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Updated 30 July 2007

Climate Action Report 2002
The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
May 2002



Previous and subsequent Climate Action Reports also are available.














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Climate Action Report 2002.   The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [link to Environmental Protection Agency]. On 28 May 2002, the US Government submitted this report to the United Nations in fulfillment of its commitment under the Climate Convention.   Two chapters in this report are based primarily on activities sponsored by the USGCRP. These include:

Chapter 6 [posted on this site].  Which deals with impacts of and potential adaptation to climate change.   Note that in addition to a PDF version of the report, we provide an HTML version that is enhanced with extensive hyperlinks to related documents and Web sites.  Also available: Point-by-point response to comments received on the review draft of Chapter 6

Chapter 8  [posted on this site][PDF]. which provides an overview of the Research Program of the USGCRP and the Climate Change Research Initiative

A draft of the Third Climate Action Report was released for public comment in November 2001. Comments (organized by reviewer) are available online.

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