United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NRCS This Week

Friday, April 21, 2000 Washington, DC.

"If we do not permit the Earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food either." Joseph Wood Krutch, author, educator, Tennessean

Special Notices
Secretary Glickman Announces New Continuous CRP Incentives
New Carbon Brochure to be Distributed Soon
Focus on the Field
Rhode Island: Senator Joins NRCS, Partners for EWP Project Groundbreaking
Washington State: Landowner, Through FIP Partnership, Protects Parcels on Puget Sound
Alaska: NRCS Aids Bering Sea Restoration Project
Texas: EQIP Assistance to Landowner Makes News, Springs Springs
North Dakota: Mobile Learning Lab Teaches Kids Connections to Agriculture
South Carolina: NRCS Initiates Employee Awareness Program Pilot
West Virginia: NRCS WV Grows Interest in Native Plants
Georgia: Forest Insect, Disease CD Available from U of Georgia
Tech Tip
Civil Rights
NCRC Holds First Meeting, Addresses Civil Rights Issues
Awards & Accolades
Wallace Wins Ag Honor Society Award
Work on Stabilization Project Brings Award to TN Earth Team

What's Up on the Web
USDA/NRCS NewsLinks:
Nation's First Rehabilitation Project for Aging Upstream Dams Dedicated
USDA Marks Earth Day with 11 Clean Water Projects
USDA and HUD Launch Partnership to Promote Urban Greening and Revitalization
Also on the Web:
Americans Have Positive Image of Environmental Movement, Says Gallup Poll
Farm Policy Hearings Info On-line
NRCS Legislative Summaries
The April issue of NACD's District Leader
Conference & Training Connection!
See the alphabetical-by-subject list of upcoming events. Note additions under Soils & Soil Surveys!


Secretary Glickman Announces New Continuous CRP Incentives - Secretary Glickman recently announced a new package of incentives for the continuous CRP sign-up. The new incentives should prove attractive to landowners in many parts of the country. They include:

  • A sign-up bonus for selected buffer practices of $100 per acre for 10-year contracts and $150 per acre for 15-year contracts;
  • A 40-percent incentive on cost-sharing for practice installation;
  • Higher annual maintenance payments per acre in certain circumstances; and
  • A restructured rental rate system that pays landowners more in most cases for installing riparian buffers on marginal pastureland, which includes land that has never been seeded (rangeland).

"Higher payments should persuade more landowners to participate, protecting ever more environmentally sensitive land along streams, rivers, wetlands, and public water supplies," said Glickman. NRCS will help get the word to producers about the new incentives.

The USDA news release ("Glickman Announces Up to $350 Million in Increased Payments for the Conservation Reserve Program's Continuous Signup") and questions and answers sheet can be found at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/pas/news/releases/2000/april.htm For additional information, contact Max Schnepf, NRCS Coordinator for the National Conservation Buffer Initiative, phone: (515) 289-2331, x15, e-mail: maxs@swcs.org

New Carbon Brochure to be Distributed Soon - Within the next couple of weeks, each State will receive multiple copies of a new brochure called "Growing Carbon: A New Crop That Helps Agricultural Producers and the Climate, Too." This brochure will provide groundwork for agency staff and the conservation partnership to understand this important issue and help answer clients' questions. Enough copies will be provided for distribution to technical and professional staffs, RC&D council members, conservation district boards, and other appropriate State agencies and stakeholders. Field offices will receive 40 copies. Additional copies may be downloaded at http://www.swcs.org, or ordered through 888-LANDCARE. If you have any technical questions regarding this brochure, please contact Jeri Berc, Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief for Soil Survey and Resource Assessment, at jeri.berc@usda.gov or on (202) 720-2534.


Senator Joins NRCS, Partners for EWP Project Groundbreaking - U.S. Senator Jack Reed joined Mayor William Macera, State Conservationist Joseph DelVecchio, and several other State, Federal, and local officials in Johnston for a groundbreaking celebration for the Pocasset River restoration project under the EWP program. NRCS supplied technical expertise and engineering services. The cost is estimated to be $25,000. This is the first time in 20 years that EWP has been used in Rhode Island.

