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Curriculum Vitae Format

Application Information

Full Name:

Mailing Address:

Date & Place of Birth: (City & Country)


Marital Status:

Education: (in chronological order)

  • Colleges, universities, professional schools attended; name and address of institution; years attended; discipline; degree and date
  • Other courses or training; name and address of institution; years attended; discipline; degree and date

Research Experience (in the U.S. and abroad, paid and unpaid):

  • Position title
  • Employer's name and address
  • Supervisor's name and address
  • Start and end dates
  • Salary
  • Brief description duties or research
  • If in the United States, visa status

Special Skills, Accomplishments, and Awards:

  • List special qualifications, skills, or accomplishments; membership in professional or scientific societies; patents or inventions, etc.
  • List all current professional licenses held in the United States and abroad. If foreign medical graduate, list U.S. certification(s), e.g., ECFMG, FLEX.
  • List professional hours and awards and any offices held in professional organizations (e.g., national or international awards, leadership activities, performance awards, etc.)

Research Interests:

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Last Reviewed: July 06, 2007