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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Marine Mammals
Marine Turtles
Marine & Anadromous Fish
Marine Invertebrates & Plants
Species of Concern
Threatened & Endangered Species
Critical Habitat Maps
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OPR Site Map

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Species Information

The Office of Protected Resources works to conserve and recover species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in partnership with NOAA Fisheries Regions and Science Centers, environmental organizations, industry groups, other Federal and state agencies, and the academic community.

Species Numbers, Types, and Status
There are approximately 1,925 species listed under the ESA. Of these species, approximately 1,350 are found in part or entirely in the U.S. and its waters; the remainder are foreign species.

The Office of Protected Resources manages mostly marine and anadromous species, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages the remainder of the listed species, mostly terrestrial and freshwater species.

The Office of Protected Resources manages:

Key threats to marine species are largely due to human impacts, including accidental capture in fishing gear, habitat destruction, pollution, overharvest, and ship strikes. These threats may contribute to a species' status as threatened or endangered.

For More Information
Critical Habitat Maps
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports
Recovery Planning
Status Reviews
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program

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