A significant rainstorm and Hurricane Floyd last September caused severe erosion to the Pocasset River. Mayor Macera requested Federal assistance to restore a 275-foot section of the river. Jean Lynch, a resident of the Town of Johnston, was instrumental in calling attention to the erosion along the riverbank. Lynch contacted the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD), to inquire whether there were any Federal programs that could help the town. NRICD put her in touch with NRCS and through the EWP Program the riverbank will be restored. A brilliant example of what a local resident can accomplish. Your contact is Jeanne Comerford, Program Support Specialist, on (401) 828-1300.

Landowner, Through FIP Partnership, Protects Parcels in Puget Sound - As the pressures of rapidly increasing human populations continue in the Puget Sound region of Washington State, many timber companies are subdividing their low elevation forest land holdings into 10- and 20-acre parcels. These smaller parcels are then sold to private individuals seeking rural acreage.

Hans Dankers bought one of these parcels in Snohomish County, Washington. The parcel had 15- to 20-year-old Douglas-fir saplings that were competing with each other for light, plus understocked areas that were filling in with red alder trees and brush.

Hans contacted both the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and NRCS for assistance in managing his newly acquired timberland. With outstanding cooperation between the two agencies, Hans applied for and was awarded Forestry Incentives Program cost share for non-commercial thinning and pruning for his property.

An experienced contractor under the guidance of the DNR forester, selected the final crop trees, pruned the limbs from the lower portions of their stems and cut out the trees that were in competition with the selected crop trees.

Hans's excitement about owning the forest property extended to wildlife as well as fiber. He began installing bat boxes on his wooded property under the guidance of a DNR wildlife biologist. Encouraged by his success, Mr. Dankers coordinated a field meeting with the NRCS FIP administrator, a DNR forester, the DNR wildlife biologist, and four of the adjoining landowners. The entourage walked portions of each of the neighbors' forestland. At the end of the field day, two of the adjoining neighbors had signed FIP cost share applications for non-commercial thinning.

Hans Dankers has now purchased additional small parcels of timberland in Snohomish County and has begun the FIP cost share process to bring these parcels into a managed condition.

Your contact is Robert Molleur, NRCS Resource Conservationist, National Headquarters, on 202-720-6521.

NRCS Alaska Aids Bering Sea Restoration Project - NRCS Alaska is collaborating with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on its long-range Bering Sea Restoration Project. NOAA is compiling a comprehensive database of resource information and ecological conditions of coastal lands in the Bering Sea region, and implementing restoration work. Mandated by Congress to restore degraded sites such as oil contaminated soils on the Pribiloff Islands, NOAA is building on existing resource data from Alaska State and Federal agencies. NRCS is providing GIS data from soil and range vegetation surveys on St. Paul Island in the Pribiloffs gathered in assisting the Alaska Native TDX Corporation with reindeer herd management planning. Your contact is J. David Swanson, Alaska State Range Conservationist, on (907) 271-2424.

EQIP Assistance to Landowner Makes News, Springs Springs - Efforts by a Texas Hill Country landowner to improve his land through technical and financial assistance through NRCS' Environmental Quality Incentives Program were broadcast throughout the Austin area on KXAN-TV. NRCS Rangeland Management Specialist Charles Cowsert reports that the landowner used EQIP assistance to clear juniper trees to improve wildlife habitat and diversity and reduce erosion. Property owners in the area report that creeks, seeps, and springs from old sites began to reappear following clearing of juniper trees. Junipers consume large amounts of water and discourage the growth of plants around them. Your contact is H. Harold Bryant, State Public Affairs Specialist, on (254) 742-9811.

In ND, Mobile Learning Lab Teaches Kids Connections to Agriculture - To teach kids about their everyday connections to agriculture, the North Dakota Agriculture in the Classroom Council has renovated a 30-foot-by-8-foot camper trailer to take their show on the road. Christened the "AGcitement," the mobile teaching and learning facility helps students gain a greater understanding of agriculture. It features displays and materials that integrate with science, math, social studies, language arts, and other studies. Exhibits and materials will be changed regularly.

In conjunction with Ag-Earth Week, AGcitement made its debut by travelling to Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot, and Bismarck. It was filled with displays and other materials. The theme of the NRCS display was "Backyard Conservation," which was complete with handouts, bird feeders, and other items.

Initially, staff from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture will travel with the trailer. Plans call for trained volunteers to eventually take over the operation of the mobile facility. Teachers in North Dakota or groups interested in a visit from AGcitement should call the State Agriculture Department on (701) 328-2231. Your contact is Arlene Deustcher, State Public Affairs Specialist, on (701) 530-2099.

