International Campaign to Ban Landmines - ICBL

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Call for the immediate reopening of Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi’s offices in Tehran

Geneva, 22 December 2008 -- The Nobel Peace Laureate International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) expressed serious concern today about the raid on and forced closure by Iranian authorities of two Tehran-based non-governmental organizations run by Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi. The Center for Participation in Clearing Mined Areas helps mine victims in Iran, and the Defenders of Human Rights Center reports on human rights violations in Iran, defends political prisoners and supports their families.

(22/12/2008, last updated: 22/12/2008) Read more »

Convention on Cluster Munitions and Mine Ban Treaty: Mutually Reinforcing for a Safer World

As governments from all regions in the world gather in Oslo, Norway, today for the signing of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) also celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Mine Ban Treaty.

The Mine Ban Treaty and Convention on Cluster Munitions were both inspired by the need to put people’s lives before any dubious political or military considerations. Together, the two conventions will create an ever stronger framework to protect civilians from further suffering and to address the effects of past use of indiscriminate weapons such as antipersonnel mines and cluster munitions.

(03/12/2008, last updated: 16/12/2008) Read more »

CMC Press Release-Campaigners welcome signing of historic international treaty banning deadly cluster munitions

New treaty also obligates governments to provide victim assistance and to clear contaminated land.

Oslo, Dec 3rd, 2008 - Today in Oslo, governments from around the world are signing the most significant disarmament and humanitarian treaty of the decade, banning the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions, and obligating them to provide victim assistance and to clear contaminated land. Signatories of the Convention on Cluster Munitions include many of the world`s producers, stockpilers and past users, as well as some of the most seriously affected states. Close to fifty foreign, defense and government ministers from around the world are signing the treaty, demonstrating the high level of political commitment to urgently rid the world of cluster munitions.

(03/12/2008, last updated: 03/12/2008) Read more »

Convention on Cluster Munitions Signing Conference - Oslo, 2-4 December 2008

Heads of State, Foreign Ministers and senior government representatives from over 100 countries are expected to gather in Oslo to sign a worl... (01/12/2008, last updated: 03/12/2008) Read more »

Mine-Affected States Given Clearance Extensions But Told to Work Urgently - Ninth Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty concluded in Geneva today

Geneva, 28 November 2008 – Under pressure from the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty and civil society, the United Kingdom announced that... (28/11/2008, last updated: 29/11/2008) Read more »

United Kingdom Under Fire from Treaty Allies for Failure to Clear Landmines

Geneva, 26 November 2008 – Nobel Peace Prize laureate International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and a long list of countries belonging to... (26/11/2008, last updated: 26/11/2008) Read more »

States must keep their word to landmine survivors and mine-affected communities - Ninth Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty opens in Geneva today

Geneva, 24 November 2008 – Eleven years after the signing of the Mine Ban Treaty, survivors of landmine blasts are still waiting for the as... (24/11/2008, last updated: 25/11/2008) Read more »

9th Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty, 24-28 November 2008

Government representatives, landmine survivors, international agencies, mine action operators and civil society activists from over 100 countr... (07/10/2008, last updated: 18/11/2008) Read more »

Landmine Monitor: 1997 Mine Ban Treaty Suffers First Serious Violations

Three countries have failed to meet deadlines to destroy landmine stockpiles putting them in violation of the Mine Ban Treaty and 15 others ha... (21/11/2008, last updated: 21/11/2008) Read more »

ICBL Critiques of the Mine Clearance Deadline Extension Requests

At the 9th Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty, States Parties will consider Article 5 deadline extension requests submitted... (20/11/2008, last updated: 20/11/2008) Read more »

The Ban Bus in Poland: first we took Katowice, then we took Warsaw!

The Ban Bus came to Poland on November 12-15, 2008 to urge Poland to give up antipersonnel mines and cluster munitions. The team was accompani... (10/12/2008, last updated: 10/12/2008) Read more »

ICBL News - November 2008

Welcome to the November 2008 issue of ICBL News. Contents include an editorial: The Mine Ban Treaty Must Remain Strong; articles on:... (27/11/2008, last updated: 01/12/2008) Read more »

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