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Department of Transportation

2007 and 2008 rates and fees

Hangers and tie-downs

Contact Karol Elwood at 206-205-0683 or to learn about the availability of hangar and tie-down rentals.

Aeronautical, parking, and tie-down fees

Landing fee

Fuel flowage fee

Per-gallon charge on oil companies or fuel distributor companies engaged in the business of selling or delivering aviation fuel to any individual, firm, organization, or the US government at KCIA/Boeing Field.

  Fuel type
Jet A AVGas
2007 $0.075/gallon $0.05/gallon
2008* $0.075/gallon $0.05/gallon

*No change in rates and fees recommended.

2007 parking and tie-down rates

Pounds Rates
  Daily Monthly
0-12,500 5.00 85.00
12,501-60,000 6.00 97.00
60,001-115,000 10.00 149.00
115,001-210,000 15.00 231.00
210,001-350,000 23.00 343.00
350,001-600,000 36.00 539.00
600,000+ 61.00 920.00

2008 parking and tie-down rates

Weight in pounds Common aircraft type First 12 hours Subsequent 12-hour periods Monthly rate
0-12,500 Light GA aircraft 5.00 5.00 90.00
12,501-20,000 GA aircraft 15.00 6.00 137.00
20,001-80,000 Corporate aircraft 25.00 10.00 229.00
80,001-275,000 Narrow-body jets 35.00 14.00 314.00
275,001+ Wide-body jets 61.00 25.00 544.00

If you have any questions concerning rates and fees, call the Business and Finance Office at 296-7436.

Last update: December 14, 2007

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