South Carolina Initiates Employee Awareness Program Pilot - NRCS South Carolina wrapped up a 1-month Employee Awareness Program pilot project with a Hispanic employee from the West Region. Selected for the detail was Danny Branch, a district conservationist from Cuba, New Mexico. Branch is headquartered in the Calhoun/Richland County Field Office and assists District Conservationist Jim Wilson with technical activities ranging from water quality, nutrient management (AFO/CAFO) to pastureland, cropland, forestland and urban land. South Carolina Hispanic Emphasis Program Manager and soil scientist Dennis DeFrancesco initiated the project to expose conservation professionals to natural resource work being done around the country. Your contact is Perdita Belk, State Public Affairs Specialist, on (803) 765-5402.

NRCS WV Grows Interest in Native Plants - More than 175 people attended the Native Plant Seminar held at Canaan Valley State Park. Native plants that could be used for landscape management and a list of alien and invasive species was compiled. NRCS will continue to work with other groups to further define these issues. Coming up: a meeting will be held for the development of a Web site for sources of plant materials and recommendations. A link will be established to NRCS's PLANTS Web site. Your contact is Peg Reese, State Public Affairs Specialist, on (304) 284-7547.

Forest Insect, Disease CD Available from U of Georgia - Identification of forest insects and diseases, and recognition of their damage are important for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), as well as for training and education. A 300-image photo CD series now available from the University of Georgia can be used to support and assist the implementation of forest IPM in North America. The photographs were taken by many different photographers and were obtained from several image collections as part of a larger project being undertaken by the authors. The high-resolution, full-color Photo CD Image Pac format captures all of the image data contained on 35mm film. A one-user license copy of the Kodak Access 3.1 software for viewing and manipulation of Photo CD images is on CD Vol. 1. Your contacts for more information or to order a CD are Dr. G. K. Douce on (912) 386-3424 and Dr. D. J. Moorhead (912) 386-3418.


STATSGO and SSURGO - From the National Soil Survey Center

State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) - STATSGO is a collection of digitized State General Soil Maps compiled at a scale of 1:250,000 (1:1,000,000 for Alaska) for all lands (private and public) in the United States. STATSGO is extensively used by Federal, State, and local agencies, international groups, and the private sector as a layer in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for making soil interpretations, assessments of soil resources, ecoregion mapping, and policy planning. STATSGO was designed to provide quality soil information, for multi-county, State, multi-State, regional, and national extents.

STATSGO began in 1984. It is used extensively by NRCS, other federal and state agencies, universities, industry, and the general public. Most regional or national soil thematic maps are made using the 1994 STATSGO data.

STATSGO Update Team - The Soil Survey Division has established and given high priority to a STATSGO (State Soil Geographic Database) Update Team for FY 2000. The mission of the STATSGO Update Team is to provide standards and guidance for the development of map data, attribute data, and metadata into a high quality soil geographic database that will better support national, agency and customer needs. The team will focus on data quality, data integration, data delivery in formats compatible with mainstream GIS software and computer platforms, and data use including technical support, user guides and documentation, and software interfaces. STATSGO will be updated to "The Digital General Soil Map of the United States," which is planned for release to the public during FY 2001.

To learn more about STATSGO... - Please visit http://www.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/stat_data.html To participate in online STATSGO update discussions, visit http://www.nssc.nrcs.usda.gov Choose NSSC Discussion Forums in the left frame near the bottom and click Soil Geography.

Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) - Another NRCS digitized soil survey product is SSURGO, a digitized soil survey product for individual counties, parts of counties, or multi-counties at scales generally ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:24,000. SSURGO is designed to provide detailed soil information for farm planning. It is used by NRCS in delivery of conservation programs, such as the Conservation Reserve Program and Environmental Quality Incentive Program, to individual cooperators and landowners. More than 800 soil survey areas are presently digitized. Twenty-six hundred soil surveys are expected to be digitized by 2004.

Please visit http://www.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/ssur_data.html to learn more about SSURGO.


NCRC Holds First Meeting, Addresses Civil Rights Issues - The National Civil Rights Committee (NCRC) recently conducted its first meeting of the year. The meeting, held in Washington, D.C., addressed a variety of issues and concerns presented by States. Included were the needs to fill national SEPM positions, criteria for acceptance into the Graduate Studies program, an NCRC Web page, and evaluation of candidates for the Chief's Civil Rights Award and the National Civil Rights awards.

