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Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Proposed Drafts and Updates)


Instructions for Submitting Comments*
Step 1: Identify the "specific text" you are commenting on;
Step 2: Write The specific proposed text changes (Rewrite the text the way it should read); and
Step 3: Include the supporting scientific rationale for your proposed change of the text.

(All comments should be clearly stated, specific to the text within the proposed document, and supported by a scientific rationale.)*

The following five (5) chapters below are either new or have been completely rewritten, therefore, you may comment on any part of each document. Please identify the article or specific text in the chapter you are commenting on, propose new language ( if any) and provide a scientific rationale for your proposed language.

Note: Please do not use the automatic "track-change" function provided by word processing software as such changes are lost int he OIE's process of collating submitted comments into the Code Commissions working documents.

Section 1

March 2008 Report (comments due by August 1, 2008)

Draft Proposals January 2008
Comments Submitted to OIE
General Definitions (pdf) (rtf) General Definitions (pdf) (rtf)
Guidelines on Detection Control and Prevention of Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium in Poultry (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on Detection Control and Prevention of Salmonella Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium in Poultry (pdf) (rtf)
Guidelines on Research Animal Welfare (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on Research Animal Welfare (pdf) (rtf)
Hygiene and Disease Procedures in Poultry Breeding Flocks and Hatcheries (pdf) (rtf) Hygiene and Disease Procedures in Poultry Breeding Flocks and Hatcheries (pdf) (rtf)
Scrapie (pdf) (rtf) Scrapie (pdf) (rtf)

Section 2

There are two (2) chapters for comment in Section 2. You may comment only on the proposed changes in the documents. Text proposed for deletion has a strike -through and text proposed to be added is double underlined. Please identify the article or specific text in the chapter you are commenting on, propose new language (if any) and provide a scientific rationale for your proposed language.

Note: Please do not use the automatic 'track-change' function provided by word processing software as such changes are lost in the OIE's process of collating submitted comments into the Code Commissions working documents.

March 2008 Report (comments due by August 1, 2008)

Draft Proposals January 2008
Comments Submitted to OIE
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted
Guidelines on Surveillance for CBPP (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted

If you do have comments on any of the these attached documents, please utilize the following procedures in their preparation:

  • identify the specific Article and text you are commenting on
  • indicate the changes you believe should be made
  • provide suggested language that should replace the changes you are making (if any)
  • provide a scientific justification or rationale for such changes

These comments are submitted to the OIE on Chapters approved at the May 2008 General Session:

Chapters Approved General Session May 2008 2008
Comments Submitted to OIE
Avian Influenza (pdf) (rtf) Avian Influenza (pdf) (rtf)
Bovine Tuberculosis (pdf) (rtf) Bovine Tuberculosis (pdf) (rtf)
BSE Gelatin (pdf) (rtf) BSE Gelatin (pdf) (rtf)

Section 1

September 2007 Report (comments due by January 18, 2008)

Draft Proposals September 2007
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Aethina tumida - (small hive beetle) - infestation of honey bees (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Aethina tumida - (small hive beetle) - infestation of honey bees (pdf)
Guidelines for import risk analysis (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for import risk analysis (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for import risk analysis (pdf)

There are thirty three (33) chapters for comment in Section 2. The OIE shows the amended change(s) as text that is double-underlined (new text) or text that has a strike-through (deleted text). You may comment only on these changes. Again, please identify the article in the chapter you are commenting on, propose new language (if any) and provide a scientific rationale for your change.

Note: Please do not use the automatic 'track-change' function provided by word processing software as such changes are lost in the OIE's process of collating submitted comments into the Code Commissions working documents.

Section 2

September 2007 Report (comments due by January 18, 2008)

