The images above show the latest data from the instruments at Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. Click on any image for a larger view of the White Light Corona, Hydrogen Alpha Disk at 656.3 nm, Helium I Line at 1083 nm, and Calcium II K Line at 393 nm, respectively.

Topics in HAO

Observation Highlights

Community Spectro-polarimetric Analysis Center

CSAC is a 3-year NCAR initiative to provide the community with standardized tools for extracting the solar magnetic field vector and related atmospheric parameters from spectro-polarimetric observations.
The CSAC Website is now live, click on the logo above or here.

People Highlights

HAO Welcomes Rick Johnson

After having spent over 20 years at the University of Wyoming, Rick Johnson has become HAO's Division Administrator. His experience ranges from event/facility management to for-profit business management to intellectual property management and marketing.
> More

HAO Pubs Newsstand

Highlight Pubs for July 'O8

A monthly highlight from each section within HAO of recently or soon to be published articles. These publications reflect the research efforts within the High Altitude Observatory Division of ESSL at NCAR. > more.