The NCRC is composed of a diverse group of NRCS employees, who represent the wide variety of grade levels, classifications, races, and ethnic groups that make up the agency. NCRC serves as the sounding board for employees and customers to raise issues and make recommendations to the Chief regarding civil rights in employment, as well as access to programs.

The Committee encourages all employees to bring issues of concern to their State civil rights committee for forwarding to the NCRC. Any civil rights concerns, suggestions, and questions that may have national implications should be sent to Ken Kaneshiro, NCRC chair, at kkaneshiro@hi.nrcs.usda.gov or to any current member of the Committee. There will be a vacancy announcement in the near future to fill a current post on the committee.

Committee members are Terry Cagle, National Headquarters; Barbara Carey, Utah; Clifford Denshire, Wyoming; Ivan Dozier, Illinois; Kenneth Kaneshiro, Hawaii; Virginia C. Lewis, New Mexico; Fernando Garza, Texas; Sharon Gipson, Southeast Regional Office; Irwin J. Russell, North Dakota; Roy Toney, Kentucky; Christina Turner, New Jersey; and Shiraz Vira, Washington.


Wallace Wins Ag Honor Society Award - The NRCS East Region is pleased to announce that Margo Wallace, Connecticut State Conservationist, has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Connecticut Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture. The award was bestowed on Margo at a dinner in her honor on April 4. Your contact is Terry Heide, Northeast Region Public Affairs Specialist, at Terry.Heide@ea.nrcs.usda.gov

Work on Stabilization Project Brings Award to TN Earth Team - NRCS' Rhea County (Tennessee) Earth Team was selected as Volunteer Group of the Year in the Southeast Region for its contributions to the Piney River Streambank Stabilization Project in Spring City. The primary goal of this project was to restore and stabilize the streambank and protect it from further erosion. Streambank stabilization activities will begin about 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence of the Piney River and Watts Bar Reservoir. NRCS and its Earth Team volunteers partnered with Federal, State, and local governments, concerned citizens, and civil organizations to carry out the project, especially representatives and professionals from Spring City, Rhea County, Tennessee Valley Authority, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and Rhea County Soil Conservation District. Your contact is Lavonne Winters, Public Affairs Specialist, on (615) 736-5490.


April 21, 2000

As a service to NRCS personnel and the agency's partners, "NRCS This Week" offers the following by-subject list of conferences and training sessions. To add an event, please send an e-mail message to brad.fisher@usda.gov

Agricultural Engineering
Alternative Agriculture
Carbon Sequestration
Core 4
Employee Organizations
Environmental Education
Executive Women in Government
Farming & Ranching
Flood Control
Grazing Land & Grassland
Land Use
Mining & the Environment
Resource Conservation & Development
Science & Natural Resources
Soils & Soil Surveys
Water Quality

Agricultural Engineering
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 2000 Annual International Meeting
July 9-12
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The theme for this year's meeting is "Engineering Solutions for a New Century." Interact with engineering professionals worldwide; share your ideas, techniques, and research with your peers; and promote the profession of agriculture, food, and engineering. For additional information, contact ASAE at http://www.asae.org, or William Hughey at (202)-720-5023 and william.hughey@usda.gov

Pacific Northwest Regional Poplar Conference
May 9
Spokane, Washington
A regional conference on the expanding opportunities for hybrid poplars in new markets,
wastewater management, carbon credits, strategies for production, culture and management, and economics of dryland and irrigated production. Contact: Janet Kidder on (509) 353-2187, or at janetk@spkol.com by April 28.
Fragmentation 2000-A Conference on Sustaining Private Forests in the 21st Century
September 17-20
Annapolis, Maryland
An examination of the forces that are fragmenting American working lands and forests. Contact: Lester DeCoster on (703) 860-2513, and at lesdecoster@worldnet.att.net To submit papers, contact: Terri Bates at 3325 Rose Lane, Falls Church, Virginia 22042. Her telephone number: (703) 538-1134, and at <Bates-Stasny@erols.com> To get updates, articles, and registration material (coming soon), click on http://www.sampsongroup.com/FragCon/frag_conf.htm
International Poplar Commission 2000 Conference
Sept. 24-30
Portland, Oregon
Will include scientists and practitioners from more than 32 countries. The theme: "Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment." Papers will be presented in working group sessions, including Poplar and Willow Breeding, Diseases, Insects and Other Animal Pests, Production and Environmental Systems, and Logging and Utilization. The Web site is http://www.ncfes.umn.edu/IPC2000/

Alternative Agriculture
Alternative Ag Expo
August 28-29
Sioux City, Nebraska
Will feature locally grown food systems, nutrition, concurrent sessions for farmers, non-farmers, and urban residents. For more information, contact the Nebraska Loess Hills, RC&D Council on (402) 494-3701.

