the 22 days so used being offset against civilian pay for the same period. Employees may choose to use annual leave instead of military leave for any of the 22 work days, and no set off against civilian pay will be made.

Absence for a period of training or active duty in excess of the maximum 15-day period will be charged to the appropriate leave account (annual, compensatory, or leave without pay).

The application for military leave shall be supported by the order from the military service. A properly executed certificate of attendance shall also be submitted by each employee when returning.

More Veteran's Benefit Info
  Last Updated: 12/28/2005 10:41 AM
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