Draft Proposals September 2007
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
African swine fever (pdf) (rtf) African swine fever (pdf) (rtf) African swine fever (pdf)
African horse sickness (pdf) (rtf) African horse sickness (pdf) (rtf) African horse sickness (pdf)
Animal health measures applicable before and at departure (pdf) (rtf) Animal health measures applicable before and at departure (pdf) (rtf) Animal health measures applicable before and at departure (pdf)
Avian influenza (pdf) (rtf) Avian influenza (pdf) (rtf) Avian influenza (pdf)
Border posts & quarantine stations in the importing country (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Border posts & quarantine stations in the importing country (pdf)
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (pdf) (rtf) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (pdf) (rtf) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (pdf)
Bovine tuberculosis (pdf) (rtf) Bovine tuberculosis (pdf) (rtf) Bovine tuberculosis (pdf)
Classical swine fever (pdf) (rtf) Classical swine fever (pdf) (rtf) Classical swine fever (pdf)
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Chapter under further review by the OIE
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (pdf) (rtf) Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (pdf) (rtf) Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (pdf)
Equine influenza (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Equine influenza (pdf)
Equine viral arteritis (pdf) (rtf) Equine viral arteritis (pdf) (rtf) Equine viral arteritis (pdf)
FMD virus inactivation procedures (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted FMD virus inactivation procedures (pdf)
Foot-mouth-disease (pdf) (rtf) Foot-mouth-disease (pdf) (rtf) Foot-mouth-disease (pdf)
General obligations (pdf) (rtf) General obligations (pdf) (rtf) General obligations (pdf)
General guidelines on application compartmentalisation (pdf) (rtf) General guidelines on application compartmentalisation (pdf) (rtf) General guidelines on application compartmentalisation (pdf)
General definitions (pdf) (rtf) General definitions (pdf) (rtf) General definitions (pdf)
Guidelines for the transport of animals by land (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by land (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by land (pdf)
Guidelines for the transport of animals by air (pdf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by air (pdf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by air (pdf)
Guidelines for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Production Livestock and Horses (pdf) Guidelines for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Production Livestock and Horses (pdf) Guidelines for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Production Livestock and Horses (pdf)
Guidelines on surveillance for classical swine fever (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on surveillance for classical swine fever (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on surveillance for classical swine fever (pdf)
Guidelines for the transport of animals by sea (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by sea (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the transport of animals by sea (pdf)
Guidelines on surveillance for bluetongue (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines on surveillance for bluetongue (pdf)
Guidelines for control hazards of animal & public health importance in animal feed (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for control hazards of animal & public health importance in animal feed (pdf) (rtf) Chapter under further review by the OIE
Guidelines on design implementation of identification systems to achieve animal traceability (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on design implementation of identification systems to achieve animal traceability (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on design implementation of identification systems to achieve animal traceability (pdf)
Guidelines for the slaughter of animals (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the slaughter of animals (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the slaughter of animals (pdf)
Guidelines on surveillance for newcastle disease (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on surveillance for newcastle disease (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on surveillance for newcastle disease (pdf)
Guidelines on dog population control (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines on dog population control (pdf) (rtf) Chapter under further review by the OIE
Guidelines on surveillance for avian influenza (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines on surveillance for avian influenza (pdf)
Guidelines on surveillance for african horse sickness (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines on surveillance for african horse sickness (pdf)
Guidelines for the killing of animals for disease control purposes (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the killing of animals for disease control purposes (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the killing of animals for disease control purposes (pdf)
Introduction to the Guidelines of Animal Welfare (pdf) Introduction to the Guidelines of Animal Welfare (pdf) Introduction to the Guidelines of Animal Welfare (pdf)
Newcastle disease (pdf) (rtf) Newcastle disease (pdf) (rtf) Newcastle disease (pdf)
Rabies (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Rabies (pdf)
Rinderpest (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Rinderpest (pdf)
Veterinary Services Role in Food Safety (pdf) Veterinary Services Role in Food Safety (pdf) Veterinary Services Role in Food Safety (pdf)
West nile fever (pdf) (rtf) West nile fever (pdf) (rtf) Chapter under further review by the OIE
Zoning and compart-
mentalization (pdf) (rtf)
Zoning and compart-
mentalization (pdf) (rtf)
Zoning and compart-
mentalization (pdf)

Draft Proposals March 2007
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Equine Rhinopneumonitis (pdf) (rtf) Equine Rhinopneumonitis (pdf) (rtf) Equine Rhinopneumonitis (pdf)
Model Certificates and Guidance (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Model Certificates and Guidance (pdf)

Draft Proposals March 2006
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Factors to Consider in Conducting the BSE Risk Assessment (pdf) (rtf) Factors to Consider in Conducting the BSE Risk Assessment (pdf) (rtf) Factors to Consider in Conducting the BSE Risk Assessment (pdf)
International Transfer of Animal Pathogens (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted International Transfer of Animal Pathogens (pdf)

Draft Proposals October 2006
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Guidelines for the Inactivation of the Avian Influenza Virus (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the Inactivation of the Avian Influenza Virus (pdf) (rtf) Guidelines for the Inactivation of the Avian Influenza Virus (pdf)

Draft Proposals January 2005
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Categorization of Diseases and Pathogenic Agents (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Categorization of Diseases and Pathogenic Agents (pdf)
Criteria for Listing Diseases (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Notification Criteria for Listing Diseases (pdf)
Guidelines on Surveillance for BSE (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines on Surveillance for BSE (pdf)
Guidelines for the Surveillance of Foot and Mouth Disease (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines for the Surveillance of Foot and Mouth Disease (pdf)

Draft Proposals December 2003
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Veterinary Services (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Guidelines for the Evaluation of Veterinary Services (pdf)

Draft Proposals December 2002
Comments Submitted to OIE
Proposed for Adoption at the General Session May 2008
Certification Procedures (pdf) (rtf) Certification Procedures (pdf) (rtf) Certification Procedure (pdf)
Evaluation of Veterinary Services (pdf) (rtf) No comments submitted Evaluation of Veterinary Services (pdf)

March 2007 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE March 2007

October 2006 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE May 2007

March 2006 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE August 2006

January 2005 Report Draft Proposals and Comments Submitted to OIE May 2005


Last Modified: August 20, 2008