Buffers: Commonsense Conservation for Urbanizing Landscapes
May 9-11
Arbor Day Farm, Nebraska City, Nebraska
For more information, please check the National Arbor Day Foundation's web site on http://www.arborday.org

Carbon Sequestration
Carbon: Exploring the Benefits to Farmers and Society
August 29-31
Des Moines, Iowa
Ag perspectives on emerging policies and technologies involving carbon management and sequestration and other greenhouse gases. Focus on the impacts and benefits of carbon sequestration affecting ag producers, society and the environment. Hear ideas from a cross-section of policy, science, and industry perspectives. Poster abstracts due March 13. Contact Alice Vinsand, conference coordinator, at (515) 225-1051 or email
avinsand@aol.com Complete abstract details and other conference information are available at http://www.cvrcd.org/carbon.htm

Core 4
Core 4 Field Day
June 15
Eminence, Kentucky (near Louisville)
Sponsored by the Shelby and Henry County Conservation Districts on Worth and Dee Ellis Farms. See Core 4 on the job on an award-winning family farm and presentations by USDA and University of Kentucky conservation specialists. For more information, contact Mike Ellis on (502) 845-4740 or by e-mail at wdemike@iglou.com

Valuation 2000
July 10-13
Las Vegas, Nevada
A business, education, and networking conference sponsored by the American Society of Appraisers, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, and the Appraisal Institute. Will focus on environmental concerns and their impact on valuation, technology in valuation and its use, employment, regulatory concerns, trends, and other unique valuation problems. May be the largest gathering of NRCS' resource information customers, especially regarding soil survey. For more information, see http://www.val2000.org/
2000 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Agricultural Economists
July 30-August 2
Tampa, Florida
For meeting information, see http://www.aaea.org/meetings/m2000

Employee Organizations

National Organization of Professional Hispanic NRCS Employees
(NOPHNRCSE) 8th Annual Training Conference
June 26-29
Washington, D.C.
Theme: "Hispanics-The New Dynamic." In conjunction with the Hispanic Emphasis Program Managers (HEPM) and Federal Women Program Managers (FWPM) training sessions. For more information call Gerry Gonzalez (NOPHNRCSE) on (602) 280-8777, Rafael Salazar (HEPM) on (706) 554-5183, or Sheila Greene (FWPM) on (301) 504-2178.

Environmental Education
22nd Annual Natural Resource Societies Science Day
June 7
Washington, D.C.
The event will address projected demographic, technology, and economic trends and their effects on natural resource science and practice.
North American Association for Environmental Education National Conference
October 17-21
South Padre Island, Texas
The conference theme is "Spanning Cultural and Ecological Diversity through Environmental Education." Learn more about the conference, at http://www.naaee.org

The Good in Nature and Humanity: Connecting Science, Religion, and the Natural World
May 11-14
New Haven, Connecticut
An extraordinary gathering at Yale University of scientists, religious, and spiritual
leaders, conservationists, and resource practitioners from around the world. Will examine the divide between faith and reason and its challenge to a future of sustainability. Sponsored by the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, the Yale University Divinity School, the Wilderness Society, and the National Religious Partnership for the Environment. For more information, including a complete list of speakers and a
schedule of events, please visit the conference's Web site at http://www.yale.edu/natureandhumanity/

Executive Women in Government
Reaching Beyond: Governance in the 21st Century
May 24
Washington, D.C.
A futurist's view, CEO best practices, community-based solutions, New High-Tech Tools and more! Prepare yourself for new job opportunities in the next administration with this exciting training conference. Sponsored by Executive Women in Government. Call (703) 941-0023 for details.

