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We have an Award Winning Staff!

The team of Michael Frenkel, Robert Chirico, and Qian Dong received the Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for their pioneering work efforts in developing and promoting wide spread acceptance of an important new communication process for thermodynamic data. The accomplishment is based on the use of XML technology. Termed “ThermoML”, this data exchange standard has been broadly endorsed by industry and accepted as the foundation for an IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) standard for thermodynamic data communications.

W. Gary Mallard and Peter Linstrom received NIST’s French Award for their pioneering development of the NIST Chemistry WebBook leading to revolutionary improvement of the delivery of physical and chemical property data to NIST customers. The French Award is granted for significant improvement in products delivered directly to industry, including new or improved NIST calibration services, Standard Reference Materials, and Standard Reference Databases.

The journal “Measurement Science and Technology” selected for its Best Paper Award 2003 the contribution “Extension of the torsional crystal viscometer to measurements in the time domain,” published by Richard Hafer and Arno Laesecke. The award was made at the Annual Meeting of the AIChE in November 2004.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) will recognize two of our scientists for their outstanding contributions to the technical and scientific goals of the organization. The following awards will be bestowed at the Society's 2005 Annual Meeting (in Denver):

Drs. Laesecke and McLinden have made many important scientific contributions in the area of thermophysical and transport properties of alternate refrigerants over the last decade. They are key members of the NIST program to assist industry in the drive to replace ozone depleting refrigerants.

Dr. Michael Frenkel (poster) received the 2005 Huffman M. Memorial Award in recognition of his Huffman lecture at the plenary session at CalCon 2005. His lecture was entitled "From Molecular Insights and Chemical Technologies to Communications and Expert Systems: A Few Short Thermodynamic Stories."

Drs. Arno Laesecke (poster) and Joe Magee (poster) received the Building Tomorrow's Workplace Award on August 17, 2005. The award was in recognition of their significant contributions in creating an inclusive workforce and working toward achieving affirmative employment and diversity goals.

Dr. Ray Radebaugh (poster) was awarded the 60th Anniversary Recognition Award of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC).

Three of the CSTL 2005 Bronze Medal Awards recipients are from our staff: Beverly J. Armstrong, Dr. Marcia L. Huber, and Dr. Carlos Gonzalez

Dr. Johanna Maria Henrica "Anneke" Levelt Sengers was awarded the 2006 Touloukian Award (ASME/AIChE and NIST sponsored) for excellence in Thermophysics at the 16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties.


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Last modified: 29 February 2000