Farming & Ranching
The Culture, Economics, and Ecology of Ranching West of the 100th Meridian
May 4-6
Colorado State University at Fort Collins
Will bring together people who practice and help change the culture, ecology, and economics of ranching. Sponsored by NRCS, American Farmland Trust, the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management, The Nature Conservancy, and others. Contact CSU's Office of Conference Services on (970) 491-6222. E-mail messages to Wendell Gilgert at wgilgert@cnr.colostate.edu

Flood Control
Association of State Floodplain Managers' 24th Annual Conference
June 16-23
Austin, Texas
"Floodplain Management 2000 and Beyond: A New Beginning in a New Millenium." For reservations, call (512) 477-1234.

Grazing Land & Grassland
1ST Annual Mid-America Grassland Evaluation Contest
June 5-7
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Open to FFA and 4-H teams, nationwide. Contest includes soil interpretation, plant identification, forage and livestock management, and wildlife habitat management. Sponsored by the Missouri Forage and Grassland Council, in cooperation with NRCS, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and University of Missouri Outreach and Extension. Contact Melodie Marshall on (800) 364-8732x3, or Mark Kennedy on (417) 967-2028.
First National Conference on Grazing Lands
December 5-8
Las Vegas, Nevada
Economic and environmental effects of proper grazing lands management. Sponsored by NACD, Grazing Lands and Public Lands Committee, the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), and others. Abstracts for oral and poster papers accepted until April 1. Contact John W. Peterson, NCGL Program Manager, by phone on (703) 455-4387, or fax at (703) 455-6886, or by e-mail on jwpeterson@erols.com

Land Use
Land Conservation Summit 2000
July 28-29
St. Paul, Minnesota
The conference will advance the debate about private land conservation and the use of conservation easements in the new millennium.

Mining & the Environment
Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste
January 15-18, 2001
Fort Collins, Colorado
A forum for members of the mining community, engineers, and scientists concerned with environmental issues related to tailings and mine waste management. Abstracts due by June 2. To submit an abstract or for more information, contact Linda Hinshaw, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State Univeristy, (970) 491-6081, or at (lhinshaw@engr.colostate.edu


Northern Plains Regional Meeting--National Association of Conservation Districts
June 11-13
Pierre, South Dakota
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
SWCS Annual Conference: Gateway to the Future-Conserving Private Land
July 8-12
St. Louis, Missouri
Information is available on the Soil and Water Conservation Society's Web page at http://www.swcs.org Your contact is Charlie Persinger, SWCS, Director of Member Services, 7515 NE Ankeny Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50021-9764. Voice: (515) 289-2331, ext. 12. Fax: (515) 289-1227. Email: charliep@swcs.org
North Central Regional Meeting--National Association of Conservation Districts
July 9-11
Sault St. Marie, Minnesota
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
South Central Regional Meeting--National Association of Conservation Districts
July 30-August 1
Springdale, Arkansas
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
Northeastern Regional Meeting--National Association of Conservation Districts
August 6-9
South Portland, Maine
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
Southeastern Regional Meeting--National Association of Conservation Districts
August 13-15
Knoxville, Tennessee
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
Southwestern and Pacific Regional Meetings--National Association of Conservation Districts
September 10-12
Reno, Nevada
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
NASDA 2000
September 22-27
Columbus, Ohio
Meeting of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. Contact: Liana Lee, Ohio Department of Agriculture on (614) 466-2732.

Third Biennial Conference on Understanding Each Other and Working Together for a Better Future
October 24-25
Eugene, Oregon
Forum for agricultural interests, government, and environmentalists to discuss issues relevant to agriculture and water quality. Perspectives presented in a non-confrontational forum and others see and understand other points of view. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://www.agwaterqualitynw.org
2001 National Association of Conservation Districts' Annual Meeting
February 4-8
Fort Worth, Texas
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.

Resource Conservation & Development
National Association of RC&D Councils Conference
June 18-21
Ogden, Utah
Your contacts are the National Association of RC&D Councils on (202) 434-4780, and David Spann, Coordinator, Bonneville RC&D Office, 1030 West 5370 South, Murray, Utah 84123. Phone: (801) 262-6838. Fax: (801) 263-3667. E-mail: mpatten@ditell.com
New England Association of RC&D Areas Annual Conference
October 26-29
Newport, Rhode Island
For more information call, please call Susan Arrants at (401) 949-4418.

National River Cleanup Week
June 3-10
Check out the Web site at http://www.americaoutdoors.org/ or contact National River Cleanup Week, P.O. Box 10847, Knoxville, Tennessee 37939. Phone: (865) 558-3595, or fax (865) 558-3598. E-mail amoutdoors@aol.com
International Conference on Wood in World Rivers
October 23-27
Corvallis, Oregon
Sessions on primary research of fluvial processes, synthesis of policies and science to guide management options for rivers, applied research, and conservation perspectives. Co-sponsored by the Wildlife Habitat Management Institute. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://riverwood.orst.edu or contact the Institute's Kathryn Staley at Kathryn.Staley@orst.edu

Science & Natural Resources
Science Day Conference 2000
June 7
Washington, D.C.
Theme for the 22nd annual event is: "Science, Policy, and Values: Natural Resource Decision Making in the New Century." The event will provide resource science professionals opportunities to share ideas on current and emerging issues, and the latest developments in science and technology. Presented by the Washington, D.C., Area Chapters of: American Fisheries Society, Ecological Society of America, Society for Range Management, Society of American Foresters, Soil and Water Conservation Society, The Wildlife Society. Program details, location, registration, and other information is on the Web at: http://www.potomac-afs.org/science_day.html Contact: Bill Boyer on (202) 720-0307.


Soils & Soil Surveys
NEW! Northeast Cooperative Soil Survey Conference
June 19-23
Newport News, Virginia
This conference is a regional work planning activity for the partners and cooperators of the National Cooperative Soil Survey in ME, MD, DE, CT, VT, NH. NJ. NY. PA, RI , VA and WV. Committee planning will discuss soils research needs, soil taxonomy, digitizing/digital map finishing, high intensity/site-specific soil survey standards and hydric soils. For registration and agenda see http://www.conted.vt.edu/soil.htm
NEW! California Forest Soils Council Summer Field Trip
July 27-29
Butte County, California
Participate in an exchange of insights from an ongoing soil survey, private long-term forest management, and the results of research into soil and vegetation responses to treatments such as compaction, organic matter removal, thinning, and fertilization. All of these activities are occuring within a small area near Feather Falls and Challenge. The LTSP research is part of a coordinated North American research network. Contact: David W. Howell, Chair CFSC, at david.howell@ca.usda.gov, or on (707) 822-7133.


Water Quality
Water and Growth in the West
June 7- 9
Boulder, Colorado
The 21st Annual Summer Conference of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Topics include demographics and water-use trends, improved planning and efficient use, implementation of TMDL and ESA requirements, groundwater management, tribal water resources, environmental protection, social costs of water transfers, climatic variability, and related issues. Contact: the Natural Resources Law Center on (303) 492-1272.
Institute for Drinking Water Treatment Conference
July 31-August 2
Northampton, Massachusetts
A contact for this session is Jodi Ozdarski, Institute Secretary, Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-5205. Telephone (413) 545-0685, or fax (413) 545-2202.
7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference
March 25-29, 2001
Reno, Nevada
Will provide Federal and non-Federal scientists and managers from various disciplines the opportunity to discuss recent accomplishments and progress in research and on technical developments in the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of sedimentation. Scheduled are tours, exhibitions, and presentations of papers.

International Conference on Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds
August 27-31
Portland, Oregon
An event of the American Water Resources Association, and co-sponsored by NRCS, this conference will provide a forum for discussion of biological, physical, chemical, social, and economic aspects of riparian areas and stream corridors. For more information, visit http://www.awra.org/meetings/Portland/Portland.html or contact Bruce Newton at the National Water and Climate Center, at bnewton@wcc.nrcs.usda.gov
Seventh National Watershed Conference
May 20-23, 2001
Richmond, Virginia
The theme: "Small Watershed Programs: Past, Present, and Future." This conference will examine our Nation's rich history with upstream small watershed programs and will explore innovative ways of accomplishing watershed project objectives as traditional sources of assistance become harder to get.

Third National Mitigation Banking Conference
May 17-20
Denver, Colorado
Sponsored by the Terrene Institute. Sessions on mitigation banking for wetlands, habitat conservation, introductory mitigation banking, and advanced sessions for practicing bankers. NRCS co-sponsors. For more information, contact the Institute on (800) 726-4853.
Sustainability of Wetlands and Water Resources: How Well Can Riverine Wetlands Continue To Support Society into the 21st Century?
May 23-25
University of Mississippi at Oxford
Information is available at
7th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
November 11-16
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
For information, see http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~conferweb/wpc/


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